[][src]Module imgui_ext::tree

tree(...) docs.

Annotation to build static Tree UIs.

This is a rather complex annotation. It's not meant to be used extensively though..

Optional params

  • label = ".." mode label.
  • flags = ".." path to a function returning ImGuiTreeNodeFlags, which is used to customize how a tree node looks.
  • node(..) list of widget annotations.
  • cond One of the [Condition] variants.


use imgui::{ImGuiTreeNodeFlags, ImString};

pub struct Tree {
        label = "Sliders",
        cond = "FirstUseEver",
        flags = "flags",
    sliders: Sliders,
    #[imgui(tree(label = "Inputs", flags = "flags", node(nested)))]
    inputs: Inputs,
    #[imgui(tree(label = "Color picker", flags = "flags", node(color(picker))))]
    color: [f32; 3],

fn flags() -> ImGuiTreeNodeFlags {

pub struct Sliders {
    #[imgui(text("Slider widgets:"), slider(min = 0.0, max = 3.0))]
    s1: f32,
    #[imgui(slider(min = "-4", max = 4))]
    s2: [i32; 3],
    #[imgui(slider(min = "-1.0", max = 1.0))]
    s3: [f64; 2],

pub struct Inputs {
    #[imgui(text("Input widgets:"), input)]
    i1: f32,
    i2: imgui::ImString,
    i3: [f32; 8],
