imgui-wgpu 0.12.0

A wgpu render backend for imgui-rs.
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is loosely based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to cargo's version of [Semantic Versioning](

- [Unreleased]#unreleased
- [v0.12.0]#v0120
- [Diffs]#diffs

## Unreleased

## v0.12.0

Released 2020-11-21

#### Added

- A changelog!
- Shaders are now SRGB aware. Choose `RendererConfig::new()` to get shaders outputting in linear color 
  and `RendererConfig::new_srgb()` for shaders outputting SRGB.	

#### Updated

- `imgui` to `0.6`.
- `winit` to `0.23`

#### Removed

- GLSL shaders and `glsl-to-spirv`. If you want a custom shader, provide custom spirv to `RendererConfig::with_shaders()`, however you generate it.

## Diffs

- [Unreleased]
- [v0.12.0]