ignore 0.4.10

A fast library for efficiently matching ignore files such as `.gitignore` against file paths.
The gitignore module provides a way to match globs from a gitignore file
against file paths.

Note that this module implements the specification as described in the
`gitignore` man page from scratch. That is, this module does *not* shell out to
the `git` command line tool.

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, BufRead, Read};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::str;
use std::sync::Arc;

use globset::{Candidate, GlobBuilder, GlobSet, GlobSetBuilder};
use regex::bytes::Regex;
use thread_local::ThreadLocal;

use pathutil::{is_file_name, strip_prefix};
use {Error, Match, PartialErrorBuilder};

/// Glob represents a single glob in a gitignore file.
/// This is used to report information about the highest precedent glob that
/// matched in one or more gitignore files.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Glob {
    /// The file path that this glob was extracted from.
    from: Option<PathBuf>,
    /// The original glob string.
    original: String,
    /// The actual glob string used to convert to a regex.
    actual: String,
    /// Whether this is a whitelisted glob or not.
    is_whitelist: bool,
    /// Whether this glob should only match directories or not.
    is_only_dir: bool,

impl Glob {
    /// Returns the file path that defined this glob.
    pub fn from(&self) -> Option<&Path> {
        self.from.as_ref().map(|p| &**p)

    /// The original glob as it was defined in a gitignore file.
    pub fn original(&self) -> &str {

    /// The actual glob that was compiled to respect gitignore
    /// semantics.
    pub fn actual(&self) -> &str {

    /// Whether this was a whitelisted glob or not.
    pub fn is_whitelist(&self) -> bool {

    /// Whether this glob must match a directory or not.
    pub fn is_only_dir(&self) -> bool {

    /// Returns true if and only if this glob has a `**/` prefix.
    fn has_doublestar_prefix(&self) -> bool {
        self.actual.starts_with("**/") || self.actual == "**"

/// Gitignore is a matcher for the globs in one or more gitignore files
/// in the same directory.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Gitignore {
    set: GlobSet,
    root: PathBuf,
    globs: Vec<Glob>,
    num_ignores: u64,
    num_whitelists: u64,
    matches: Option<Arc<ThreadLocal<RefCell<Vec<usize>>>>>,

impl Gitignore {
    /// Creates a new gitignore matcher from the gitignore file path given.
    /// If it's desirable to include multiple gitignore files in a single
    /// matcher, or read gitignore globs from a different source, then
    /// use `GitignoreBuilder`.
    /// This always returns a valid matcher, even if it's empty. In particular,
    /// a Gitignore file can be partially valid, e.g., when one glob is invalid
    /// but the rest aren't.
    /// Note that I/O errors are ignored. For more granular control over
    /// errors, use `GitignoreBuilder`.
    pub fn new<P: AsRef<Path>>(
        gitignore_path: P,
    ) -> (Gitignore, Option<Error>) {
        let path = gitignore_path.as_ref();
        let parent = path.parent().unwrap_or(Path::new("/"));
        let mut builder = GitignoreBuilder::new(parent);
        let mut errs = PartialErrorBuilder::default();
        match builder.build() {
            Ok(gi) => (gi, errs.into_error_option()),
            Err(err) => {
                (Gitignore::empty(), errs.into_error_option())

    /// Creates a new gitignore matcher from the global ignore file, if one
    /// exists.
    /// The global config file path is specified by git's `core.excludesFile`
    /// config option.
    /// Git's config file location is `$HOME/.gitconfig`. If `$HOME/.gitconfig`
    /// does not exist or does not specify `core.excludesFile`, then
    /// `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/ignore` is read. If `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is not
    /// set or is empty, then `$HOME/.config/git/ignore` is used instead.
    pub fn global() -> (Gitignore, Option<Error>) {

    /// Creates a new empty gitignore matcher that never matches anything.
    /// Its path is empty.
    pub fn empty() -> Gitignore {
        Gitignore {
            set: GlobSet::empty(),
            root: PathBuf::from(""),
            globs: vec![],
            num_ignores: 0,
            num_whitelists: 0,
            matches: None,

    /// Returns the directory containing this gitignore matcher.
    /// All matches are done relative to this path.
    pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {

    /// Returns true if and only if this gitignore has zero globs, and
    /// therefore never matches any file path.
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

