ilc 0.1.2

IRC log converter/collector/cruncher failed to build ilc-0.1.2
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: ilc-0.3.0


Build Status version license

What is this thing?

ilc is a library to work with common IRC log formats, as well as a collection of commonly needed utilities for IRC logs.

The library can convert between most of the EnergyMech (ZNC) and Weechat3 log formats, as well as binary and msgpack representations of them. The tools can merge, convert, and pretty-print them, or count the lines/words that people said in them.

Fine, I'll try it. Do I really have to compile it myself?

Probably. I sporadically release a binary, but those are for x86_64 Linux. If you want something else, or more recent, you'll have to compile yourself.

Okay, how do I compile it then?

Because I'm using experimental features (slice_patterns), you have to use a Rust nightly installation either way.

cargo install ilc
From git

67ee599c56ba9e58cfe190036b7dcc656b20bfdd is known to compile with

rustc 1.8.0-nightly (d63b8e539 2016-01-23)
cargo 0.8.0-nightly (8edc460 2016-01-21)

To compile:

cargo build --release


  ilc parse [options] [-i FILE...]
  ilc convert [options] [-i FILE...]
  ilc freq [options] [-i FILE...]
  ilc seen <nick> [options] [-i FILE...]
  ilc sort [options] [-i FILE...]
  ilc dedup [options] [-i FILE...]
  ilc (-h | --help | -v | --version)

  -h --help         Show this screen.
  -v --version      Show the version (duh).
  --date DATE       Override the date for this log. ISO 8601, YYYY-MM-DD.
  --tz SECONDS      UTC offset in the direction of the western hemisphere.
  --channel CH      Set a channel for the given log.
  --inf INF         Set the input format.
  --outf OUTF       Set the output format.
  --in -i IN        Give an input file, instead of stdin.
  --out -o OUT      Give an output file, instead of stdout.
  --infer-date    Try to use the filename as date for the log.

Are you stupid? Why Rust?

Uhh, actually... that may have been a suboptimal choice. Nobody cares about performance here anyways. But it was what I started with, and I didn't feel like rewriting it.

I found a bug!

Great! Or... well, not so great. Please file it here!

It doesn't support my format.

Support for irssi is planned, but beyond that you'll have to file an issue or implement it yourself. PRs are welcome, but I can't promise to merge all of them without revision. :)