[][src]Crate imex

A library for merging multiple iterators into one iterator, with the optional use of an IMEx, or Iterator-Merging-Expression, for controlling the merge.

Writing an IMEx

IMEx is based off of RegEx. A quick reference of IMEx syntax:

  • Digits - indicates the index of the iterator to consume an item from
  • () - defines a group
  • * - repeats the previous digit/group until the relevant iterator(s) are exhausted
  • {x} - repeats the previous digit/group x times, or until the relevant iterator(s) are exhausted.

Example IMExes

"0110" on two iterators: results in a merged iterator that starts with the first item of the first iterator, then the first two items of the second iterator, then the second item of the first iterator

"(01)*" on two iterators: results in a merged iterator whose elements alternate between the elements of the input iterators until they are both exhausted.

"(012){4}(122)*" on three iterators: results in a merged iterator whose elements rotate through the elements of the input iterators 4 times, then picks an element of the second iterator followed by two elements of the third repeatedly until they are both exhausted.

Example Usage

use ::imex::*;

let iter1 = "123456".chars();
let iter2 = "abc".chars();

let merged = iter1
    .imex_merge(iter2, "0(01){4}")
    .expect("Invalid IMEx")
    .map(|e| e.expect("Index out of range"))

assert_eq!(merged, "12a3b4c5");

There are alternatives for imex_merge for merging more than 2 iterators or using the default alternating/rotating IMEx. These functions can be found here:


pub use self::imex::IMEx;
pub use iter::IMExIter;
pub use merges::IMExMerges;