    /// Returns the total number of globs, which should be equivalent to
    /// `num_ignores + num_whitelists`.
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    /// Returns the total number of ignore globs.
    pub fn num_ignores(&self) -> u64 {

    /// Returns the total number of whitelisted globs.
    pub fn num_whitelists(&self) -> u64 {

    /// Returns whether the given path (file or directory) matched a pattern in
    /// this gitignore matcher.
    /// `is_dir` should be true if the path refers to a directory and false
    /// otherwise.
    /// The given path is matched relative to the path given when building
    /// the matcher. Specifically, before matching `path`, its prefix (as
    /// determined by a common suffix of the directory containing this
    /// gitignore) is stripped. If there is no common suffix/prefix overlap,
    /// then `path` is assumed to be relative to this matcher.
    pub fn matched<P: AsRef<Path>>(
        path: P,
        is_dir: bool,
    ) -> Match<&Glob> {
        if self.is_empty() {
            return Match::None;
        self.matched_stripped(self.strip(path.as_ref()), is_dir)

    /// Returns whether the given path (file or directory, and expected to be
    /// under the root) or any of its parent directories (up to the root)
    /// matched a pattern in this gitignore matcher.
    /// NOTE: This method is more expensive than walking the directory hierarchy
    /// top-to-bottom and matching the entries. But, is easier to use in cases
    /// when a list of paths are available without a hierarchy.
    /// `is_dir` should be true if the path refers to a directory and false
    /// otherwise.
    /// The given path is matched relative to the path given when building
    /// the matcher. Specifically, before matching `path`, its prefix (as
    /// determined by a common suffix of the directory containing this
    /// gitignore) is stripped. If there is no common suffix/prefix overlap,
    /// then `path` is assumed to be relative to this matcher.
    /// # Panics
    /// This method panics if the given file path is not under the root path
    /// of this matcher.
    pub fn matched_path_or_any_parents<P: AsRef<Path>>(
        path: P,
        is_dir: bool,
    ) -> Match<&Glob> {
        if self.is_empty() {
            return Match::None;
        let mut path = self.strip(path.as_ref());
        assert!(!path.has_root(), "path is expected to be under the root");

        match self.matched_stripped(path, is_dir) {
            Match::None => (), // walk up
            a_match => return a_match,
        while let Some(parent) = path.parent() {
            match self.matched_stripped(parent, /* is_dir */ true) {
                Match::None => path = parent, // walk up
                a_match => return a_match,

    /// Like matched, but takes a path that has already been stripped.
    fn matched_stripped<P: AsRef<Path>>(
        path: P,
        is_dir: bool,
    ) -> Match<&Glob> {
        if self.is_empty() {
            return Match::None;
        let path = path.as_ref();
        let _matches = self.matches.as_ref().unwrap().get_default();
        let mut matches = _matches.borrow_mut();
        let candidate = Candidate::new(path);
        self.set.matches_candidate_into(&candidate, &mut *matches);
        for &i in matches.iter().rev() {
            let glob = &self.globs[i];
            if !glob.is_only_dir() || is_dir {
                return if glob.is_whitelist() {
                } else {

    /// Strips the given path such that it's suitable for matching with this
    /// gitignore matcher.
    fn strip<'a, P: 'a + AsRef<Path> + ?Sized>(
        &'a self,
        path: &'a P,
    ) -> &'a Path {
        let mut path = path.as_ref();
        // A leading ./ is completely superfluous. We also strip it from
        // our gitignore root path, so we need to strip it from our candidate
        // path too.
        if let Some(p) = strip_prefix("./", path) {
            path = p;
        // Strip any common prefix between the candidate path and the root
        // of the gitignore, to make sure we get relative matching right.
        // BUT, a file name might not have any directory components to it,
        // in which case, we don't want to accidentally strip any part of the
        // file name.
        // As an additional special case, if the root is just `.`, then we
        // shouldn't try to strip anything, e.g., when path begins with a `.`.
        if self.root != Path::new(".") && !is_file_name(path) {
            if let Some(p) = strip_prefix(&self.root, path) {
                path = p;
                // If we're left with a leading slash, get rid of it.
                if let Some(p) = strip_prefix("/", path) {
                    path = p;

