imgui-wgpu 0.19.0

A wgpu render backend for imgui-rs.
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is loosely based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to cargo's version of [Semantic Versioning](

Per Keep a Changelog there are 6 main categories of changes:
- Added
- Changed
- Deprecated
- Removed
- Fixed
- Security

#### Table of Contents

- [Unreleased]#unreleased
- [v0.19.0]#v0190
- [v0.18.0]#v0180
- [v0.17.2]#v0172
- [v0.17.1]#v0171
- [v0.17.0]#v0170
- [v0.16.0]#v0160
- [v0.15.1]#v0151
- [v0.15.0]#v0150
- [v0.14.0]#v0140
- [v0.13.1]#v0131
- [v0.13.0]#v0130
- [v0.12.0]#v0120
- [Diffs]#diffs

## Unreleased

## v0.19.0

Released 2021-12-30

### Changed
- Split up render into two internal functions, `prepare` and `split_render`.
- Add `SamplerDesc` to TextureConfig

### Updated
- updated wgpu dependency to `0.12`

### Removed
- unreleased `simple-api` and moved to

## v0.18.0

Released 2021-10-08

## v0.17.2

Released 2021-10-08

#### Updated
- updated wgpu dependency to `>=0.10,<0.12`

## v0.17.1

Released 2021-09-22

#### Updated
- updated imgui dependency to `>=0.1,<0.9`

#### Removed
- unstable simple-api is now it's own, unpublished, crate.

## v0.17.0

Released 2021-09-04

#### Changed
- Internal: translate shaders from SPIR-V to WGSL

#### Updated
- updated `wgpu` to 0.10

#### Fixed
- Internal: fix all warnings from static analysis (clippy).
- Internal: Do not render draw commands that fall outside the framebuffer
- Internal: Avoid wgpu logic error by not rendering empty clip rects

## v0.16.0

Released 2021-07-14

#### Added
- Internal: Vastly improved CI and release process.
- Internal: PR and Issue Templates

#### Changed
- Examples: Use `env_logger` instead of `wgpu-subscriber`
- Examples: Use `pollster` as block_on provider instead of `futures`

#### Fixed
- Rendering to multi-sampled images no longer errors.
- Examples: Simple API examples now properly depend on that feature existing.

#### Updated
- updated `wgpu` to 0.9

## v0.15.1

Released 2021-05-08

#### Fixed
- removed hack due to wgpu bug

#### Updated
- updated `wgpu` to 0.8.1

## v0.15.0

Released 2021-05-08

#### Updated
- updated `wgpu` to 0.8

## v0.14.0

Released 2021-02-12

#### Updated
- updated `imgui` to 0.7

## v0.13.1

Released 2021-02-01

#### Fixed
- Readme

## v0.13.0

Released 2021-02-01

#### Added
- Add experimental simple api behind feature `simple_api_unstable`
- Implemented `std::error::Error` for `RendererError`

#### Updated
- updated to `wgpu` 0.7
- support `winit` 0.24 as well as 0.23

## v0.12.0

Released 2020-11-21

#### Added
- A changelog!
- Shaders are now SRGB aware. Choose `RendererConfig::new()` to get shaders outputting in linear color
  and `RendererConfig::new_srgb()` for shaders outputting SRGB.

#### Updated
- `imgui` to `0.6`.
- `winit` to `0.23`

#### Removed
- GLSL shaders and `glsl-to-spirv`. If you want a custom shader, provide custom spirv to `RendererConfig::with_shaders()`, however you must generate it.

## Diffs

- [Unreleased]
- [v0.19.0]
- [v0.18.0]
- [v0.17.2]
- [v0.17.1]
- [v0.17.0]
- [v0.16.0]
- [v0.15.1]
- [v0.15.0]
- [v0.14.0]
- [v0.13.1]
- [v0.13.0]
- [v0.12.0]