image 0.23.14

Imaging library written in Rust. Provides basic filters and decoders for the most common image formats.
use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut};

use num_traits::{NumCast, ToPrimitive, Zero};

use crate::traits::{Pixel, Primitive};

/// An enumeration over supported color types and bit depths
#[derive(Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone, Hash)]
pub enum ColorType {
    /// Pixel is 8-bit luminance
    /// Pixel is 8-bit luminance with an alpha channel
    /// Pixel contains 8-bit R, G and B channels
    /// Pixel is 8-bit RGB with an alpha channel

    /// Pixel is 16-bit luminance
    /// Pixel is 16-bit luminance with an alpha channel
    /// Pixel is 16-bit RGB
    /// Pixel is 16-bit RGBA

    /// Pixel contains 8-bit B, G and R channels
    /// Pixel is 8-bit BGR with an alpha channel


impl ColorType {
    /// Returns the number of bytes contained in a pixel of `ColorType` ```c```
    pub fn bytes_per_pixel(self) -> u8 {
        match self {
            ColorType::L8 => 1,
            ColorType::L16 | ColorType::La8 => 2,
            ColorType::Rgb8 | ColorType::Bgr8 => 3,
            ColorType::Rgba8 | ColorType::Bgra8 | ColorType::La16 => 4,
            ColorType::Rgb16 => 6,
            ColorType::Rgba16 => 8,
            ColorType::__NonExhaustive(marker) => match marker._private {},

    /// Returns if there is an alpha channel.
    pub fn has_alpha(self) -> bool {
        use ColorType::*;
        match self {
            L8 | L16 | Rgb8 | Bgr8 | Rgb16 => false,
            La8 | Rgba8 | Bgra8 | La16 | Rgba16 => true,
            __NonExhaustive(marker) => match marker._private {},

    /// Returns false if the color scheme is grayscale, true otherwise.
    pub fn has_color(self) -> bool {
        use ColorType::*;
        match self {
            L8 | L16 | La8 | La16 => false,
            Rgb8 | Bgr8 | Rgb16 | Rgba8 | Bgra8 | Rgba16 => true,
            __NonExhaustive(marker) => match marker._private {},

    /// Returns the number of bits contained in a pixel of `ColorType` ```c``` (which will always be
    /// a multiple of 8).
    pub fn bits_per_pixel(self) -> u16 {
        <u16 as From<u8>>::from(self.bytes_per_pixel()) * 8

    /// Returns the number of color channels that make up this pixel
    pub fn channel_count(self) -> u8 {
        let e: ExtendedColorType = self.into();

/// An enumeration of color types encountered in image formats.
/// This is not exhaustive over all existing image formats but should be granular enough to allow
/// round tripping of decoding and encoding as much as possible. The variants will be extended as
/// necessary to enable this.
/// Another purpose is to advise users of a rough estimate of the accuracy and effort of the
/// decoding from and encoding to such an image format.
#[derive(Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone, Hash)]
pub enum ExtendedColorType {
    /// Pixel is 8-bit alpha
    /// Pixel is 1-bit luminance
    /// Pixel is 1-bit luminance with an alpha channel
    /// Pixel contains 1-bit R, G and B channels
    /// Pixel is 1-bit RGB with an alpha channel
    /// Pixel is 2-bit luminance
    /// Pixel is 2-bit luminance with an alpha channel
    /// Pixel contains 2-bit R, G and B channels
    /// Pixel is 2-bit RGB with an alpha channel
    /// Pixel is 4-bit luminance
    /// Pixel is 4-bit luminance with an alpha channel
    /// Pixel contains 4-bit R, G and B channels
    /// Pixel is 4-bit RGB with an alpha channel
    /// Pixel is 8-bit luminance
    /// Pixel is 8-bit luminance with an alpha channel
    /// Pixel contains 8-bit R, G and B channels
    /// Pixel is 8-bit RGB with an alpha channel
    /// Pixel is 16-bit luminance
    /// Pixel is 16-bit luminance with an alpha channel
    /// Pixel contains 16-bit R, G and B channels
    /// Pixel is 16-bit RGB with an alpha channel
    /// Pixel contains 8-bit B, G and R channels
    /// Pixel is 8-bit BGR with an alpha channel

    /// Pixel is of unknown color type with the specified bits per pixel. This can apply to pixels
    /// which are associated with an external palette. In that case, the pixel value is an index
    /// into the palette.


impl ExtendedColorType {
    /// Get the number of channels for colors of this type.
    /// Note that the `Unknown` variant returns a value of `1` since pixels can only be treated as
    /// an opaque datum by the library.
    pub fn channel_count(self) -> u8 {
        match self {
            ExtendedColorType::A8 |
            ExtendedColorType::L1 |
            ExtendedColorType::L2 |
            ExtendedColorType::L4 |
            ExtendedColorType::L8 |
            ExtendedColorType::L16 |
            ExtendedColorType::Unknown(_) => 1,
            ExtendedColorType::La1 |
            ExtendedColorType::La2 |
            ExtendedColorType::La4 |
            ExtendedColorType::La8 |
            ExtendedColorType::La16 => 2,
            ExtendedColorType::Rgb1 |
            ExtendedColorType::Rgb2 |
            ExtendedColorType::Rgb4 |
            ExtendedColorType::Rgb8 |
            ExtendedColorType::Rgb16 |
            ExtendedColorType::Bgr8 => 3,
            ExtendedColorType::Rgba1 |
            ExtendedColorType::Rgba2 |
            ExtendedColorType::Rgba4 |
            ExtendedColorType::Rgba8 |
            ExtendedColorType::Rgba16 |
            ExtendedColorType::Bgra8 => 4,
            ExtendedColorType::__NonExhaustive(marker) => match marker._private {},
impl From<ColorType> for ExtendedColorType {
    fn from(c: ColorType) -> Self {
        match c {
            ColorType::L8 => ExtendedColorType::L8,
            ColorType::La8 => ExtendedColorType::La8,
            ColorType::Rgb8 => ExtendedColorType::Rgb8,
            ColorType::Rgba8 => ExtendedColorType::Rgba8,
            ColorType::L16 => ExtendedColorType::L16,
            ColorType::La16 => ExtendedColorType::La16,
            ColorType::Rgb16 => ExtendedColorType::Rgb16,
            ColorType::Rgba16 => ExtendedColorType::Rgba16,
            ColorType::Bgr8 => ExtendedColorType::Bgr8,
            ColorType::Bgra8 => ExtendedColorType::Bgra8,
            ColorType::__NonExhaustive(marker) => match marker._private {},

