imdl 0.1.13

📦 A 40' shipping container for the internet

[v0.1.13]( - 2023-08-20
- :bookmark: [`800d082ac9e3`] Release v0.1.13 (#518) - _[atomgardner]mailto:tom@faff.stream_
- :sparkles: [`a88f0eed688a`] Add a `torrent from-link` subcommand (#511) - _[atomgardner]mailto:tom@faff.stream_
- :sparkles: [`50d5a9352dd0`] Add a `torrent announce` subcommand (#510) - _[atomgardner]mailto:tmg@fastmail.com_
- :bug: [`660c63101cd0`] Update dependency (openssl-sys) (#514) - _[atomgardner]mailto:tmg@fastmail.com_
- :package: [`9b434039e1af`] Fix install script (#509) - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :bug: [`984543fcb9ad`] Don't export rustflags - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :bug: [`6c4805890b49`] Pass rustflags consistently - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`b82ccf1882a4`] Add `--base-directory` to `imdl torrent verify` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`379a001f47ec`] Fix warnings and clippy errors - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`2346c30fec91`] Add Scoop package to README - _[Pika]mailto:15848969+ThatNerdyPikachu@users.noreply.github.com_
- :art: [`452486a7823d`] Placate clippy - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :white_check_mark: [`61bbd3bad521`] Skip generating changelog in tests - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`76ea6e5ed712`] Tweak MetainfoDecode error message - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`a7e0995c7d25`] Replace deprecated add path command - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`05ba87039b6b`] Add Void Linux package to README - _[Pika]mailto:15848969+ThatNerdyPikachu@users.noreply.github.com_
- :sparkles: [`97ab785b7c22`] Implement FromStr for MagnetLink - _[Thomas Gardner]mailto:tmg@fastmail.com_
- :zap: [`a787d6a964ed`] Update clippy restrictions - _[Thomas Gardner]mailto:tmg@fastmail.com_
- :wrench: [`fa78cba0a559`] Fix build fix - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`1e4d224dcbbe`] Fix publish recipe - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_

[v0.1.12]( - 2020-10-03
- :bookmark: [`164a87d7ad45`] Release v0.1.12 - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`0c17c3da4973`] Optionally print torrent details as JSON - _[Celeo]mailto:mattboulanger@fastmail.com_
- :books: [`70c1f4e57ccd`] Center README header items - _[Celeo]mailto:mattboulanger@fastmail.com_
- :wrench: [`06b6d2200535`] Switch mdbook version back to latest - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`42e20a4a6ad3`] Suppress stderr output if --quiet is passed - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`39dcb5e18348`] Don't treat head as special in changelog - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`2d226cf01675`] Make changelog author more concise - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_

[v0.1.11]( - 2020-09-07
- :bookmark: [`8ca27652591d`] Release v0.1.11 - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :bug: [`7ca9ed62d5c9`] Mark `Info::infohash` as potentially lossy - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`dbb0eac96daa`] Update clippy lint names - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`a2a4ea143008`] Mark tags that start with `v` as releases - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`a53c2bc5dbfd`] Remove Keybase and IRC links from readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_

[v0.1.10]( - 2020-06-24
- :bookmark: [`705014c87ea4`] Release v0.1.10 - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`04b58464c98c`] Add `--no-git` flag to `gen book` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_

[v0.1.9]( - 2020-06-24
- :bookmark: [`5951139fdfb5`] Release v0.1.9 - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`047b36639db7`] Add `--no-git` flag to `gen all` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :racehorse: [`6f4f8e759541`] Improve verification performance - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_

