image 0.2.0-alpha.4

A pure rust imaging library. Note that there is a bug in use image = "~0.2.0" for your dependency instead of the suggested one.
//! This module provides usefull traits that where deprecated in rust

// Note copied from the stdlib under MIT license

use std::ops::{ Add, Div, Mul, Neg, Rem, Sub };
use std::num::{ Float, Int, NumCast };

/// Num trait from old stdlib
pub trait Num: Zero + One + Add<Output=Self> + Sub<Output=Self> + Mul<Output=Self> + Div<Output=Self> + Rem<Output=Self> + Neg<Output=Self> + PartialEq<Self> { }
impl<A: Zero + One + Add<Output=A> + Sub<Output=A> + Mul<Output=A> + Div<Output=A> + Rem<Output=A> + Neg<Output=A> + PartialEq<A>> Num for A { }

/// Zero trait from old stdlib
pub trait Zero: Add<Output=Self> {
    /// Returns the zero value for T
    fn zero() -> Self;
    /// Returns true if zero.
    fn is_zero(&self) -> bool;

/// Returns the zero value for T
pub fn zero<T: Zero>() -> T { Zero::zero() }
macro_rules! zero_impl {
    ($t:ty, $v:expr) => {
        impl Zero for $t {
            fn zero() -> $t { $v }
            fn is_zero(&self) -> bool { *self == $v }
zero_impl!(usize, 0us);
zero_impl!(u8,   0u8);
zero_impl!(u16,  0u16);
zero_impl!(u32,  0u32);
zero_impl!(u64,  0u64);
zero_impl!(isize, 0is);
zero_impl!(i8,  0i8);
zero_impl!(i16, 0i16);
zero_impl!(i32, 0i32);
zero_impl!(i64, 0i64);
zero_impl!(f32, 0.0f32);
zero_impl!(f64, 0.0f64);

/// Primitive trait from old stdlib, added max_value
pub trait Primitive: Copy + NumCast + Num + PartialOrd<Self> + Clone {
    /// The maximum value of primitive.
    fn max_value() -> Self;

impl Primitive for usize {
    fn max_value() -> usize { Int::max_value() }
impl Primitive for u8 {
    fn max_value() -> u8 { Int::max_value() }
impl Primitive for u16 {
    fn max_value() -> u16 { Int::max_value() }
impl Primitive for u32 {
    fn max_value() -> u32 { Int::max_value() }
impl Primitive for u64 {
    fn max_value() -> u64 { Int::max_value() }
impl Primitive for isize {
    fn max_value() -> isize { Int::max_value() }
impl Primitive for i8 {
    fn max_value() -> i8 { Int::max_value() }
impl Primitive for i16 {
    fn max_value() -> i16 { Int::max_value() }
impl Primitive for i32 {
    fn max_value() -> i32 { Int::max_value() }
impl Primitive for i64 {
    fn max_value() -> i64 { Int::max_value() }
impl Primitive for f32 {
    fn max_value() -> f32 { Float::max_value() }
impl Primitive for f64 {
    fn max_value() -> f64 { Float::max_value() }

/// One trait from old stdlib, added max_value
pub trait One: Mul<Output=Self> {
    /// Returns the unit value of Self
    fn one() -> Self;
/// Returns the unit value of T
pub fn one<T: One>() -> T { One::one() }
macro_rules! one_impl {
    ($t:ty, $v:expr) => {
        impl One for $t {
            fn one() -> $t { $v }
one_impl!(usize, 1us);
one_impl!(u8,  1u8);
one_impl!(u16, 1u16);
one_impl!(u32, 1u32);
one_impl!(u64, 1u64);
one_impl!(isize, 1is);
one_impl!(i8,  1i8);
one_impl!(i16, 1i16);
one_impl!(i32, 1i32);
one_impl!(i64, 1i64);
one_impl!(f32, 1.0f32);
one_impl!(f64, 1.0f64);