macro_rules! define_colors {
        $channels: expr,
        $alphas: expr,
        $interpretation: expr,
        $color_type_u8: expr,
        $color_type_u16: expr,
    )*} => {

$( // START Structure definitions

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug, Copy, Hash)]
pub struct $ident<T: Primitive> (pub [T; $channels]);

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> Pixel for $ident<T> {
    type Subpixel = T;

    const CHANNEL_COUNT: u8 = $channels;

    const COLOR_MODEL: &'static str = $interpretation;

    const COLOR_TYPE: ColorType =
        [$color_type_u8, $color_type_u16][(std::mem::size_of::<T>() > 1) as usize];

    fn channels(&self) -> &[T] {
    fn channels_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [T] {
        &mut self.0

    fn channels4(&self) -> (T, T, T, T) {
        const CHANNELS: usize = $channels;
        let mut channels = [T::max_value(); 4];
        (channels[0], channels[1], channels[2], channels[3])

    fn from_channels(a: T, b: T, c: T, d: T,) -> $ident<T> {
        const CHANNELS: usize = $channels;
        *<$ident<T> as Pixel>::from_slice(&[a, b, c, d][..CHANNELS])

    fn from_slice(slice: &[T]) -> &$ident<T> {
        assert_eq!(slice.len(), $channels);
        unsafe { &*(slice.as_ptr() as *const $ident<T>) }
    fn from_slice_mut(slice: &mut [T]) -> &mut $ident<T> {
        assert_eq!(slice.len(), $channels);
        unsafe { &mut *(slice.as_mut_ptr() as *mut $ident<T>) }

    fn to_rgb(&self) -> Rgb<T> {
        let mut pix = Rgb([Zero::zero(), Zero::zero(), Zero::zero()]);

    fn to_bgr(&self) -> Bgr<T> {
        let mut pix = Bgr([Zero::zero(), Zero::zero(), Zero::zero()]);

    fn to_rgba(&self) -> Rgba<T> {
        let mut pix = Rgba([Zero::zero(), Zero::zero(), Zero::zero(), Zero::zero()]);

    fn to_bgra(&self) -> Bgra<T> {
        let mut pix = Bgra([Zero::zero(), Zero::zero(), Zero::zero(), Zero::zero()]);

    fn to_luma(&self) -> Luma<T> {
        let mut pix = Luma([Zero::zero()]);

    fn to_luma_alpha(&self) -> LumaA<T> {
        let mut pix = LumaA([Zero::zero(), Zero::zero()]);

    fn map<F>(& self, f: F) -> $ident<T> where F: FnMut(T) -> T {
        let mut this = (*self).clone();

    fn apply<F>(&mut self, mut f: F) where F: FnMut(T) -> T {
        for v in &mut self.0 {
            *v = f(*v)

    fn map_with_alpha<F, G>(&self, f: F, g: G) -> $ident<T> where F: FnMut(T) -> T, G: FnMut(T) -> T {
        let mut this = (*self).clone();
        this.apply_with_alpha(f, g);

    fn apply_with_alpha<F, G>(&mut self, mut f: F, mut g: G) where F: FnMut(T) -> T, G: FnMut(T) -> T {
        const ALPHA: usize = $channels - $alphas;
        for v in self.0[..ALPHA].iter_mut() {
            *v = f(*v)
        // The branch of this match is `const`. This way ensures that no subexpression fails the
        // `const_err` lint (the expression `self.0[ALPHA]` would).
        if let Some(v) = self.0.get_mut(ALPHA) {
            *v = g(*v)

    fn map2<F>(&self, other: &Self, f: F) -> $ident<T> where F: FnMut(T, T) -> T {
        let mut this = (*self).clone();
        this.apply2(other, f);

    fn apply2<F>(&mut self, other: &$ident<T>, mut f: F) where F: FnMut(T, T) -> T {
        for (a, &b) in self.0.iter_mut().zip(other.0.iter()) {
            *a = f(*a, b)

    fn invert(&mut self) {

    fn blend(&mut self, other: &$ident<T>) {
        Blend::blend(self, other)

impl<T: Primitive> Index<usize> for $ident<T> {
    type Output = T;
    fn index(&self, _index: usize) -> &T {

impl<T: Primitive> IndexMut<usize> for $ident<T> {
    fn index_mut(&mut self, _index: usize) -> &mut T {
        &mut self.0[_index]

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> From<[T; $channels]> for $ident<T> {
    fn from(c: [T; $channels]) -> Self {

)* // END Structure definitions


define_colors! {
    Rgb, 3, 0, "RGB", ColorType::Rgb8, ColorType::Rgb16, #[doc = "RGB colors"];
    Bgr, 3, 0, "BGR", ColorType::Bgr8, ColorType::Bgr8, #[doc = "BGR colors"];
    Luma, 1, 0, "Y", ColorType::L8, ColorType::L16, #[doc = "Grayscale colors"];
    Rgba, 4, 1, "RGBA", ColorType::Rgba8, ColorType::Rgba16, #[doc = "RGB colors + alpha channel"];
    Bgra, 4, 1, "BGRA", ColorType::Bgra8, ColorType::Bgra8, #[doc = "BGR colors + alpha channel"];
    LumaA, 2, 1, "YA", ColorType::La8, ColorType::La16, #[doc = "Grayscale colors + alpha channel"];

