[][src]Crate imex

A library for merging multiple iterators into one iterator, with the optional use of an IMEx, or Iterator-Merging-Expression, for controlling the merge.

Writing an IMEx

IMEx is based off of RegEx. A quick reference of IMEx syntax:

  • Digits - indicates the index of the iterator to consume an item from
  • () - defines a group
  • * - repeats the previous digit/group until the relevant iterator(s) are exhausted
  • {x} - repeats the previous digit/group x times, or until the relevant iterator(s) are exhausted.

Example IMExes

"0110" on two iterators: results in a merged iterator that starts with the first item of the first iterator, then the first two items of the second iterator, then the second item of the first iterator

"(01)*" on two iterators: results in a merged iterator whose elements alternate between the elements of the input iterators until they are both exhausted.

"(012){4}(122)*" on three iterators: results in a merged iterator whose elements rotate through the elements of the input iterators 4 times, then picks an element of the second iterator followed by two elements of the third repeatedly until they are both exhausted.

Example Usage

use imex::IMExMerges;

let iter1 = "123456".chars();
let iter2 = "abc".chars();

let merged = iter1
    .imex_merge(iter2, "0(01){4}")
    .expect("Invalid IMEx")

assert_eq!(merged, "12a3b4c5");

There are alternatives for imex_merge for merging more than 2 iterators or using the default alternating/rotating IMEx. These functions can be found here:



This module contains objects for representing an IMEx.



An iterator that lazily merges other iterators using an IMEx. The result of using the merge functions defined on the IMExMerges trait.



Trait for merging iterators into an IMExIter