include-repo 0.1.0

This crate implements the 'include_repo!' macro for easy AGPL compliance! Include a tarball as a const in your code!


This rust crate implements a macro which embeds the entire git repository the code resides in into the built executable.

Why might you want this? Well, the primary use-case I can think of (and in fact what I built it for) is to provide an AGPL compliance endpoint.

Providing the source code for your software is trivial if the source code is built into the binary.


This crate is easy to use. Simply write the following:

extern crate include_repo;

// Expands to:
// const SOURCE_CODE: [u8; 999] = [128, 80, ...];

// Do whatever you want with 'SOURCE_CODE'; hint, you may wish to use
// `&SOURCE_CODE[..]` since most fnctions don't take fixed-size arrays of exactly
// the length of your repo's size ;)

If you don't wish to include quite every file, that's fine too. For example, if you don't want to include contents in your 'img' and 'third_party' folders, that can be done like so:

extern crate include_repo;

include_repo!(SOURCE_CODE, ".", ":!/img/", ":!/third_party");
// Any valid pathspec (see
// may
// be used. Pathspecs *must* be string literals. Any number may be provided to
// the macro.
// The "." portion is optional on newer versions of git, but for backwards
// compatibility it's best to add it if all other pathspecs are exclusions.


The following assumptions must be true for this crate to work correctly:

  • You use git for version control and have a modern version of git on your path
  • You want your code embedded as a giant const in your binary (not e.g. a static file on disk)
  • You're okay transitively depending on proc-macro-hack


This code is conveniently available under the AGPL.