image 0.22.1

Imaging library written in Rust. Provides basic filters and decoders for the most common image formats.
//! Decoding and Encoding of PNG Images
//! PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is an image format that supports lossless compression.
//! # Related Links
//! * <> - The PNG Specification

extern crate png;

use std::io::{self, Read, Write};

use color::ColorType;
use image::{ImageDecoder, ImageError, ImageResult};

/// PNG Reader
/// This reader will try to read the png one row at a time,
/// however for interlaced png files this is not posible and
/// these are therefore readed at once.
pub struct PNGReader<R: Read> {
    reader: png::Reader<R>,
    buffer: Vec<u8>,
    index: usize,

impl<R: Read> PNGReader<R> {
    fn new(mut reader: png::Reader<R>) -> ImageResult<PNGReader<R>> {
        let len = reader.output_buffer_size();
        // Since interlaced images do not come in 
        // scanline order it is almost impossible to
        // read them in a streaming fashion, however
        // this shouldn't be a too big of a problem
        // as most interlaced images should fit in memory.
        let buffer = if {
            let mut buffer = vec![0; len];
            reader.next_frame(&mut buffer)?;
        } else {

        Ok(PNGReader {
            index: 0,

impl<R: Read> Read for PNGReader<R> {
    fn read(&mut self, mut buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
        // io::Write::write for slice cannot fail
        let readed = buf.write(&self.buffer[self.index..]).unwrap();

        let mut bytes = readed;
        self.index += readed;
        while self.index + 1 >= self.buffer.len() {
            match self.reader.next_row()? {
                Some(row) => {
                    // Faster to copy directly to external buffer
                    let readed  = buf.write(row).unwrap();
                    bytes += readed;

                    self.buffer = (&row[readed..]).to_owned();
                    self.index = 0;
                None => return Ok(bytes)


    fn read_to_end(&mut self, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) -> io::Result<usize> {
        let mut bytes = self.buffer.len();
        self.buffer = Vec::new();
        self.index = 0;
        while let Some(row) = self.reader.next_row()? {
            bytes += row.len();


/// PNG decoder
pub struct PNGDecoder<R: Read> {
    colortype: ColorType,
    reader: png::Reader<R>,

impl<R: Read> PNGDecoder<R> {
    /// Creates a new decoder that decodes from the stream ```r```
    pub fn new(r: R) -> ImageResult<PNGDecoder<R>> {
        let limits = png::Limits {
            bytes: usize::max_value(),
        let decoder = png::Decoder::new_with_limits(r, limits);
        let (_, mut reader) = decoder.read_info()?;
        let colortype = reader.output_color_type().into();

        Ok(PNGDecoder { colortype, reader })

impl<'a, R: 'a + Read> ImageDecoder<'a> for PNGDecoder<R> {
    type Reader = PNGReader<R>;

    fn dimensions(&self) -> (u64, u64) {
        let (w, h) =;
        (w as u64, h as u64)

    fn colortype(&self) -> ColorType {

    fn into_reader(self) -> ImageResult<Self::Reader> {

    fn read_image(mut self) -> ImageResult<Vec<u8>> {
        // This should be slightly faster than the default implementation
        let mut data = vec![0; self.reader.output_buffer_size()];
        self.reader.next_frame(&mut data)?;

    fn scanline_bytes(&self) -> u64 {
        let width =;
        self.reader.output_line_size(width) as u64

/// PNG encoder
pub struct PNGEncoder<W: Write> {
    w: W,

impl<W: Write> PNGEncoder<W> {
    /// Create a new encoder that writes its output to ```w```
    pub fn new(w: W) -> PNGEncoder<W> {
        PNGEncoder { w }

    /// Encodes the image ```image```
    /// that has dimensions ```width``` and ```height```
    /// and ```ColorType``` ```c```
    pub fn encode(self, data: &[u8], width: u32, height: u32, color: ColorType) -> io::Result<()> {
        let (ct, bits) = color.into();
        let mut encoder = png::Encoder::new(self.w, width, height);
        let mut writer = encoder.write_header()?;
        writer.write_image_data(data).map_err(|e| e.into())

impl From<(png::ColorType, png::BitDepth)> for ColorType {
    fn from((ct, bits): (png::ColorType, png::BitDepth)) -> ColorType {
        use self::png::ColorType::*;
        let bits = bits as u8;
        match ct {
            Grayscale => ColorType::Gray(bits),
            RGB => ColorType::RGB(bits),
            Indexed => ColorType::Palette(bits),
            GrayscaleAlpha => ColorType::GrayA(bits),
            RGBA => ColorType::RGBA(bits),

impl From<ColorType> for (png::ColorType, png::BitDepth) {
    fn from(ct: ColorType) -> (png::ColorType, png::BitDepth) {
        use self::png::ColorType::*;
        let (ct, bits) = match ct {
            ColorType::Gray(bits) => (Grayscale, bits),
            ColorType::RGB(bits) => (RGB, bits),
            ColorType::Palette(bits) => (Indexed, bits),
            ColorType::GrayA(bits) => (GrayscaleAlpha, bits),
            ColorType::RGBA(bits) => (RGBA, bits),
            ColorType::BGRA(bits) => (RGBA, bits),
            ColorType::BGR(bits) => (RGB, bits),
        (ct, png::BitDepth::from_u8(bits).unwrap())

impl From<png::DecodingError> for ImageError {
    fn from(err: png::DecodingError) -> ImageError {
        use self::png::DecodingError::*;
        match err {
            IoError(err) => ImageError::IoError(err),
            Format(desc) => ImageError::FormatError(desc.into_owned()),
            InvalidSignature => ImageError::FormatError("invalid signature".into()),
            CrcMismatch { .. } => ImageError::FormatError("CRC error".into()),
            Other(desc) => ImageError::FormatError(desc.into_owned()),
            CorruptFlateStream => {
                ImageError::FormatError("compressed data stream corrupted".into())
            LimitsExceeded => ImageError::InsufficientMemory,