[v0.1.8]( - 2020-05-26
- :bookmark: [`9dea195694b4`] Release v0.1.8 - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`f832605d8139`] Document benchmarks in readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :racehorse: [`4e6b475470d0`] Benchmark and improve hashing performance - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`1b2d79b4a519`] Split crate into a binary and a library - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :heavy_minus_sign: [`c1c8d3cb89c3`] Move `data` crate to its own repo - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`173c0e5ac5c7`] Initial commit of the `data` crate - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`213624cf8eca`] Metainfo refactoring - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`f4f7a69069b4`] Add `co-authored-by` field to commit metadata - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`e7872f56f227`] Move all output from `bin/gen` to `target/gen` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`bf29d74b3eeb`] Add changelog to book - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`60a72cf0576d`] Add color to `bin/gen` error messages - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`8dfdbe43dff2`] Add `bin/gen` command to diff generated content - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`342266853e08`] Improve bin/gen error messages - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`e396b7f07106`] Don't commit changelog - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`f1514dd30194`] Add support for BEP 39. - Fixes [#98] - _[Annie Cherkaev]mailto:annie.cherk@gmail.com_
- :books: [`d077da405e1f`] Improve documentation - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`f8711a79a3d9`] Improve the done and merge recipes - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`97ee5684f8e0`] Don't invalid build cache when `Cargo.lock` changes - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`c75ec39b14bb`] Remove watch dropdown image from readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`8fbe39726fe6`] Add notes for packagers to readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :bug: [`43788cac9a0c`] Fix `bin/package` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_

[v0.1.7]( - 2020-04-22
- :bookmark: [`f217ac659a14`] Release v0.1.7 - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`25ac072985f8`] Allow positional input to `imdl torrent show` - Fixes [#375] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :bug: [`cecd2f66a5d6`] Fix help strings - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`ebec2d591a7a`] Allow positional shell to `imdl completions` - Fixes [#375] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`134c241ae7f8`] Use `lexiclean` crate for lexical path cleaning - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`323434d0aa21`] Allow positional input to `imdl torrent verify` - Fixes [#375] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`5ba885dbc4f2`] Take input to `imdl torrent create` as positional - Fixes [#375] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`c22df5a08326`] Don't commit man pages - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`4d67d3a10d17`] Don't commit the book - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`28114c3d64dd`] Don't commit shell completion scripts - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`4f4464e3a2a7`] Get `st_flags` from `MetadataExt` on MacOS - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`deca555ac3b3`] Allow suppressing output with `--quiet` - Fixes [#174] - _[Celeo]mailto:celeodor@gmail.com_
- :books: [`838167c4d3bc`] Describe in FAQ creating torrent from git repo - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`9b72873ed13e`] Optionally respect `.gitignore` in `imdl torrent create` - Fixes [#378] - _[Celeo]mailto:celeodor@gmail.com_
- :books: [`9f480624616b`] Improve FAQ template - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`1380290eb8e2`] Make `publish-check` recipe stricter - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_

[v0.1.6]( - 2020-04-20
- :bookmark: [`85246d816c93`] Release v0.1.6 - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`1cb11786724a`] Create FAQ - Fixes [#397] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`65597c98510b`] Add `--terminal` override terminal autodetection - Fixes [#398] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`70dbe93c6ab0`] Note install script only works on Linux and MacOS - Fixes [#371] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`b67a2f1885c9`] Fix 404.css link - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`87687f4decbb`] Add custom 404 page to site - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`09b0ee316c03`] Document piece length selection algorithm ([#392] - Fixes [#367] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`3ed449ce9325`] Generate reference sections with `bin/gen` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`a6bf75279181`] Use `invariant` instead of `unwrap` and `expect` - Fixes [#167] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :white_check_mark: [`faf46c0f0e6f`] Test that globs match torrent contents - Fixes [#377] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`0a754d0bcfcf`] Add manual Arch install link - Fixes [#373] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`0a870ed2ee2c`] Get current time early when creating torrents - Fixes [#207] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`9098d3684032`] Readme improvements - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`04338e3501af`] Merge documentation and changelog generation - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`1f8023d13a39`] Fix directory link in README - _[Matt Boulanger]mailto:Celeo@users.noreply.github.com_
- :sparkles: [`cb8b5a691945`] Partially implement BEP 53 - Fixes [#245] - _[strickinato]mailto:aaronstrick@gmail.com_
- :books: [`6185d6c8a27c`] Add table of packages to readme ([#372] - Fixes [#369] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`ddf097c83690`] Fix `publish` recipe ([#368] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_

[v0.1.5]( - 2020-04-11
- :bookmark: [`707fdea21d61`] Release v0.1.5 ([#366] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :bug: [`727d5c102840`] Fix Z Shell completions ([#365] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`f05807290b31`] Render command help text in book to avoid wrapping ([#364] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`ed34ff48a740`] Add `fuchsi/maketorrent` to prior art table ([#362] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`a3f46187229f`] Rename distributing large datasets ([#361] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`1c9ff0cde491`] Add suggestions for distributing large datasets to book ([#360] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :white_check_mark: [`ff6f6d4c3de1`] Test that `--glob`s match entire file paths ([#357] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`b914c175949f`] Add buildtorretn to prior art section of book ([#355] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_