/// Provides color conversions for the different pixel types.
pub trait FromColor<Other> {
    /// Changes `self` to represent `Other` in the color space of `Self`
    fn from_color(&mut self, _: &Other);

// Self->Self: just copy
impl<A: Copy> FromColor<A> for A {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &A) {
        *self = *other;

/// Copy-based conversions to target pixel types using `FromColor`.
// FIXME: this trait should be removed and replaced with real color space models
// rather than assuming sRGB.
pub(crate) trait IntoColor<Other> {
    /// Constructs a pixel of the target type and converts this pixel into it.
    fn into_color(&self) -> Other;

impl<O, S> IntoColor<O> for S
    O: Pixel + FromColor<S> {
    fn into_color(&self) -> O {
        // Note we cannot use Pixel::CHANNELS_COUNT here to directly construct
        // the pixel due to a current bug/limitation of consts.
        let mut pix = O::from_channels(Zero::zero(), Zero::zero(), Zero::zero(), Zero::zero());

/// Coefficients to transform from sRGB to a CIE Y (luminance) value.
const SRGB_LUMA: [f32; 3] = [0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722];

fn rgb_to_luma<T: Primitive>(rgb: &[T]) -> T {
    let l = SRGB_LUMA[0] * rgb[0].to_f32().unwrap()
        + SRGB_LUMA[1] * rgb[1].to_f32().unwrap()
        + SRGB_LUMA[2] * rgb[2].to_f32().unwrap();

fn bgr_to_luma<T: Primitive>(bgr: &[T]) -> T {
    let l = SRGB_LUMA[0] * bgr[2].to_f32().unwrap()
        + SRGB_LUMA[1] * bgr[1].to_f32().unwrap()
        + SRGB_LUMA[2] * bgr[0].to_f32().unwrap();

fn downcast_channel(c16: u16) -> u8 {
    NumCast::from(c16.to_u64().unwrap() >> 8).unwrap()

fn upcast_channel(c8: u8) -> u16 {
    NumCast::from(c8.to_u64().unwrap() << 8).unwrap()

// `FromColor` for Luma

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Rgba<T>> for Luma<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgba<T>) {
        let gray = self.channels_mut();
        let rgba = other.channels();
        gray[0] = rgb_to_luma(rgba);

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Bgra<T>> for Luma<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Bgra<T>) {
        let gray = self.channels_mut();
        let bgra = other.channels();
        gray[0] = bgr_to_luma(bgra);

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Rgb<T>> for Luma<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgb<T>) {
        let gray = self.channels_mut();
        let rgb = other.channels();
        gray[0] = rgb_to_luma(rgb);

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Bgr<T>> for Luma<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Bgr<T>) {
        let gray = self.channels_mut();
        let bgr = other.channels();
        gray[0] = bgr_to_luma(bgr);

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<LumaA<T>> for Luma<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &LumaA<T>) {
        self.channels_mut()[0] = other.channels()[0]

impl FromColor<Rgba<u16>> for Luma<u8> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgba<u16>) {
        let gray = self.channels_mut();
        let rgb = other.channels();
        let l = rgb_to_luma(rgb);
        gray[0] = downcast_channel(l);

impl FromColor<Rgb<u16>> for Luma<u8> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgb<u16>) {
        let gray = self.channels_mut();
        let rgb = other.channels();
        let l = rgb_to_luma(rgb);
        gray[0] = downcast_channel(l);

impl FromColor<Luma<u16>> for Luma<u8> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Luma<u16>) {
        let l = other.channels()[0];
        self.channels_mut()[0] = downcast_channel(l);

impl FromColor<Luma<u8>> for Luma<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Luma<u8>) {
        let l = other.channels()[0];
        self.channels_mut()[0] = upcast_channel(l);

impl FromColor<LumaA<u16>> for Luma<u8> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &LumaA<u16>) {
        let l = other.channels()[0];
        self.channels_mut()[0] = downcast_channel(l);

impl FromColor<LumaA<u8>> for Luma<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &LumaA<u8>) {
        let la8 = other.channels();
        let gray = self.channels_mut();
        gray[0] = upcast_channel(la8[0]);

impl FromColor<Rgb<u8>> for Luma<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgb<u8>) {
        let rgb = other.channels();
        let gray = self.channels_mut();
        gray[0] = upcast_channel(rgb_to_luma(rgb));

impl FromColor<Rgba<u8>> for Luma<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgba<u8>) {
        let rgba = other.channels();
        let gray = self.channels_mut();
        gray[0] = upcast_channel(rgb_to_luma(rgba));

impl FromColor<Bgr<u8>> for Luma<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Bgr<u8>) {
        let bgr = other.channels();
        let gray = self.channels_mut();
        gray[0] = upcast_channel(bgr_to_luma(bgr));

impl FromColor<Bgra<u8>> for Luma<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Bgra<u8>) {
        let bgra = other.channels();
        let gray = self.channels_mut();
        gray[0] = upcast_channel(bgr_to_luma(bgra));

// `FromColor` for LumaA

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Rgba<T>> for LumaA<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgba<T>) {
        let gray_a = self.channels_mut();
        let rgba = other.channels();
        gray_a[0] = rgb_to_luma(rgba);
        gray_a[1] = rgba[3];

