imagequant 4.1.0

Convert 24/32-bit images to 8-bit palette with alpha channel. For lossy PNG compression and high-quality GIF images Dual-licensed like pngquant. See for details.
//! <>
//! Converts RGBA images to 8-bit with alpha channel.
//! See `examples/` directory for example code.
#![doc(html_logo_url = "")]

mod attr;
mod blur;
mod error;
mod hist;
mod image;
mod kmeans;
mod mediancut;
mod nearest;
mod pal;
mod quant;
mod remap;
mod rows;
mod seacow;

#[cfg(not(feature = "threads"))]
mod rayoff;

#[cfg(feature = "threads")]
mod rayoff {
    pub(crate) use num_cpus::get as num_cpus;
    pub(crate) use rayon::prelude::{ParallelBridge, ParallelIterator, ParallelSliceMut};
    pub(crate) use rayon::scope;
    pub(crate) use thread_local::ThreadLocal;

/// Use imagequant-sys crate instead
#[cfg(feature = "_internal_c_ffi")]
pub mod capi;

pub use attr::Attributes;
pub use attr::ControlFlow;
pub use error::Error;
pub use hist::Histogram;
pub use hist::HistogramEntry;
pub use image::Image;
pub use pal::Palette;
pub use pal::RGBA;
pub use quant::QuantizationResult;

#[deprecated(note = "Please use the imagequant::Error type. This will be removed")]
pub use error::Error as liq_error;

const LIQ_HIGH_MEMORY_LIMIT: usize = 1 << 26;

/// I don't care about NaNs, just sort them!
type OrdFloat<F> = noisy_float::NoisyFloat<F, noisy_float::checkers::FiniteChecker>;

/// [Start here][Attributes]: creates new handle for library configuration
/// See [`Attributes`]
pub fn new() -> Attributes {

fn copy_img() {
    let tmp = vec![RGBA::new(1, 2, 3, 4); 10 * 100];
    let liq = Attributes::new();
    let _ = liq.new_image_stride(tmp, 10, 100, 10, 0.).unwrap();

fn takes_rgba() {
    let liq = Attributes::new();

    let img = vec![RGBA {r:0, g:0, b:0, a:0}; 8];

    liq.new_image_borrowed(&img, 1, 1, 0.0).unwrap();
    liq.new_image_borrowed(&img, 4, 2, 0.0).unwrap();
    liq.new_image_borrowed(&img, 8, 1, 0.0).unwrap();
    assert!(liq.new_image_borrowed(&img, 9, 1, 0.0).is_err());
    assert!(liq.new_image_borrowed(&img, 4, 3, 0.0).is_err());

fn histogram() {
    let attr = Attributes::new();
    let mut hist = Histogram::new(&attr);

    let bitmap1 = vec![RGBA {r:0, g:0, b:0, a:0}; 1];
    let mut image1 = attr.new_image(&bitmap1[..], 1, 1, 0.0).unwrap();
    hist.add_image(&attr, &mut image1).unwrap();

    let bitmap2 = vec![RGBA {r:255, g:255, b:255, a:255}; 1];
    let mut image2 = attr.new_image(&bitmap2[..], 1, 1, 0.0).unwrap();
    hist.add_image(&attr, &mut image2).unwrap();

    hist.add_colors(&[HistogramEntry {
        color: RGBA::new(255, 128, 255, 128),
        count: 10,
    }], 0.0).unwrap();

    let mut res = hist.quantize(&attr).unwrap();
    let pal = res.palette();
    assert_eq!(3, pal.len());

fn poke_it() {
    let width = 10usize;
    let height = 10usize;
    let mut fakebitmap = vec![RGBA::new(255, 255, 255, 255); width * height];

    fakebitmap[0].r = 0x55;
    fakebitmap[0].g = 0x66;
    fakebitmap[0].b = 0x77;

    // Configure the library
    let mut liq = Attributes::new();
    liq.set_quality(70, 99).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(1, liq.min_posterization());

    use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool;
    use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst;
    use std::sync::Arc;

    let log_called = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
    let log_called2 = log_called.clone();
    liq.set_log_callback(move |_attr, _msg| {, SeqCst);

    let prog_called = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
    let prog_called2 = prog_called.clone();
    liq.set_progress_callback(move |_perc| {, SeqCst);