[v0.1.4]( - 2020-04-10
- :bookmark: [`f070c62b12f5`] Release v0.1.4 ([#354] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :bug: [`4dfe537fa515`] Prevent progress bar from overflowing ([#353] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :package: [`a67eb72848c9`] Improve and documentation ([#352] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`e54bdeb95d93`] Remove use of unreachable in favor of internal errors ([#351] - Fixes [#188] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`52b78b90f675`] Improve badges ([#350] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_

[v0.1.3]( - 2020-04-10
- :bookmark: [`8e6a2b0034de`] Release v0.1.3 - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`268c62b66d46`] Add `bin/man` command for generating man pages - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`14fff1d888a3`] Make smaller demo for readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`4f8b6a212e80`] Improve demo GIF - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_

[v0.1.2]( - 2020-04-08
- :bookmark: [`685883f02698`] Release v0.1.2 - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`03a993516481`] Skip fixup commits in changelog - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`a395052f7c22`] Deduplicate progress style string - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`db2a2ac4f556`] Refactor demo recipe in justfile into multiple recipes - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`92748f9fd4e6`] Make changelog generator strict ([#341] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`c33446b48135`] Generate changelog from git history ([#337] - Fixes [#336] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`6edab1fa3fa8`] Use `TestEnv::assert_ok` everywhere - Fixes [#330] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`8e3f5516aff8`] Use attractive paths in user-facing messages - Fixes [#252], [#332] - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :bug: [`1cfc0214536c`] Forbid empty input, output, and path targets - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`c23b0635ee25`] Add ability to create single-file torrents from stdin - _[Eric Siegel]mailto:siegel.eric@gmail.com_
- :wrench: [`796024bec9a0`] Split automerge functionality into `merge` recipe - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`4aa8f47da5d8`] Add "Metadata/Prior Art" section to book - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`4c90bc41c3a2`] Rewrite `pr` recipe to merge when CI passes - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`b16da8da5a85`] Rewrite `done` recipe for new merge workflow - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`9d43fa427597`] Fix link to rodarmor's PGP key in readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`543524b96de4`] Mention signature policy in readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`f17527e58ee6`] Use single-quoted strings in justfile - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`25153990817f`] Cache build artifacts - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`83ee172b72cf`] Create section for bittorrent book chapters - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`2ba24bb98528`] Add description of UDP tracker protocol to book - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`57e482f4b32b`] Record demo for readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`a5e127318747`] Update man page with new version number - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_

[v0.1.1]( - 2020-04-08
- :bookmark: [`93c23d29f24b`] Release v0.1.1 - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`3131b0d56c7f`] Generate man page with from `--help` with `help2man` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`8c30205b0263`] Add shell completion scripts - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`e69c65a38b6a`] Remove errant torrent file - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_

[v0.1.0]( - 2020-04-08
- :bookmark: [`328a3adeafe3`] Release v0.1.0 - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`97018031c1ab`] Introduce "sort specs" to allow fine-grained sorting of files in torrents - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`362a81d42fb9`] Use `strum` crate to derive enum↔string conversions - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`6996d1a3eac8`] List supported OSs in readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`4f7eead16a9a`] Link to blog post in readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`1cd6c276fdf7`] Allow sorting files in torrents - _[Eric]mailto:siegel.eric@gmail.com_
- :wrench: [`687a863b45a5`] Add `cargo install cargo-watch` to dev-deps recipe - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :package: [`4b6191773aab`] Fix condition in GHA workflow - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`b27ecf1c09d6`] Only deploy site during linux run of CI build - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`b6cb3d389c98`] Go back to sans-serif `I` in site logo - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`ef1acd58c105`] Use serifed `I` for intermodal on site - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`4fc0f508e6a0`] Add glow to `intermodal` letters on site - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`89e97144e958`] Improve readme intro - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`6d5f489f1934`] Add links to site - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`6328118c0052`] Use `open` crate to open files and URLs - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`35d90adab4fd`] Rename `www/head` to `www/head.txt` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`0469f7fecd29`] Record current git revision in `www/head` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`972a1ec6288c`] Merge Github Actions workflows - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :white_check_mark: [`151d912156c7`] Deny warnings in GitHub Actions main workflow build - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`e91b419af532`] Improve book - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`1e5c19d02b5d`] Add GitHub Actions workflow to build book and push to github pages - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :bug: [`b96c27e9b123`] Fix build errors - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :package: [`4cbeca802ac2`] Add additional documents to release archive - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_