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Bgra<T>> for LumaA<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Bgra<T>) {
        let gray_a = self.channels_mut();
        let bgra = other.channels();
        gray_a[0] = bgr_to_luma(bgra);
        gray_a[1] = bgra[3];

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Rgb<T>> for LumaA<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgb<T>) {
        let gray_a = self.channels_mut();
        let rgb = other.channels();
        gray_a[0] = rgb_to_luma(rgb);
        gray_a[1] = T::max_value();

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Bgr<T>> for LumaA<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Bgr<T>) {
        let gray_a = self.channels_mut();
        let bgr = other.channels();
        gray_a[0] = bgr_to_luma(bgr);
        gray_a[1] = T::max_value();

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Luma<T>> for LumaA<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Luma<T>) {
        let gray_a = self.channels_mut();
        gray_a[0] = other.channels()[0];
        gray_a[1] = T::max_value();

impl FromColor<LumaA<u16>> for LumaA<u8> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &LumaA<u16>) {
        let la8 = self.channels_mut();
        let gray = other.channels()[0];
        let alpha = other.channels()[1];
        la8[0] = downcast_channel(gray);
        la8[1] = downcast_channel(alpha);

impl FromColor<LumaA<u8>> for LumaA<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &LumaA<u8>) {
        let la8 = self.channels_mut();
        let gray = other.channels()[0];
        let alpha = other.channels()[1];
        la8[0] = upcast_channel(gray);
        la8[1] = upcast_channel(alpha);

impl FromColor<Luma<u8>> for LumaA<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Luma<u8>) {
        let l8 = other.channels()[0];
        let gray_a = self.channels_mut();
        gray_a[0] = upcast_channel(l8);
        gray_a[1] = u16::max_value();

impl FromColor<Rgb<u8>> for LumaA<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgb<u8>) {
        let rgb = other.channels();
        let gray_a = self.channels_mut();
        gray_a[0] = upcast_channel(rgb_to_luma(rgb));
        gray_a[1] = u16::max_value();

impl FromColor<Rgba<u8>> for LumaA<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgba<u8>) {
        let rgba = other.channels();
        let gray_a = self.channels_mut();
        gray_a[0] = upcast_channel(rgb_to_luma(rgba));
        gray_a[1] = upcast_channel(rgba[3]);

impl FromColor<Bgr<u8>> for LumaA<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Bgr<u8>) {
        let bgr = other.channels();
        let gray_a = self.channels_mut();
        gray_a[0] = upcast_channel(bgr_to_luma(bgr));
        gray_a[1] = u16::max_value();

impl FromColor<Bgra<u8>> for LumaA<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Bgra<u8>) {
        let bgra = other.channels();
        let gray_a = self.channels_mut();
        gray_a[0] = upcast_channel(bgr_to_luma(bgra));
        gray_a[1] = upcast_channel(bgra[3]);

// `FromColor` for RGBA

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Rgb<T>> for Rgba<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgb<T>) {
        let rgba = self.channels_mut();
        let rgb = other.channels();
        rgba[0] = rgb[0];
        rgba[1] = rgb[1];
        rgba[2] = rgb[2];
        rgba[3] = T::max_value();

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Bgr<T>> for Rgba<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Bgr<T>) {
        let rgba = self.channels_mut();
        let bgr = other.channels();
        rgba[0] = bgr[2];
        rgba[1] = bgr[1];
        rgba[2] = bgr[0];
        rgba[3] = T::max_value();

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Bgra<T>> for Rgba<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Bgra<T>) {
        let rgba = self.channels_mut();
        let bgra = other.channels();
        rgba[0] = bgra[2];
        rgba[1] = bgra[1];
        rgba[2] = bgra[0];
        rgba[3] = bgra[3];

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<LumaA<T>> for Rgba<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &LumaA<T>) {
        let rgba = self.channels_mut();
        let gray = other.channels();
        rgba[0] = gray[0];
        rgba[1] = gray[0];
        rgba[2] = gray[0];
        rgba[3] = gray[1];

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Luma<T>> for Rgba<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, gray: &Luma<T>) {
        let rgba = self.channels_mut();
        let gray = gray.channels()[0];
        rgba[0] = gray;
        rgba[1] = gray;
        rgba[2] = gray;
        rgba[3] = T::max_value();

impl FromColor<Rgba<u16>> for Rgba<u8> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgba<u16>) {
        let rgba = self.channels_mut();
        let rgba16 = other.channels();
        rgba[0] = downcast_channel(rgba16[0]);
        rgba[1] = downcast_channel(rgba16[1]);
        rgba[2] = downcast_channel(rgba16[2]);
        rgba[3] = downcast_channel(rgba16[3]);

impl FromColor<Rgba<u8>> for Rgba<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgba<u8>) {
        let rgba = self.channels_mut();
        let rgba8 = other.channels();
        rgba[0] = upcast_channel(rgba8[0]);
        rgba[1] = upcast_channel(rgba8[1]);
        rgba[2] = upcast_channel(rgba8[2]);
        rgba[3] = upcast_channel(rgba8[3]);

impl FromColor<LumaA<u8>> for Rgba<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &LumaA<u8>) {
        let la8 = other.channels();
        let gray = upcast_channel(la8[0]);
        let alpha = upcast_channel(la8[1]);
        let rgba = self.channels_mut();
        rgba[0] = gray;
        rgba[1] = gray;
        rgba[2] = gray;
        rgba[3] = alpha;

impl FromColor<Rgb<u8>> for Rgba<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgb<u8>) {
        let rgb = other.channels();
        let rgba = self.channels_mut();
        rgba[0] = upcast_channel(rgb[0]);
        rgba[1] = upcast_channel(rgb[1]);
        rgba[2] = upcast_channel(rgb[2]);
        rgba[3] = u16::max_value();