/// Builds a matcher for a single set of globs from a .gitignore file.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct GitignoreBuilder {
    builder: GlobSetBuilder,
    root: PathBuf,
    globs: Vec<Glob>,
    case_insensitive: bool,

impl GitignoreBuilder {
    /// Create a new builder for a gitignore file.
    /// The path given should be the path at which the globs for this gitignore
    /// file should be matched. Note that paths are always matched relative
    /// to the root path given here. Generally, the root path should correspond
    /// to the *directory* containing a `.gitignore` file.
    pub fn new<P: AsRef<Path>>(root: P) -> GitignoreBuilder {
        let root = root.as_ref();
        GitignoreBuilder {
            builder: GlobSetBuilder::new(),
            root: strip_prefix("./", root).unwrap_or(root).to_path_buf(),
            globs: vec![],
            case_insensitive: false,

    /// Builds a new matcher from the globs added so far.
    /// Once a matcher is built, no new globs can be added to it.
    pub fn build(&self) -> Result<Gitignore, Error> {
        let nignore = self.globs.iter().filter(|g| !g.is_whitelist()).count();
        let nwhite = self.globs.iter().filter(|g| g.is_whitelist()).count();
        let set =
            self.builder.build().map_err(|err| {
                Error::Glob {
                    glob: None,
                    err: err.to_string(),
        Ok(Gitignore {
            set: set,
            root: self.root.clone(),
            globs: self.globs.clone(),
            num_ignores: nignore as u64,
            num_whitelists: nwhite as u64,
            matches: Some(Arc::new(ThreadLocal::default())),

    /// Build a global gitignore matcher using the configuration in this
    /// builder.
    /// This consumes ownership of the builder unlike `build` because it
    /// must mutate the builder to add the global gitignore globs.
    /// Note that this ignores the path given to this builder's constructor
    /// and instead derives the path automatically from git's global
    /// configuration.
    pub fn build_global(mut self) -> (Gitignore, Option<Error>) {
        match gitconfig_excludes_path() {
            None => (Gitignore::empty(), None),
            Some(path) => {
                if !path.is_file() {
                    (Gitignore::empty(), None)
                } else {
                    let mut errs = PartialErrorBuilder::default();
                    match self.build() {
                        Ok(gi) => (gi, errs.into_error_option()),
                        Err(err) => {
                            (Gitignore::empty(), errs.into_error_option())

    /// Add each glob from the file path given.
    /// The file given should be formatted as a `gitignore` file.
    /// Note that partial errors can be returned. For example, if there was
    /// a problem adding one glob, an error for that will be returned, but
    /// all other valid globs will still be added.
    pub fn add<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Option<Error> {
        let path = path.as_ref();
        let file = match File::open(path) {
            Err(err) => return Some(Error::Io(err).with_path(path)),
            Ok(file) => file,
        let rdr = io::BufReader::new(file);
        let mut errs = PartialErrorBuilder::default();
        for (i, line) in rdr.lines().enumerate() {
            let lineno = (i + 1) as u64;
            let line = match line {
                Ok(line) => line,
                Err(err) => {
                    errs.push(Error::Io(err).tagged(path, lineno));
            if let Err(err) = self.add_line(Some(path.to_path_buf()), &line) {
                errs.push(err.tagged(path, lineno));

    /// Add each glob line from the string given.
    /// If this string came from a particular `gitignore` file, then its path
    /// should be provided here.
    /// The string given should be formatted as a `gitignore` file.
    fn add_str(
        &mut self,
        from: Option<PathBuf>,
        gitignore: &str,
    ) -> Result<&mut GitignoreBuilder, Error> {
        for line in gitignore.lines() {
            self.add_line(from.clone(), line)?;

    /// Add a line from a gitignore file to this builder.
    /// If this line came from a particular `gitignore` file, then its path
    /// should be provided here.
    /// If the line could not be parsed as a glob, then an error is returned.
    pub fn add_line(
        &mut self,
        from: Option<PathBuf>,
        mut line: &str,
    ) -> Result<&mut GitignoreBuilder, Error> {