[v0.0.3]( - 2020-04-08
- :bookmark: [`5d4baa22eacb`] Release v0.0.3 - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :package: [`86aeec3ce90f`] Fix release process issues - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_

[v0.0.2]( - 2020-04-08
- :bookmark: [`8b3954ff9965`] Release v0.0.2 - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`498549b35c2f`] Allow reading torrent metainfo from stdin - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`1c84172ad48a`] Skip torrent file creation with `imdl torrent create --dry-run` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`7e3a53ce52de`] Make `just done` default to current branch - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`0d7c1c0c279e`] Print magnet link to stdout with `--link` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`901fa150ff54`] Indicate BEP 9 support in readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`d8055c6e6a6c`] Allow opening magnet links after creation - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`aeb9d8b31721`] Add name and peers to magnet links - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`57a358e4580f`] Allow creating magnet links with `imdl torrent link` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`0b486cc6817c`] Update BEP list in readme with new issue links - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`3257614c4fff`] Print correct and incorrect MD5 checksums in color - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :package: [`1cac9ab9246f`] Use imdl-indicatif - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :white_check_mark: [`0033e8381f59`] Test `imdl torrent verify` output - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`2ea5e0b3840d`] Deny `clippy::too_many_arguments` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`1532113782ec`] Print individual file torrent verification errors - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`f8e3fd594b50`] Add explanation paragraph to readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :package: [`f1cc12858cee`] Use bendy dep from instead of GitHub - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`1daa18ef9a7a`] Add progress messages and bar to `imdl torrent verify` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`5a0bd2dda75b`] Add braille spinner char explanation and legend - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`2edf8a4fab1e`] Style `imdl torrent create` progress messages - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`8c0d9186079b`] Use `concat!(...)` to format braille tick chars - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`c3879db06f82`] Remove `matches` macro - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :bug: [`bb34936c2ffd`] Only write spinner and progress bar when connected to terminal - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`2cfdad2597d6`] Fail early if destination .torrent file exists - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`4371bb14023b`] Improve spinner and progress bar - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`b25b389ae66b`] Rename `Target` to `OutputTarget` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`0de2b1719e55`] Only show torrent summary on create with `--show` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`06947fd63e87`] Make table names more greppable - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`bdaec27cafd4`] Add piece hashing progress bar - _[RJ Rybarczyk]mailto:rj@rybar.tech_
- :sparkles: [`c6cd78f56594`] Add progress messages to `imdl torrent create` - _[RJ Rybarczyk]mailto:rj@rybar.tech_
- :books: [`2415d88d9256`] Add empty book - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`21a87a46f330`] Improve `imdl torrent create` flags - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`3276f2d043d9`] Add short flags to `imdl torrent {show,verify}` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :white_check_mark: [`027b229df112`] Test piece-hashing edge cases - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :white_check_mark: [`2b19a6213456`] Test creating torrents from `.` and `..` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`fa6d4e6ad013`] Revise command line value names - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`cba238470d3c`] Remove `long_help` in favor of `help` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`4fffa777b4af`] Refactor Opt into Arguments, Options, and Subcommand - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :bug: [`eb8efaf52843`] Fix hidden method unused arg warning - _[RJ Rybarczyk]mailto:rj@rybar.tech_
- :wrench: [`1c22623df48f`] Trigger GitHub actions build on either push and PR to master - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`f2a5f137294e`] Format with unstable rustfmt options - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`d71bdffda15b`] Refactor tests and improve verification - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :white_check_mark: [`2fb5bdb93344`] Test that metainfo bencode representation is correct - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`fdb18bb8d807`] Update discord invite link - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`55f2fcc73874`] Add discord badge to readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`355f76b86d3a`] Update badges - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`b0962722c7db`] Add Github Actions build badge to readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`1227628306f0`] Use list of SHA1 digests for piece list - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :bug: [`9787344d9eee`] Fix torrent verify about message - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`165a7ea444b0`] Support adding DHT bootstrap nodes to created torrents - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`6549850dac2e`] Add initial implementation of `imdl torrent verify` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`b0f449b6aedb`] Drop `serde_bencode` in favor of `bendy` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`9b696f78a7df`] Don't display tier labels if tiers only contain a single entry - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`f7e9e80f972d`] Show files in single-file mode - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`43d87c06b6b5`] Display torrent file tree - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`a574368ffca6`] Allow including and excluding files from torrent with globs - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`9158c230dfd0`] Skip hidden files, symlinks, and junk in created torrents - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`3739a92857fc`] Support creating multi-file torrents - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`551617de4f09`] Don't overwrite destination torrent without `--force` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`df3326510c4b`] Write torrent to stdout if `-` is passed to `--output` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`5a1de1acd219`] Select piece length when none is provided - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`35a0e8f9b73f`] Improve torrent display formatting - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`5c5dac1fe532`] Add source to generated torrent with `--source` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`b9ca02fbaabc`] Show information about torrents after creation - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :white_check_mark: [`3971854eaa44`] Check for outdated dependencies before publishing - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`99a069a02184`] Add `imdl torrent show` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`6df45e024463`] Restrict piece length - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`85f02d9f2992`] Add pyrocore to prior art section of readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`635692fdfac1`] Accept `--piece-length` arguments with SI units - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`eb6556ae6aa2`] Replace favicon with pixel art rainbow text version - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`5611f359686d`] Add favicon to github pages - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`3f91f042c771`] Fix github pages table jitter - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`9ff627c29fd9`] Make homepage A E S T H E T I C - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`460cf9ee0e79`] Disable bors - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`2512b05ece5e`] Fix Bors - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`e2c1f291605c`] Center symbols in BEP support table key in readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`48ca86c67ce7`] Add Alternatives & Prior Art section to readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :package: [`ef5be39f9b61`] Update install instructions to new domain - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :white_check_mark: [`6461a00ba37a`] Test that `wss://` trackers are accepted - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`a6745e2a4187`] Configure Bors - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`dc95bc53b27b`] Add github pages homepage - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :package: [`e2cf93efb054`] Add `install` script and installation section to readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_

