image-resizer 0.2.0

Resize or just shrink images and sharpen them appropriately. failed to build image-resizer-0.2.0
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Image Resizer

Build Status

Resize or just shrink images and sharpen them appropriately.


  image-resizer /path/to/image -m 1920                         # Make /path/to/image resized
  image-resizer /path/to/folder -m 1920                        # Make images inside /path/to/folder and make resized
  image-resizer /path/to/image -o /path/to/image2 -m 1920      # Make /path/to/image resized, and save it to /path/to/image2
  image-resizer /path/to/folder -o /path/to/folder2 -m 1920    # Make images inside /path/to/folder resized, and save them to /path/to/folder2
  image-resizer /path/to/folder -o /path/to/folder2 -f -m 1920 # Make images inside /path/to/folder resized, and save them to /path/to/folder2 without overwriting checks
  image-resizer /path/to/folder --allow-gif -r -m 1920         # Make images inside /path/to/folder including GIF resized and also remain their profiles
  image-resizer /path/to/image -m 1920 --shrink                # Make /path/to/image shrunk if it needs to be
  image-resizer /path/to/image -m 1920 -q 75                   # Make /path/to/image resized with a quality of 75 if it uses lossy compression
  image-resizer /path/to/image -m 1920 --4:2:0                 # Make /path/to/image resized and output using 4:2:0 (chroma quartered) subsampling to reduce the file size
  image-resizer /path/to/image -m 1920 --no-sharpen            # Make /path/to/image resized without auto sharpening
  image-resizer /path/to/image -m 1920 --ppi 150               # Make /path/to/image resized, and set their PPI to 150

    image-resizer [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <INPUT_PATH> --side-maximum <SIDE_MAXIMUM>

        --allow-gif           Allows to do GIF resizing
        --chroma-quartered    Uses 4:2:0 (chroma quartered) subsampling to reduce the file size if it is supported [aliases: 4:2:0]
    -f, --force               Forces to overwrite files
        --no-sharpen          Disables automatically sharpening
        --only-shrink         Only shrink images, not enlarge them [aliases: shrink]
    -r, --remain-profile      Remains the profiles of all images
    -s, --single-thread       Uses only one thread
    -h, --help                Prints help information
    -V, --version             Prints version information

    -o, --output <OUTPUT_PATH>           Assigns a destination of your generated files. It should be a path of a directory or a file depending on your input path
    -q, --quality <QUALITY>              Sets the quality for lossy compression [default: 92]
    -m, --side-maximum <SIDE_MAXIMUM>    Sets the maximum pixels of each side of an image (Aspect ratio will be preserved) [aliases: max]

    <INPUT_PATH>    Assigns an image or a directory for image resizing. It should be a path of a file or a directory