        if line.starts_with("#") {
            return Ok(self);
        if !line.ends_with("\\ ") {
            line = line.trim_right();
        if line.is_empty() {
            return Ok(self);
        let mut glob = Glob {
            from: from,
            original: line.to_string(),
            actual: String::new(),
            is_whitelist: false,
            is_only_dir: false,
        let mut is_absolute = false;
        if line.starts_with("\\!") || line.starts_with("\\#") {
            line = &line[1..];
            is_absolute = line.chars().nth(0) == Some('/');
        } else {
            if line.starts_with("!") {
                glob.is_whitelist = true;
                line = &line[1..];
            if line.starts_with("/") {
                // `man gitignore` says that if a glob starts with a slash,
                // then the glob can only match the beginning of a path
                // (relative to the location of gitignore). We achieve this by
                // simply banning wildcards from matching /.
                line = &line[1..];
                is_absolute = true;
        // If it ends with a slash, then this should only match directories,
        // but the slash should otherwise not be used while globbing.
        if let Some((i, c)) = line.char_indices().rev().nth(0) {
            if c == '/' {
                glob.is_only_dir = true;
                line = &line[..i];
        glob.actual = line.to_string();
        // If there is a literal slash, then this is a glob that must match the
        // entire path name. Otherwise, we should let it match anywhere, so use
        // a **/ prefix.
        if !is_absolute && !line.chars().any(|c| c == '/') {
            // ... but only if we don't already have a **/ prefix.
            if !glob.has_doublestar_prefix() {
                glob.actual = format!("**/{}", glob.actual);
        // If the glob ends with `/**`, then we should only match everything
        // inside a directory, but not the directory itself. Standard globs
        // will match the directory. So we add `/*` to force the issue.
        if glob.actual.ends_with("/**") {
            glob.actual = format!("{}/*", glob.actual);
        let parsed =
                .map_err(|err| {
                    Error::Glob {
                        glob: Some(glob.original.clone()),
                        err: err.kind().to_string(),

    /// Toggle whether the globs should be matched case insensitively or not.
    /// When this option is changed, only globs added after the change will be
    /// affected.
    /// This is disabled by default.
    pub fn case_insensitive(
        &mut self,
        yes: bool,
    ) -> Result<&mut GitignoreBuilder, Error> {
        // TODO: This should not return a `Result`. Fix this in the next semver
        // release.
        self.case_insensitive = yes;

/// Return the file path of the current environment's global gitignore file.
/// Note that the file path returned may not exist.
fn gitconfig_excludes_path() -> Option<PathBuf> {
    // git supports $HOME/.gitconfig and $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/git/config. Notably,
    // both can be active at the same time, where $HOME/.gitconfig takes
    // precedent. So if $HOME/.gitconfig defines a `core.excludesFile`, then
    // we're done.
    match gitconfig_home_contents().and_then(|x| parse_excludes_file(&x)) {
        Some(path) => return Some(path),
        None => {}
    match gitconfig_xdg_contents().and_then(|x| parse_excludes_file(&x)) {
        Some(path) => return Some(path),
        None => {}

/// Returns the file contents of git's global config file, if one exists, in
/// the user's home directory.
fn gitconfig_home_contents() -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
    let home = match home_dir() {
        None => return None,
        Some(home) => home,
    let mut file = match File::open(home.join(".gitconfig")) {
        Err(_) => return None,
        Ok(file) => io::BufReader::new(file),
    let mut contents = vec![];
    file.read_to_end(&mut contents).ok().map(|_| contents)

/// Returns the file contents of git's global config file, if one exists, in
/// the user's XDG_CONFIG_DIR directory.
fn gitconfig_xdg_contents() -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
    let path = env::var_os("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
        .and_then(|x| if x.is_empty() { None } else { Some(PathBuf::from(x)) })
        .or_else(|| home_dir().map(|p| p.join(".config")))
        .map(|x| x.join("git/config"));
    let mut file = match path.and_then(|p| File::open(p).ok()) {
        None => return None,
        Some(file) => io::BufReader::new(file),
    let mut contents = vec![];
    file.read_to_end(&mut contents).ok().map(|_| contents)

/// Returns the default file path for a global .gitignore file.
/// Specifically, this respects XDG_CONFIG_HOME.
fn excludes_file_default() -> Option<PathBuf> {
        .and_then(|x| if x.is_empty() { None } else { Some(PathBuf::from(x)) })
        .or_else(|| home_dir().map(|p| p.join(".config")))
        .map(|x| x.join("git/ignore"))