[v0.0.1]( - 2020-04-08
- :bookmark: [`9dd8a5629814`] Release v0.0.1 - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`e8ab0e1c4f68`] Open torrents with `imdl create --open ...` - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`495316e82110`] Add table of references to readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :white_check_mark: [`a8446c82db9e`] Test UDP tracker URLs parse - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`0560181a099f`] Remove redundant information from the readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`1a20f0d0b35d`] Link to tracking issues from BEP support table - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :package: [`ff3a30ae2138`] Add package script - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :package: [`cf59a58c6733`] Build and upload release artifacts from CI - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`70e0091ec03c`] Add `help` messages to CLI flags and options - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`b83d8d7ef53b`] [torrent stats] Pretty print torrents if `--print` is passed - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :zap: [`7d5e68f1941a`] Enable `--help` text wrapping - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`87e9b982b6be`] Sort `Create` opt struct fields - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`801a51926564`] BEP 3 is supported - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`1749fce2b227`] Slighly improve readability of Hasher::hash_root - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`1f5b829742f4`] Add table of contents to readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :books: [`66d44155f05a`] Add BEP support table to readme - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`d1f8f24d8e18`] Add colored output - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :white_check_mark: [`b334fa49b2d8`] Redirect stdin and stdout and capture for tests - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`fd06943726cb`] Rename: Environment -> Env - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`7420c91553c6`] Rename bencode::Error::ExtraData -> TrailingData - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :white_check_mark: [`7de1c0477623`] Fail CI if code isn't formatted - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :art: [`408735621e51`] Delete extraneous comment in workflow file - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :white_check_mark: [`074a3b3d42dd`] Run CI tests on windows, macos, and linux - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :white_check_mark: [`9f8366137477`] Configure clippy and lint on push - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :wrench: [`7f630a1bd937`] Add `done` recipe to justfile - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :white_check_mark: [`3affa8c5e14b`] Add build and test github action workflow - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_
- :sparkles: [`98335f435de2`] Initial commit - _[Casey Rodarmor]mailto:casey@rodarmor.com_