image-hdr 0.1.2

An implementation of HDR Radiance Estimation using Poisson Photon Noise Estimator for creating HDR image from a set of images


This is a rust library which implements the HDR merging algorithm for camera images taken with different exposure times (or with bracketing). It uses the algorithms described in, and uses "Poisson Photon Noise Estimator" equations to estimate final radiances at each pixel position.

Current State

The library is still in early stages of development, but aims to provide a crate that can handle all HDR merging needs. Towards that end, the following todos are the top priority:

  • Proper error handling – instead of panics, return errors that can be used by users.
  • Ability to provide exposure times and gains manually when metadata is unavailable.
  • Tone mapping algorithm implementations.
  • Improve performance.


  • image-rs: Uses DynamicImage as the output format and storage format between calculations.
  • rawloader: For supporting RAW image formats.
  • rayon: For doing point calculations in parallel.
  • kamadak-exif: For getting image's metadata, specifically eposure time and gain (ISO).


let paths = vec!["src/image1.tif", "src/image2.tif", "src/image3.tif"];
let hdr_merge = image_hdr::hdr_merge_images(paths);
let stretched = apply_histogram_stretch(&fusion);



Given the following 3 exposures:

alt "1/640s" alt "1/4000s" alt "1/80s"

Resulting unprocessed image:

alt "Merged image"

After basic processing (Levels and Contrast):

alt "Processed image"


Bug reports and pull requests welcome at