impl FromColor<Luma<u8>> for Rgba<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Luma<u8>) {
        let l8 = other.channels();
        let rgba = self.channels_mut();
        let gray = upcast_channel(l8[0]);
        rgba[0] = gray;
        rgba[1] = gray;
        rgba[2] = gray;
        rgba[3] = u16::max_value();

impl FromColor<Bgr<u8>> for Rgba<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Bgr<u8>) {
        let bgr = other.channels();
        let rgba = self.channels_mut();
        rgba[0] = upcast_channel(bgr[2]);
        rgba[1] = upcast_channel(bgr[1]);
        rgba[2] = upcast_channel(bgr[0]);
        rgba[3] = u16::max_value();

impl FromColor<Bgra<u8>> for Rgba<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Bgra<u8>) {
        let bgra = other.channels();
        let rgba = self.channels_mut();
        rgba[0] = upcast_channel(bgra[2]);
        rgba[1] = upcast_channel(bgra[1]);
        rgba[2] = upcast_channel(bgra[0]);
        rgba[3] = upcast_channel(bgra[3]);

// `FromColor` for BGRA

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Rgb<T>> for Bgra<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgb<T>) {
        let bgra = self.channels_mut();
        let rgb = other.channels();
        bgra[0] = rgb[2];
        bgra[1] = rgb[1];
        bgra[2] = rgb[0];
        bgra[3] = T::max_value();

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Bgr<T>> for Bgra<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Bgr<T>) {
        let bgra = self.channels_mut();
        let bgr = other.channels();
        bgra[0] = bgr[0];
        bgra[1] = bgr[1];
        bgra[2] = bgr[2];
        bgra[3] = T::max_value();

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Rgba<T>> for Bgra<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgba<T>) {
        let bgra = self.channels_mut();
        let rgba = other.channels();
        bgra[2] = rgba[0];
        bgra[1] = rgba[1];
        bgra[0] = rgba[2];
        bgra[3] = rgba[3];

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<LumaA<T>> for Bgra<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &LumaA<T>) {
        let bgra = self.channels_mut();
        let gray = other.channels();
        bgra[0] = gray[0];
        bgra[1] = gray[0];
        bgra[2] = gray[0];
        bgra[3] = gray[1];

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Luma<T>> for Bgra<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, gray: &Luma<T>) {
        let bgra = self.channels_mut();
        let gray = gray.channels()[0];
        bgra[0] = gray;
        bgra[1] = gray;
        bgra[2] = gray;
        bgra[3] = T::max_value();

// `FromColor` for RGB

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Rgba<T>> for Rgb<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgba<T>) {
        let rgb = self.channels_mut();
        let rgba = other.channels();
        rgb[0] = rgba[0];
        rgb[1] = rgba[1];
        rgb[2] = rgba[2];

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Bgra<T>> for Rgb<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Bgra<T>) {
        let rgb = self.channels_mut();
        let bgra = other.channels();
        rgb[0] = bgra[2];
        rgb[1] = bgra[1];
        rgb[2] = bgra[0];

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Bgr<T>> for Rgb<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Bgr<T>) {
        let rgb = self.channels_mut();
        let bgr = other.channels();
        rgb[0] = bgr[2];
        rgb[1] = bgr[1];
        rgb[2] = bgr[0];

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<LumaA<T>> for Rgb<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &LumaA<T>) {
        let rgb = self.channels_mut();
        let gray = other.channels()[0];
        rgb[0] = gray;
        rgb[1] = gray;
        rgb[2] = gray;

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Luma<T>> for Rgb<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, gray: &Luma<T>) {
        let rgb = self.channels_mut();
        let gray = gray.channels()[0];
        rgb[0] = gray;
        rgb[1] = gray;
        rgb[2] = gray;

impl FromColor<Rgb<u16>> for Rgb<u8> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgb<u16>) {
        for (c8, &c16) in self.channels_mut().iter_mut().zip(other.channels()) {
            *c8 = downcast_channel(c16);

impl FromColor<Rgb<u8>> for Rgb<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgb<u8>) {
        for (c8, &c16) in self.channels_mut().iter_mut().zip(other.channels()) {
            *c8 = upcast_channel(c16);

impl FromColor<LumaA<u8>> for Rgb<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &LumaA<u8>) {
        let la8 = other.channels();
        let gray = upcast_channel(la8[0]);
        let rgb = self.channels_mut();
        rgb[0] = gray;
        rgb[1] = gray;
        rgb[2] = gray;

impl FromColor<Rgba<u8>> for Rgb<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgba<u8>) {
        let rgba = other.channels();
        let rgb = self.channels_mut();
        rgb[0] = upcast_channel(rgba[0]);
        rgb[1] = upcast_channel(rgba[1]);
        rgb[2] = upcast_channel(rgba[2]);

impl FromColor<Luma<u8>> for Rgb<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Luma<u8>) {
        let l8 = other.channels();
        let rgb = self.channels_mut();
        let gray = upcast_channel(l8[0]);
        rgb[0] = gray;
        rgb[1] = gray;
        rgb[2] = gray;

impl FromColor<Bgr<u8>> for Rgb<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Bgr<u8>) {
        let bgr = other.channels();
        let rgb = self.channels_mut();
        rgb[0] = upcast_channel(bgr[2]);
        rgb[1] = upcast_channel(bgr[1]);
        rgb[2] = upcast_channel(bgr[0]);

impl FromColor<Bgra<u8>> for Rgb<u16> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Bgra<u8>) {
        let bgra = other.channels();
        let rgb = self.channels_mut();
        rgb[0] = upcast_channel(bgra[2]);
        rgb[1] = upcast_channel(bgra[1]);
        rgb[2] = upcast_channel(bgra[0]);

