imageproc 0.19.1

Image processing operations
//! Functions for detecting edges in images.

use crate::definitions::{HasBlack, HasWhite};
use crate::filter::gaussian_blur_f32;
use crate::gradients::{horizontal_sobel, vertical_sobel};
use image::{GenericImageView, GrayImage, ImageBuffer, Luma};
use std::f32;

/// Runs the canny edge detection algorithm.
/// Returns a binary image where edge pixels have a value of 255
///  and non-edge pixels a value of 0.
/// # Params
/// - `low_threshold`: Low threshold for the hysteresis procedure.
/// Edges with a strength higher than the low threshold will appear
/// in the output image, if there are strong edges nearby.
/// - `high_threshold`: High threshold for the hysteresis procedure.
/// Edges with a strength higher than the high threshold will always
/// appear as edges in the output image.
/// The greatest possible edge strength (and so largest sensible threshold)
/// is`sqrt(5) * 2 * 255`, or approximately 1140.39.
/// This odd looking value is the result of using a standard
/// definition of edge strength: the strength of an edge at a point `p` is
/// defined to be `sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)`, where `dx` and `dy` are the values
/// of the horizontal and vertical Sobel gradients at `p`.
pub fn canny(image: &GrayImage, low_threshold: f32, high_threshold: f32) -> GrayImage {
    assert!(high_threshold >= low_threshold);
    // Heavily based on the implementation proposed by wikipedia.
    // 1. Gaussian blur.
    const SIGMA: f32 = 1.4;
    let blurred = gaussian_blur_f32(image, SIGMA);

    // 2. Intensity of gradients.
    let gx = horizontal_sobel(&blurred);
    let gy = vertical_sobel(&blurred);
    let g: Vec<f32> = gx
        .map(|(h, v)| (*h as f32).hypot(*v as f32))

    let g = ImageBuffer::from_raw(image.width(), image.height(), g).unwrap();

    // 3. Non-maximum-suppression (Make edges thinner)
    let thinned = non_maximum_suppression(&g, &gx, &gy);

    // 4. Hysteresis to filter out edges based on thresholds.
    hysteresis(&thinned, low_threshold, high_threshold)

/// Finds local maxima to make the edges thinner.
fn non_maximum_suppression(
    g: &ImageBuffer<Luma<f32>, Vec<f32>>,
    gx: &ImageBuffer<Luma<i16>, Vec<i16>>,
    gy: &ImageBuffer<Luma<i16>, Vec<i16>>,
) -> ImageBuffer<Luma<f32>, Vec<f32>> {
    const RADIANS_TO_DEGREES: f32 = 180f32 / f32::consts::PI;
    let mut out = ImageBuffer::from_pixel(g.width(), g.height(), Luma([0.0]));
    for y in 1..g.height() - 1 {
        for x in 1..g.width() - 1 {
            let x_gradient = gx[(x, y)][0] as f32;
            let y_gradient = gy[(x, y)][0] as f32;
            let mut angle = (y_gradient).atan2(x_gradient) * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
            if angle < 0.0 {
                angle += 180.0
            // Clamp angle.
            let clamped_angle = if angle >= 157.5 || angle < 22.5 {
            } else if angle >= 22.5 && angle < 67.5 {
            } else if angle >= 67.5 && angle < 112.5 {
            } else if angle >= 112.5 && angle < 157.5 {
            } else {

            // Get the two perpendicular neighbors.
            let (cmp1, cmp2) = unsafe {
                match clamped_angle {
                    0 => (g.unsafe_get_pixel(x - 1, y), g.unsafe_get_pixel(x + 1, y)),
                    45 => (
                        g.unsafe_get_pixel(x + 1, y + 1),
                        g.unsafe_get_pixel(x - 1, y - 1),
                    90 => (g.unsafe_get_pixel(x, y - 1), g.unsafe_get_pixel(x, y + 1)),
                    135 => (
                        g.unsafe_get_pixel(x - 1, y + 1),
                        g.unsafe_get_pixel(x + 1, y - 1),
                    _ => unreachable!(),
            let pixel = *g.get_pixel(x, y);
            // If the pixel is not a local maximum, suppress it.
            if pixel[0] < cmp1[0] || pixel[0] < cmp2[0] {
                out.put_pixel(x, y, Luma([0.0]));
            } else {
                out.put_pixel(x, y, pixel);

/// Filter out edges with the thresholds.
/// Non-recursive breadth-first search.
fn hysteresis(
    input: &ImageBuffer<Luma<f32>, Vec<f32>>,
    low_thresh: f32,
    high_thresh: f32,
) -> ImageBuffer<Luma<u8>, Vec<u8>> {
    let max_brightness = Luma::white();
    let min_brightness = Luma::black();
    // Init output image as all black.
    let mut out = ImageBuffer::from_pixel(input.width(), input.height(), min_brightness);
    // Stack. Possible optimization: Use previously allocated memory, i.e. gx.
    let mut edges = Vec::with_capacity(((input.width() * input.height()) / 2) as usize);
    for y in 1..input.height() - 1 {
        for x in 1..input.width() - 1 {
            let inp_pix = *input.get_pixel(x, y);
            let out_pix = *out.get_pixel(x, y);
            // If the edge strength is higher than high_thresh, mark it as an edge.
            if inp_pix[0] >= high_thresh && out_pix[0] == 0 {
                out.put_pixel(x, y, max_brightness);
                edges.push((x, y));
                // Track neighbors until no neighbor is >= low_thresh.
                while !edges.is_empty() {
                    let (nx, ny) = edges.pop().unwrap();
                    let neighbor_indices = [
                        (nx + 1, ny),
                        (nx + 1, ny + 1),
                        (nx, ny + 1),
                        (nx - 1, ny - 1),
                        (nx - 1, ny),
                        (nx - 1, ny + 1),

                    for neighbor_idx in &neighbor_indices {
                        let in_neighbor = *input.get_pixel(neighbor_idx.0, neighbor_idx.1);
                        let out_neighbor = *out.get_pixel(neighbor_idx.0, neighbor_idx.1);
                        if in_neighbor[0] >= low_thresh && out_neighbor[0] == 0 {
                            out.put_pixel(neighbor_idx.0, neighbor_idx.1, max_brightness);
                            edges.push((neighbor_idx.0, neighbor_idx.1));

mod tests {
    use super::canny;
    use crate::drawing::draw_filled_rect_mut;
    use crate::rect::Rect;
    use ::test;
    use image::{GrayImage, Luma};

    fn edge_detect_bench_image(width: u32, height: u32) -> GrayImage {
        let mut image = GrayImage::new(width, height);
        let (w, h) = (width as i32, height as i32);
        let large = Rect::at(w / 4, h / 4).of_size(width / 2, height / 2);
        let small = Rect::at(9, 9).of_size(3, 3);

        draw_filled_rect_mut(&mut image, large, Luma([255]));
        draw_filled_rect_mut(&mut image, small, Luma([255]));


    fn bench_canny(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
        let image = edge_detect_bench_image(250, 250);
        b.iter(|| {
            let output = canny(&image, 250.0, 300.0);