imgui-glfw-rs 0.2.1

ImGui imput handling for GLFW
//! ImGui input handling for Glfw.
//! # Example
//! You can run this example with `cargo run --example helloworld`
//! ```rust
//! use glfw::Context;
//! use imgui::{im_str, FontGlyphRange, ImFontConfig, ImGui, ImGuiCond};
//! use imgui_glfw_rs::ImguiGLFW;
//! fn main() {
//!     let mut glfw = glfw::init(glfw::FAIL_ON_ERRORS).unwrap();
//!     glfw.window_hint(glfw::WindowHint::ContextVersion(3, 3));
//!     let (mut window, events) = glfw
//!         .create_window(
//!             1024,
//!             768,
//!             "imgui-glfw-rs example",
//!             glfw::WindowMode::Windowed,
//!         )
//!         .expect("Failed to create window");
//!     window.make_current();
//!     window.set_framebuffer_size_polling(true);
//!     window.set_cursor_pos_polling(true);
//!     window.set_scroll_polling(true);
//!     window.set_mouse_button_polling(true);
//!     window.set_char_polling(true);
//!     window.set_key_polling(true);
//!     gl::load_with(|symbol| window.get_proc_address(symbol) as *const _);
//!     unsafe {
//!         gl::Enable(gl::BLEND);
//!         gl::BlendFunc(gl::SRC_ALPHA, gl::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
//!         gl::Enable(gl::DEPTH_TEST);
//!         gl::DepthFunc(gl::LESS);
//!         gl::ClearColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0);
//!     }
//!     let mut imgui = ImGui::init();
//!     imgui.fonts().add_default_font_with_config(
//!         ImFontConfig::new()
//!             .oversample_h(1)
//!             .pixel_snap_h(true)
//!             .size_pixels(24.),
//!     );
//!     imgui.fonts().add_font_with_config(
//!         include_bytes!("../res/OpenSans-Regular.ttf"),
//!         ImFontConfig::new()
//!             .merge_mode(true)
//!             .oversample_h(1)
//!             .pixel_snap_h(true)
//!             .size_pixels(24.)
//!             .rasterizer_multiply(1.75),
//!         &FontGlyphRange::japanese(),
//!     );
//!     imgui.set_font_global_scale(1.);
//!     let mut imgui_glfw = ImguiGLFW::new(&mut imgui);
//!     let renderer =
//!         imgui_opengl_renderer::Renderer::new(&mut imgui, |s| window.get_proc_address(s) as _);
//!     while !window.should_close() {
//!         window.make_current();
//!         unsafe {
//!             gl::Clear(gl::COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl::DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
//!         }
//!         let ui = imgui_glfw.frame(&mut window, &mut imgui);
//!         ui.window(im_str!("Hello world"))
//!             .size((400., 0.), ImGuiCond::Once)
//!             .build(|| {
//!                 ui.text(im_str!("Hello world!"));
//!                 ui.text(im_str!("こんにちは世界!"));
//!                 ui.text(im_str!("!"));
//!                 ui.separator();
//!                 let mouse_pos = ui.imgui().mouse_pos();
//!                 ui.text(im_str!(
//!                     "Mouse Position: ({:.1},{:.1})",
//!                     mouse_pos.0,
//!                     mouse_pos.1
//!                 ));
//!             });
//!         renderer.render(ui);
//!         window.swap_buffers();
//!         glfw.poll_events();
//!         for (_, event) in glfw::flush_messages(&events) {
//!             imgui_glfw.handle_event(&mut imgui, &event);
//!         }
//!     }
//! }
//! ```

use glfw::{Action, Key, Modifiers, MouseButton, StandardCursor, Window, WindowEvent};
use imgui::sys as imgui_sys;
use imgui::{ImGui, ImGuiKey, ImGuiMouseCursor};
use std::time::Instant;

pub struct ImguiGLFW {
    last_frame: Instant,
    mouse_press: [bool; 5],
    cursor_pos: (f64, f64),
    cursor: (ImGuiMouseCursor, Option<StandardCursor>),

impl ImguiGLFW {
    pub fn new(imgui: &mut ImGui) -> Self {
            let io = unsafe { &mut *imgui_sys::igGetIO() };
            io.clipboard_user_data = std::ptr::null_mut();