/// `FromColor` for BGR

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Rgba<T>> for Bgr<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgba<T>) {
        let bgr = self.channels_mut();
        let rgba = other.channels();
        bgr[0] = rgba[2];
        bgr[1] = rgba[1];
        bgr[2] = rgba[0];

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Rgb<T>> for Bgr<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Rgb<T>) {
        let bgr = self.channels_mut();
        let rgb = other.channels();
        bgr[0] = rgb[2];
        bgr[1] = rgb[1];
        bgr[2] = rgb[0];

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Bgra<T>> for Bgr<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &Bgra<T>) {
        let bgr = self.channels_mut();
        let bgra = other.channels();
        bgr[0] = bgra[0];
        bgr[1] = bgra[1];
        bgr[2] = bgra[2];

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<LumaA<T>> for Bgr<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, other: &LumaA<T>) {
        let bgr = self.channels_mut();
        let gray = other.channels()[0];
        bgr[0] = gray;
        bgr[1] = gray;
        bgr[2] = gray;

impl<T: Primitive + 'static> FromColor<Luma<T>> for Bgr<T> {
    fn from_color(&mut self, gray: &Luma<T>) {
        let bgr = self.channels_mut();
        let gray = gray.channels()[0];
        bgr[0] = gray;
        bgr[1] = gray;
        bgr[2] = gray;

macro_rules! downcast_bit_depth_early {
    ($src:ident, $intermediate:ident, $dst:ident) => {
        impl FromColor<$src<u16>> for $dst<u8> {
            fn from_color(&mut self, other: &$src<u16>) {
                let mut intermediate: $intermediate<u8> = $intermediate([Zero::zero(); <$intermediate<u8> as Pixel>::CHANNEL_COUNT as usize]);

// Downcasts
// LumaA
downcast_bit_depth_early!(Luma, Luma, LumaA);
downcast_bit_depth_early!(Rgb, Rgb, LumaA);
downcast_bit_depth_early!(Rgba, Rgba, LumaA);
// Rgb
downcast_bit_depth_early!(Luma, Luma, Rgb);
downcast_bit_depth_early!(LumaA, LumaA, Rgb);
downcast_bit_depth_early!(Rgba, Rgba, Rgb);
// Rgba
downcast_bit_depth_early!(Luma, Luma, Rgba);
downcast_bit_depth_early!(LumaA, LumaA, Rgba);
downcast_bit_depth_early!(Rgb, Rgb, Rgba);
// Bgr
downcast_bit_depth_early!(Luma, Luma, Bgr);
downcast_bit_depth_early!(LumaA, LumaA, Bgr);
downcast_bit_depth_early!(Rgb, Rgb, Bgr);
downcast_bit_depth_early!(Rgba, Rgba, Bgr);
// Bgra
downcast_bit_depth_early!(Luma, Luma, Bgra);
downcast_bit_depth_early!(LumaA, LumaA, Bgra);
downcast_bit_depth_early!(Rgb, Rgb, Bgra);
downcast_bit_depth_early!(Rgba, Rgba, Bgra);

/// Blends a color inter another one
pub(crate) trait Blend {
    /// Blends a color in-place.
    fn blend(&mut self, other: &Self);

impl<T: Primitive> Blend for LumaA<T> {
    fn blend(&mut self, other: &LumaA<T>) {
        let max_t = T::max_value();
        let max_t = max_t.to_f32().unwrap();
        let (bg_luma, bg_a) = (self.0[0], self.0[1]);
        let (fg_luma, fg_a) = (other.0[0], other.0[1]);

        let (bg_luma, bg_a) = (
            bg_luma.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,
            bg_a.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,
        let (fg_luma, fg_a) = (
            fg_luma.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,
            fg_a.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,

        let alpha_final = bg_a + fg_a - bg_a * fg_a;
        if alpha_final == 0.0 {
        let bg_luma_a = bg_luma * bg_a;
        let fg_luma_a = fg_luma * fg_a;

        let out_luma_a = fg_luma_a + bg_luma_a * (1.0 - fg_a);
        let out_luma = out_luma_a / alpha_final;

        *self = LumaA([
            NumCast::from(max_t * out_luma).unwrap(),
            NumCast::from(max_t * alpha_final).unwrap(),

impl<T: Primitive> Blend for Luma<T> {
    fn blend(&mut self, other: &Luma<T>) {
        *self = *other

impl<T: Primitive> Blend for Rgba<T> {
    fn blend(&mut self, other: &Rgba<T>) {

        // First, as we don't know what type our pixel is, we have to convert to floats between 0.0 and 1.0
        let max_t = T::max_value();
        let max_t = max_t.to_f32().unwrap();
        let (bg_r, bg_g, bg_b, bg_a) = (self.0[0], self.0[1], self.0[2], self.0[3]);
        let (fg_r, fg_g, fg_b, fg_a) = (other.0[0], other.0[1], other.0[2], other.0[3]);
        let (bg_r, bg_g, bg_b, bg_a) = (
            bg_r.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,
            bg_g.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,
            bg_b.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,
            bg_a.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,
        let (fg_r, fg_g, fg_b, fg_a) = (
            fg_r.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,
            fg_g.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,
            fg_b.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,
            fg_a.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,

        // Work out what the final alpha level will be
        let alpha_final = bg_a + fg_a - bg_a * fg_a;
        if alpha_final == 0.0 {

        // We premultiply our channels by their alpha, as this makes it easier to calculate
        let (bg_r_a, bg_g_a, bg_b_a) = (bg_r * bg_a, bg_g * bg_a, bg_b * bg_a);
        let (fg_r_a, fg_g_a, fg_b_a) = (fg_r * fg_a, fg_g * fg_a, fg_b * fg_a);