/// Extract git's `core.excludesfile` config setting from the raw file contents
/// given.
fn parse_excludes_file(data: &[u8]) -> Option<PathBuf> {
    // N.B. This is the lazy approach, and isn't technically correct, but
    // probably works in more circumstances. I guess we would ideally have
    // a full INI parser. Yuck.
    lazy_static! {
        static ref RE: Regex = Regex::new(
    let caps = match RE.captures(data) {
        None => return None,
        Some(caps) => caps,
    str::from_utf8(&caps[1]).ok().map(|s| PathBuf::from(expand_tilde(s)))

/// Expands ~ in file paths to the value of $HOME.
fn expand_tilde(path: &str) -> String {
    let home = match home_dir() {
        None => return path.to_string(),
        Some(home) => home.to_string_lossy().into_owned(),
    path.replace("~", &home)

/// Returns the location of the user's home directory.
fn home_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> {
    // We're fine with using env::home_dir for now. Its bugs are, IMO, pretty
    // minor corner cases. We should still probably eventually migrate to
    // the `dirs` crate to get a proper implementation.

mod tests {
    use std::path::Path;
    use super::{Gitignore, GitignoreBuilder};

    fn gi_from_str<P: AsRef<Path>>(root: P, s: &str) -> Gitignore {
        let mut builder = GitignoreBuilder::new(root);
        builder.add_str(None, s).unwrap();

    macro_rules! ignored {
        ($name:ident, $root:expr, $gi:expr, $path:expr) => {
            ignored!($name, $root, $gi, $path, false);
        ($name:ident, $root:expr, $gi:expr, $path:expr, $is_dir:expr) => {
            fn $name() {
                let gi = gi_from_str($root, $gi);
                assert!(gi.matched($path, $is_dir).is_ignore());

    macro_rules! not_ignored {
        ($name:ident, $root:expr, $gi:expr, $path:expr) => {
            not_ignored!($name, $root, $gi, $path, false);
        ($name:ident, $root:expr, $gi:expr, $path:expr, $is_dir:expr) => {
            fn $name() {
                let gi = gi_from_str($root, $gi);
                assert!(!gi.matched($path, $is_dir).is_ignore());

    const ROOT: &'static str = "/home/foobar/rust/rg";

    ignored!(ig1, ROOT, "months", "months");
    ignored!(ig2, ROOT, "*.lock", "Cargo.lock");
    ignored!(ig3, ROOT, "*.rs", "src/main.rs");
    ignored!(ig4, ROOT, "src/*.rs", "src/main.rs");
    ignored!(ig5, ROOT, "/*.c", "cat-file.c");
    ignored!(ig6, ROOT, "/src/*.rs", "src/main.rs");
    ignored!(ig7, ROOT, "!src/main.rs\n*.rs", "src/main.rs");
    ignored!(ig8, ROOT, "foo/", "foo", true);
    ignored!(ig9, ROOT, "**/foo", "foo");
    ignored!(ig10, ROOT, "**/foo", "src/foo");
    ignored!(ig11, ROOT, "**/foo/**", "src/foo/bar");
    ignored!(ig12, ROOT, "**/foo/**", "wat/src/foo/bar/baz");
    ignored!(ig13, ROOT, "**/foo/bar", "foo/bar");
    ignored!(ig14, ROOT, "**/foo/bar", "src/foo/bar");
    ignored!(ig15, ROOT, "abc/**", "abc/x");
    ignored!(ig16, ROOT, "abc/**", "abc/x/y");
    ignored!(ig17, ROOT, "abc/**", "abc/x/y/z");
    ignored!(ig18, ROOT, "a/**/b", "a/b");
    ignored!(ig19, ROOT, "a/**/b", "a/x/b");
    ignored!(ig20, ROOT, "a/**/b", "a/x/y/b");
    ignored!(ig21, ROOT, r"\!xy", "!xy");
    ignored!(ig22, ROOT, r"\#foo", "#foo");
    ignored!(ig23, ROOT, "foo", "./foo");
    ignored!(ig24, ROOT, "target", "grep/target");
    ignored!(ig25, ROOT, "Cargo.lock", "./tabwriter-bin/Cargo.lock");
    ignored!(ig26, ROOT, "/foo/bar/baz", "./foo/bar/baz");
    ignored!(ig27, ROOT, "foo/", "xyz/foo", true);
    ignored!(ig28, "./src", "/llvm/", "./src/llvm", true);
    ignored!(ig29, ROOT, "node_modules/ ", "node_modules", true);
    ignored!(ig30, ROOT, "**/", "foo/bar", true);
    ignored!(ig31, ROOT, "path1/*", "path1/foo");
    ignored!(ig32, ROOT, ".a/b", ".a/b");
    ignored!(ig33, "./", ".a/b", ".a/b");
    ignored!(ig34, ".", ".a/b", ".a/b");
    ignored!(ig35, "./.", ".a/b", ".a/b");
    ignored!(ig36, "././", ".a/b", ".a/b");
    ignored!(ig37, "././.", ".a/b", ".a/b");
    ignored!(ig38, ROOT, "\\[", "[");
    ignored!(ig39, ROOT, "\\?", "?");
    ignored!(ig40, ROOT, "\\*", "*");
    ignored!(ig41, ROOT, "\\a", "a");
    ignored!(ig42, ROOT, "s*.rs", "sfoo.rs");
    ignored!(ig43, ROOT, "**", "foo.rs");
    ignored!(ig44, ROOT, "**/**/*", "a/foo.rs");

