Type Definition image2::transform::Transform

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pub type Transform = Transform2D<f64, f64, f64>;
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Transform is used to perform pixel-level transformations on an image

Trait Implementations§


impl<T: Type, C: Color, U: Type, D: Color> Filter<T, C, U, D> for Transform


fn schedule(&self) -> Schedule

Determines whether a filter should be executed one pixel at a time, or a whole image at a time

fn output_size(&self, input: &Input<'_, T, C>, _dest: &mut Image<U, D>) -> Size

Get filter output size, this is typically the destination image size, however when used as part of a pipeline a single filter might have a different output size

fn compute_at( &self, pt: Point, input: &Input<'_, T, C>, px: &mut DataMut<'_, U, D> )

Compute filter at the given point for the provided input Read more

fn eval_partial( &self, roi: Region, input: &[&Image<T, C>], output: &mut Image<U, D> )

Evaluate a filter on part of an image

fn eval_partial_in_place(&self, roi: Region, output: &mut Image<U, D>)

Evaluate filter on part of an image using the same image for input and output

fn eval(&self, input: &[&Image<T, C>], output: &mut Image<U, D>)

Evaluate filter

fn eval_in_place(&self, output: &mut Image<U, D>)

Evaluate filter using the same image for input and output