        // Standard formula for src-over alpha compositing
        let (out_r_a, out_g_a, out_b_a) = (
            fg_r_a + bg_r_a * (1.0 - fg_a),
            fg_g_a + bg_g_a * (1.0 - fg_a),
            fg_b_a + bg_b_a * (1.0 - fg_a),

        // Unmultiply the channels by our resultant alpha channel
        let (out_r, out_g, out_b) = (
            out_r_a / alpha_final,
            out_g_a / alpha_final,
            out_b_a / alpha_final,

        // Cast back to our initial type on return
        *self = Rgba([
            NumCast::from(max_t * out_r).unwrap(),
            NumCast::from(max_t * out_g).unwrap(),
            NumCast::from(max_t * out_b).unwrap(),
            NumCast::from(max_t * alpha_final).unwrap(),

impl<T: Primitive> Blend for Bgra<T> {
    fn blend(&mut self, other: &Bgra<T>) {

        // First, as we don't know what type our pixel is, we have to convert to floats between 0.0 and 1.0
        let max_t = T::max_value();
        let max_t = max_t.to_f32().unwrap();
        let (bg_r, bg_g, bg_b, bg_a) = (self.0[2], self.0[1], self.0[0], self.0[3]);
        let (fg_r, fg_g, fg_b, fg_a) = (other.0[2], other.0[1], other.0[0], other.0[3]);
        let (bg_r, bg_g, bg_b, bg_a) = (
            bg_r.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,
            bg_g.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,
            bg_b.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,
            bg_a.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,
        let (fg_r, fg_g, fg_b, fg_a) = (
            fg_r.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,
            fg_g.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,
            fg_b.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,
            fg_a.to_f32().unwrap() / max_t,

        // Work out what the final alpha level will be
        let alpha_final = bg_a + fg_a - bg_a * fg_a;
        if alpha_final == 0.0 {

        // We premultiply our channels by their alpha, as this makes it easier to calculate
        let (bg_r_a, bg_g_a, bg_b_a) = (bg_r * bg_a, bg_g * bg_a, bg_b * bg_a);
        let (fg_r_a, fg_g_a, fg_b_a) = (fg_r * fg_a, fg_g * fg_a, fg_b * fg_a);

        // Standard formula for src-over alpha compositing
        let (out_r_a, out_g_a, out_b_a) = (
            fg_r_a + bg_r_a * (1.0 - fg_a),
            fg_g_a + bg_g_a * (1.0 - fg_a),
            fg_b_a + bg_b_a * (1.0 - fg_a),

        // Unmultiply the channels by our resultant alpha channel
        let (out_r, out_g, out_b) = (
            out_r_a / alpha_final,
            out_g_a / alpha_final,
            out_b_a / alpha_final,

        // Cast back to our initial type on return
        *self = Bgra([
            NumCast::from(max_t * out_b).unwrap(),
            NumCast::from(max_t * out_g).unwrap(),
            NumCast::from(max_t * out_r).unwrap(),
            NumCast::from(max_t * alpha_final).unwrap(),

impl<T: Primitive> Blend for Rgb<T> {
    fn blend(&mut self, other: &Rgb<T>) {
        *self = *other

impl<T: Primitive> Blend for Bgr<T> {
    fn blend(&mut self, other: &Bgr<T>) {
        *self = *other

/// Invert a color
pub(crate) trait Invert {
    /// Inverts a color in-place.
    fn invert(&mut self);

impl<T: Primitive> Invert for LumaA<T> {
    fn invert(&mut self) {
        let l = self.0;
        let max = T::max_value();

        *self = LumaA([max - l[0], l[1]])

impl<T: Primitive> Invert for Luma<T> {
    fn invert(&mut self) {
        let l = self.0;

        let max = T::max_value();
        let l1 = max - l[0];

        *self = Luma([l1])

impl<T: Primitive> Invert for Rgba<T> {
    fn invert(&mut self) {
        let rgba = self.0;

        let max = T::max_value();

        *self = Rgba([max - rgba[0], max - rgba[1], max - rgba[2], rgba[3]])

impl<T: Primitive> Invert for Bgra<T> {
    fn invert(&mut self) {
        let bgra = self.0;

        let max = T::max_value();

        *self = Bgra([max - bgra[2], max - bgra[1], max - bgra[0], bgra[3]])

impl<T: Primitive> Invert for Rgb<T> {
    fn invert(&mut self) {
        let rgb = self.0;

        let max = T::max_value();

        let r1 = max - rgb[0];
        let g1 = max - rgb[1];
        let b1 = max - rgb[2];

        *self = Rgb([r1, g1, b1])

impl<T: Primitive> Invert for Bgr<T> {
    fn invert(&mut self) {
        let bgr = self.0;

        let max = T::max_value();

        let r1 = max - bgr[2];
        let g1 = max - bgr[1];
        let b1 = max - bgr[0];

        *self = Bgr([b1, g1, r1])

mod tests {
    use super::{Bgr, Bgra, Luma, LumaA, Pixel, Rgb, Rgba};

    fn test_apply_with_alpha_rgba() {
        let mut rgba = Rgba([0, 0, 0, 0]);
        rgba.apply_with_alpha(|s| s, |_| 0xFF);
        assert_eq!(rgba, Rgba([0, 0, 0, 0xFF]));

    fn test_apply_with_alpha_bgra() {
        let mut bgra = Bgra([0, 0, 0, 0]);
        bgra.apply_with_alpha(|s| s, |_| 0xFF);
        assert_eq!(bgra, Bgra([0, 0, 0, 0xFF]));

    fn test_apply_with_alpha_rgb() {
        let mut rgb = Rgb([0, 0, 0]);
        rgb.apply_with_alpha(|s| s, |_| panic!("bug"));
        assert_eq!(rgb, Rgb([0, 0, 0]));