    not_ignored!(ignot1, ROOT, "amonths", "months");
    not_ignored!(ignot2, ROOT, "monthsa", "months");
    not_ignored!(ignot3, ROOT, "/src/*.rs", "src/grep/src/main.rs");
    not_ignored!(ignot4, ROOT, "/*.c", "mozilla-sha1/sha1.c");
    not_ignored!(ignot5, ROOT, "/src/*.rs", "src/grep/src/main.rs");
    not_ignored!(ignot6, ROOT, "*.rs\n!src/main.rs", "src/main.rs");
    not_ignored!(ignot7, ROOT, "foo/", "foo", false);
    not_ignored!(ignot8, ROOT, "**/foo/**", "wat/src/afoo/bar/baz");
    not_ignored!(ignot9, ROOT, "**/foo/**", "wat/src/fooa/bar/baz");
    not_ignored!(ignot10, ROOT, "**/foo/bar", "foo/src/bar");
    not_ignored!(ignot11, ROOT, "#foo", "#foo");
    not_ignored!(ignot12, ROOT, "\n\n\n", "foo");
    not_ignored!(ignot13, ROOT, "foo/**", "foo", true);
        ignot14, "./third_party/protobuf", "m4/ltoptions.m4",
    not_ignored!(ignot15, ROOT, "!/bar", "foo/bar");
    not_ignored!(ignot16, ROOT, "*\n!**/", "foo", true);
    not_ignored!(ignot17, ROOT, "src/*.rs", "src/grep/src/main.rs");
    not_ignored!(ignot18, ROOT, "path1/*", "path2/path1/foo");
    not_ignored!(ignot19, ROOT, "s*.rs", "src/foo.rs");

    fn bytes(s: &str) -> Vec<u8> {

    fn path_string<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> String {

    fn parse_excludes_file1() {
        let data = bytes("[core]\nexcludesFile = /foo/bar");
        let got = super::parse_excludes_file(&data).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(path_string(got), "/foo/bar");

    fn parse_excludes_file2() {
        let data = bytes("[core]\nexcludesFile = ~/foo/bar");
        let got = super::parse_excludes_file(&data).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(path_string(got), super::expand_tilde("~/foo/bar"));

    fn parse_excludes_file3() {
        let data = bytes("[core]\nexcludeFile = /foo/bar");

    // See: https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/issues/106
    fn regression_106() {
        gi_from_str("/", " ");

    fn case_insensitive() {
        let gi = GitignoreBuilder::new(ROOT)
            .add_str(None, "*.html").unwrap()
        assert!(gi.matched("foo.html", false).is_ignore());
        assert!(gi.matched("foo.HTML", false).is_ignore());
        assert!(!gi.matched("foo.htm", false).is_ignore());
        assert!(!gi.matched("foo.HTM", false).is_ignore());

    ignored!(cs1, ROOT, "*.html", "foo.html");
    not_ignored!(cs2, ROOT, "*.html", "foo.HTML");
    not_ignored!(cs3, ROOT, "*.html", "foo.htm");
    not_ignored!(cs4, ROOT, "*.html", "foo.HTM");