    // Describe the bitmap
    let img = &mut liq.new_image(&fakebitmap[..], width, height, 0.0).unwrap();

    // The magic happens in quantize()
    let mut res = match liq.quantize(img) {
        Ok(res) => res,
        Err(err) => panic!("Quantization failed, because: {err:?}"),

    // Enable dithering for subsequent remappings

    // You can reuse the result to generate several images with the same palette
    let (palette, pixels) = res.remapped(img).unwrap();

    assert_eq!(width * height, pixels.len());
    assert_eq!(100, res.quantization_quality().unwrap());
    assert_eq!(RGBA { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 255 }, palette[0]);
    assert_eq!(RGBA { r: 0x55, g: 0x66, b: 0x77, a: 255 }, palette[1]);


fn set_importance_map() {
    let liq = new();
    let bitmap = &[RGBA::new(255, 0, 0, 255), RGBA::new(0u8, 0, 255, 255)];
    let mut img = liq.new_image(&bitmap[..], 2, 1, 0.).unwrap();
    let map = &[255, 0];
    let mut res = liq.quantize(&mut img).unwrap();
    let pal = res.palette();
    assert_eq!(1, pal.len(), "{pal:?}");
    assert_eq!(bitmap[0], pal[0]);

fn thread() {
    let liq = Attributes::new();
    std::thread::spawn(move || {
        let b = vec![RGBA::new(0, 0, 0, 0); 1];
        liq.new_image_borrowed(&b, 1, 1, 0.).unwrap();

fn r_callback_test() {
    use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
    use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU16;
    use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst;
    use std::sync::Arc;

    let called = Arc::new(AtomicU16::new(0));
    let called2 = called.clone();
    let mut res = {
        let a = new();
        let get_row = move |output_row: &mut [MaybeUninit<RGBA>], y: usize| {
            assert_eq!(123, output_row.len());
            for (n, out) in output_row.iter_mut().enumerate() {
                let n = n as u8;
                out.write(RGBA::new(n, n, n, n));
            called2.fetch_add(1, SeqCst);
        let mut img = unsafe {
            Image::new_fn(&a, get_row, 123, 5, 0.).unwrap()
        a.quantize(&mut img).unwrap()
    let called = called.load(SeqCst);
    assert!(called > 5 && called < 50);
    assert_eq!(123, res.palette().len());

fn sizes() {
    use pal::PalF;
    use pal::Palette;
    assert!(std::mem::size_of::<PalF>() < crate::pal::MAX_COLORS*(8*4)+32, "{}", std::mem::size_of::<PalF>());
    assert!(std::mem::size_of::<QuantizationResult>() < std::mem::size_of::<PalF>() + std::mem::size_of::<Palette>() + 100, "{}", std::mem::size_of::<QuantizationResult>());
    assert!(std::mem::size_of::<Attributes>() < 200);
    assert!(std::mem::size_of::<Image>() < 300);
    assert!(std::mem::size_of::<Histogram>() < 200);
    assert!(std::mem::size_of::<crate::hist::HistItem>() <= 32);

pub fn _unstable_internal_kmeans_bench() -> impl FnMut() {
    use crate::pal::PalF;
    use crate::pal::PalPop;

    let attr = new();
    let mut h = hist::Histogram::new(&attr);

    let e = (0..10000u32).map(|i| HistogramEntry {
        count: i.wrapping_mul(17) % 12345,
        color: RGBA::new(i as u8, (i.wrapping_mul(7) >> 2) as u8, (i.wrapping_mul(11) >> 11) as u8, 255),

    h.add_colors(&e, 0.).unwrap();
    let mut hist = h.finalize_builder(0.45455, 0.).unwrap();

    let lut = pal::gamma_lut(0.45455);
    let mut p = PalF::new();
    for i in 0..=255 {
        p.push(pal::f_pixel::from_rgba(&lut, RGBA::new(i|7, i, i, 255)), PalPop::new(1.));

    move || {
        kmeans::Kmeans::iteration(&mut hist, &mut p, false).unwrap();

trait PushInCapacity<T> {
    fn push_in_cap(&mut self, val: T);

impl<T> PushInCapacity<T> for Vec<T> {
    fn push_in_cap(&mut self, val: T) {
        debug_assert!(self.capacity() != self.len());
        if self.capacity() != self.len() {