    fn test_apply_with_alpha_bgr() {
        let mut bgr = Bgr([0, 0, 0]);
        bgr.apply_with_alpha(|s| s, |_| panic!("bug"));
        assert_eq!(bgr, Bgr([0, 0, 0]));

    fn test_map_with_alpha_rgba() {
        let rgba = Rgba([0, 0, 0, 0]).map_with_alpha(|s| s, |_| 0xFF);
        assert_eq!(rgba, Rgba([0, 0, 0, 0xFF]));

    fn test_map_with_alpha_rgb() {
        let rgb = Rgb([0, 0, 0]).map_with_alpha(|s| s, |_| panic!("bug"));
        assert_eq!(rgb, Rgb([0, 0, 0]));

    fn test_map_with_alpha_bgr() {
        let bgr = Bgr([0, 0, 0]).map_with_alpha(|s| s, |_| panic!("bug"));
        assert_eq!(bgr, Bgr([0, 0, 0]));

    fn test_map_with_alpha_bgra() {
        let bgra = Bgra([0, 0, 0, 0]).map_with_alpha(|s| s, |_| 0xFF);
        assert_eq!(bgra, Bgra([0, 0, 0, 0xFF]));

    fn test_blend_luma_alpha() {
        let ref mut a = LumaA([255 as u8, 255]);
        let b = LumaA([255 as u8, 255]);
        assert_eq!(a.0[0], 255);
        assert_eq!(a.0[1], 255);

        let ref mut a = LumaA([255 as u8, 0]);
        let b = LumaA([255 as u8, 255]);
        assert_eq!(a.0[0], 255);
        assert_eq!(a.0[1], 255);

        let ref mut a = LumaA([255 as u8, 255]);
        let b = LumaA([255 as u8, 0]);
        assert_eq!(a.0[0], 255);
        assert_eq!(a.0[1], 255);

        let ref mut a = LumaA([255 as u8, 0]);
        let b = LumaA([255 as u8, 0]);
        assert_eq!(a.0[0], 255);
        assert_eq!(a.0[1], 0);

    fn test_blend_rgba() {
        let ref mut a = Rgba([255 as u8, 255, 255, 255]);
        let b = Rgba([255 as u8, 255, 255, 255]);
        assert_eq!(a.0, [255, 255, 255, 255]);

        let ref mut a = Rgba([255 as u8, 255, 255, 0]);
        let b = Rgba([255 as u8, 255, 255, 255]);
        assert_eq!(a.0, [255, 255, 255, 255]);

        let ref mut a = Rgba([255 as u8, 255, 255, 255]);
        let b = Rgba([255 as u8, 255, 255, 0]);
        assert_eq!(a.0, [255, 255, 255, 255]);

        let ref mut a = Rgba([255 as u8, 255, 255, 0]);
        let b = Rgba([255 as u8, 255, 255, 0]);
        assert_eq!(a.0, [255, 255, 255, 0]);

    fn test_apply_without_alpha_rgba() {
        let mut rgba = Rgba([0, 0, 0, 0]);
        rgba.apply_without_alpha(|s| s + 1);
        assert_eq!(rgba, Rgba([1, 1, 1, 0]));

    fn test_apply_without_alpha_bgra() {
        let mut bgra = Bgra([0, 0, 0, 0]);
        bgra.apply_without_alpha(|s| s + 1);
        assert_eq!(bgra, Bgra([1, 1, 1, 0]));

    fn test_apply_without_alpha_rgb() {
        let mut rgb = Rgb([0, 0, 0]);
        rgb.apply_without_alpha(|s| s + 1);
        assert_eq!(rgb, Rgb([1, 1, 1]));

    fn test_apply_without_alpha_bgr() {
        let mut bgr = Bgr([0, 0, 0]);
        bgr.apply_without_alpha(|s| s + 1);
        assert_eq!(bgr, Bgr([1, 1, 1]));

    fn test_map_without_alpha_rgba() {
        let rgba = Rgba([0, 0, 0, 0]).map_without_alpha(|s| s + 1);
        assert_eq!(rgba, Rgba([1, 1, 1, 0]));

    fn test_map_without_alpha_rgb() {
        let rgb = Rgb([0, 0, 0]).map_without_alpha(|s| s + 1);
        assert_eq!(rgb, Rgb([1, 1, 1]));

    fn test_map_without_alpha_bgr() {
        let bgr = Bgr([0, 0, 0]).map_without_alpha(|s| s + 1);
        assert_eq!(bgr, Bgr([1, 1, 1]));

    fn test_map_without_alpha_bgra() {
        let bgra = Bgra([0, 0, 0, 0]).map_without_alpha(|s| s + 1);
        assert_eq!(bgra, Bgra([1, 1, 1, 0]));

    macro_rules! test_lossless_conversion {
        ($a:ty, $b:ty, $c:ty) => {
            let a: $a = [<$a as Pixel>::Subpixel::max_value() >> 2; <$a as Pixel>::CHANNEL_COUNT as usize].into();
            let b: $b = a.into_color();
            let c: $c = b.into_color();
            assert_eq!(a.channels(), c.channels());

    fn test_lossless_conversions() {
        use super::IntoColor;

        test_lossless_conversion!(Bgr<u8>, Rgba<u8>, Bgr<u8>);
        test_lossless_conversion!(Bgra<u8>, Rgba<u8>, Bgra<u8>);
        test_lossless_conversion!(Luma<u8>, Luma<u16>, Luma<u8>);
        test_lossless_conversion!(LumaA<u8>, LumaA<u16>, LumaA<u8>);
        test_lossless_conversion!(Rgb<u8>, Rgb<u16>, Rgb<u8>);
        test_lossless_conversion!(Rgba<u8>, Rgba<u16>, Rgba<u8>);