include_bytes_aligned 0.1.2

A simple macro that embeds the bytes of an external file into the executable and guarantees that they are aligned.
# include_bytes_aligned [![]] [![]]

A simple macro that embeds the bytes of an external file into the executable and
guarantees that they are aligned.

# Usage

include_bytes_aligned!(ALIGNMENT, PATH)

Where `ALIGNMENT` is any integer literal (must be a power of 2), and PATH is a string literal path
to the file to include, just as in [`include_bytes!`](

# Examples

use include_bytes_aligned::include_bytes_aligned;

// Aligns the data to 16 bytes
static DATA: &'static [u8] = include_bytes_aligned!(16, "path/to/file.txt");

# Efficiency

This macro does not copy the bytes or duplicate them. Takes up the same amount of space in memory
as the usual [`include_bytes!`](