[][src]Module inc::strings

A string is a blob of UTF-8 encoded bytes prefixed with the length if it.

Strings can be stack or heap allocated but static strings found in the source code is retained as it is in the data section.

Example memory layout:

A literal "hello world" gets statically allocated at offset 4000 along with the length. There is no extra allocation required for the string object after immediate tagging the address as 4005 (4000 | strtag).

| Address | Value         |
| 4000    | 11            |
| 4000    | "hello world" |
|         |               |
| 8000    | 4005          |

The C runtime would get the value 4005 and would identify it as a string with the tag (8005 & mask == strtag). The raw pointer is obtained by removing the tag (p = val - strtag) and length is found at the base addresses (*p) and the data at (*p + 1). fwrite can safely print the exact number of bytes using the length and pointer.

TODO: Consider switching to SDS. https://github.com/antirez/sds



Evaluate a string object


Inline static strings in source directly into the binary


Allocate a string object in heap with a specific size