imgui 0.0.15

High-level Rust bindings to dear imgui
# imgui-rs: Rust bindings for ImGui

**Still fairly experimental!**

Minimum Rust version: 1.17

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![Hello world](hello_world.png)

ui.window(im_str!("Hello world"))
    .size((300.0, 100.0), ImGuiSetCond_FirstUseEver)
    .build(|| {
        ui.text(im_str!("Hello world!"));
        let mouse_pos = ui.imgui().mouse_pos();
        ui.text(im_str!("Mouse Position: ({:.1},{:.1})", mouse_pos.0, mouse_pos.1));

## Currently implemented things

* Low-level API (imgui-sys)
* Renderer for easy integration with [Glium] projects (optional)
* Parts of high-level API
* Not horrible way of defining and passing null-terminated UTF-8 to ImGui.
  The macro `im_str!` needs to be used most of the time. For more
  information and justification for this design, please see [issue #7]
* Parts of imgui\_demo.cpp reimplemented in Rust as an API usage example (examples/test\_window\

## Important but unimplemented things

* Documentation (rustdoc)
* Support passing a custom Program to Glium renderer (e.g. from a shader cache, or custom shader)

## Core design questions and current choices

* Closures VS begin/end pairs (current choice: closures)
* Mutable references VS return values (current choice: mutable references)
* Passing around Ui<'ui> VS passing around &'ui Ui (current choice: Ui<'ui>)
* Splitting the API to smaller pieces VS all draw calls in Ui (current choice: all draw calls in Ui)
* Builder pattern for optional arguments VS something else (current choice: builder)
* Mutation functions in builders VS self-consuming functions in builders (current choice: self-consuming)

## Compiling and running the demos

Examples are under the imgui-examples directory.

    git clone
    cd imgui-rs
    git submodule update --init --recursive
    cd imgui-examples
    cargo test

    cargo run --example hello_world
    cargo run --example test_window
    cargo run --example test_window_impl

Note to Windows users:  You will need to use the *MSVC ABI* version of the Rust compiler along
with its associated [dependencies]( to
build this libary and run the examples.

## How to contribute

1. Change or add something
2. Run rustfmt to guarantee code style conformance

        cargo install rustfmt
        cargo fmt -- --write-mode=overwrite

3. Open a pull request in Github

## License

Licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or

at your option.

Uses [ImGui]( and [cimgui](

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally
submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0
license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or