imageproc 0.6.1

Image processing operations
//! Demonstrates computing and visualising HoG gradients.

extern crate image;
extern crate imageproc;

use std::env;
use std::path::Path;
use image::{open, ImageBuffer};
use imageproc::hog::*;

fn create_hog_image(input: &Path, signed: bool) {

    // Load a image::DynamicImage and convert it to a image::GrayImage
    let image = open(input)
        .expect(&format!("Could not load image at {:?}", input))

    // We're not going to do anything interesting with the block sizes here - they're
    // only relevant when combining and normalising per-cell histograms, and in this
    // example we're just going to compute and visualise the histograms. However, to
    // create a HogSpec from these HogOptions we still require that the image is evenly
    // divisible into blocks.
    let opts = HogOptions {
        orientations: 8,
        signed: signed,
        cell_side: 5,
        block_side: 2,
        block_stride: 1

    let (width, height) = image.dimensions();
    assert!(width >= 10 && height >= 10, "input file must have width and height both >= 10");

    // Crop image to a suitable size
    let (cropped_width, cropped_height) = (10 * (width / 10), 10 * (height / 10));
    let mut cropped = ImageBuffer::new(cropped_width, cropped_height);
    for y in 0..cropped_height {
        for x in 0..cropped_width {
            cropped.put_pixel(x, y, *image.get_pixel(x, y));

    let _ ="cropped.png")).unwrap();

    let spec = HogSpec::from_options(cropped_width, cropped_height, opts).unwrap();
    let mut hist = cell_histograms(&cropped, spec);

    let star_side = 20;
    let hog = render_hist_grid(star_side, &hist.view_mut(), signed);

    let output_name = if signed { "hog_signed.png" } else { "hog_unsigned.png" };
    let _ =;

fn main() {

    let arg = if env::args().count() == 2 {
        } else {
            panic!("Please enter an input file")
    let path = Path::new(&arg);

    create_hog_image(path, true);
    create_hog_image(path, false);