            imgui.set_imgui_key(ImGuiKey::Tab, Key::Tab as u8);
            imgui.set_imgui_key(ImGuiKey::LeftArrow, Key::Left as u8);
            imgui.set_imgui_key(ImGuiKey::RightArrow, Key::Right as u8);
            imgui.set_imgui_key(ImGuiKey::UpArrow, Key::Up as u8);
            imgui.set_imgui_key(ImGuiKey::DownArrow, Key::Down as u8);
            imgui.set_imgui_key(ImGuiKey::PageUp, Key::PageUp as u8);
            imgui.set_imgui_key(ImGuiKey::PageDown, Key::PageDown as u8);
            imgui.set_imgui_key(ImGuiKey::Home, Key::Home as u8);
            imgui.set_imgui_key(ImGuiKey::End, Key::End as u8);
            imgui.set_imgui_key(ImGuiKey::Delete, Key::Delete as u8);
            imgui.set_imgui_key(ImGuiKey::Backspace, Key::Backspace as u8);
            imgui.set_imgui_key(ImGuiKey::Enter, Key::Enter as u8);
            imgui.set_imgui_key(ImGuiKey::Escape, Key::Escape as u8);
            imgui.set_imgui_key(ImGuiKey::A, Key::A as u8);
            imgui.set_imgui_key(ImGuiKey::C, Key::C as u8);
            imgui.set_imgui_key(ImGuiKey::V, Key::V as u8);
            imgui.set_imgui_key(ImGuiKey::X, Key::X as u8);
            imgui.set_imgui_key(ImGuiKey::Y, Key::Y as u8);
            imgui.set_imgui_key(ImGuiKey::Z, Key::Z as u8);

        Self {
            last_frame: Instant::now(),
            mouse_press: [false; 5],
            cursor_pos: (0., 0.),
            cursor: (ImGuiMouseCursor::None, None),

    pub fn handle_event(&mut self, imgui: &mut ImGui, event: &WindowEvent) {
        match *event {
            WindowEvent::MouseButton(mouse_btn, action, _) => {
                let index = match mouse_btn {
                    MouseButton::Button1 => 0,
                    MouseButton::Button2 => 1,
                    MouseButton::Button3 => 2,
                    MouseButton::Button4 => 3,
                    MouseButton::Button5 => 4,
                    _ => 0,
                let press = action != Action::Release;
                self.mouse_press[index] = press;
            WindowEvent::CursorPos(w, h) => {
                imgui.set_mouse_pos(w as f32, h as f32);
                self.cursor_pos = (w, h);
            WindowEvent::Scroll(_, d) => {
                imgui.set_mouse_wheel(d as f32);
            WindowEvent::Char(character) => {
            WindowEvent::Key(_, scancode, action, modifier) => {
                Self::set_mod(imgui, modifier);
                if action != Action::Release {
                    imgui.set_key(scancode as u8, true);
                } else {
                    imgui.set_key(scancode as u8, false);
            _ => {}

    pub fn frame<'a>(&mut self, window: &mut Window, imgui: &'a mut ImGui) -> imgui::Ui<'a> {
        let mouse_cursor = imgui.mouse_cursor();
        if imgui.mouse_draw_cursor() || mouse_cursor == ImGuiMouseCursor::None {
            self.cursor = (ImGuiMouseCursor::None, None);
        } else {
            if mouse_cursor != self.cursor.0 {
                let cursor = match mouse_cursor {
                    ImGuiMouseCursor::None => unreachable!("mouse_cursor was None!"),
                    ImGuiMouseCursor::Arrow => StandardCursor::Arrow,
                    ImGuiMouseCursor::TextInput => StandardCursor::IBeam,
                    ImGuiMouseCursor::Move => StandardCursor::Hand,
                    ImGuiMouseCursor::ResizeNS => StandardCursor::VResize,
                    ImGuiMouseCursor::ResizeEW => StandardCursor::HResize,
                    ImGuiMouseCursor::ResizeNESW => StandardCursor::Crosshair,
                    ImGuiMouseCursor::ResizeNWSE => StandardCursor::Crosshair,


        let now = Instant::now();
        let delta = now - self.last_frame;
        let delta_s = delta.as_secs() as f32 + delta.subsec_nanos() as f32 / 1_000_000_000.0;
        self.last_frame = now;

        let window_size = window.get_size();
        let frame_size = imgui::FrameSize {
            logical_size: (window_size.0 as f64, window_size.1 as f64),
            hidpi_factor: 1.0,
        let ui = imgui.frame(frame_size, delta_s);


    fn set_mod(imgui: &mut ImGui, modifier: Modifiers) {