ignore 0.1.5

A fast library for efficiently matching ignore files such as `.gitignore` against file paths.
// This module provides a data structure, `Ignore`, that connects "directory
// traversal" with "ignore matchers." Specifically, it knows about gitignore
// semantics and precedence, and is organized based on directory hierarchy.
// Namely, every matcher logically corresponds to ignore rules from a single
// directory, and points to the matcher for its corresponding parent directory.
// In this sense, `Ignore` is a *persistent* data structure.
// This design was specifically chosen to make it possible to use this data
// structure in a parallel directory iterator.
// My initial intention was to expose this module as part of this crate's
// public API, but I think the data structure's public API is too complicated
// with non-obvious failure modes. Alas, such things haven't been documented
// well.

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};

use gitignore::{self, Gitignore, GitignoreBuilder};
use pathutil::{is_hidden, strip_prefix};
use overrides::{self, Override};
use types::{self, Types};
use {Error, Match, PartialErrorBuilder};

/// IgnoreMatch represents information about where a match came from when using
/// the `Ignore` matcher.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct IgnoreMatch<'a>(IgnoreMatchInner<'a>);

/// IgnoreMatchInner describes precisely where the match information came from.
/// This is private to allow expansion to more matchers in the future.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
enum IgnoreMatchInner<'a> {
    Gitignore(&'a gitignore::Glob),

impl<'a> IgnoreMatch<'a> {
    fn overrides(x: overrides::Glob<'a>) -> IgnoreMatch<'a> {

    fn gitignore(x: &'a gitignore::Glob) -> IgnoreMatch<'a> {

    fn types(x: types::Glob<'a>) -> IgnoreMatch<'a> {

    fn hidden() -> IgnoreMatch<'static> {

/// Options for the ignore matcher, shared between the matcher itself and the
/// builder.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct IgnoreOptions {
    /// Whether to ignore hidden file paths or not.
    hidden: bool,
    /// Whether to read .ignore files.
    ignore: bool,
    /// Whether to read git's global gitignore file.
    git_global: bool,
    /// Whether to read .gitignore files.
    git_ignore: bool,
    /// Whether to read .git/info/exclude files.
    git_exclude: bool,

impl IgnoreOptions {
    /// Returns true if at least one type of ignore rules should be matched.
    fn should_ignores(&self) -> bool {
        self.ignore || self.git_global || self.git_ignore || self.git_exclude

/// Ignore is a matcher useful for recursively walking one or more directories.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Ignore(Arc<IgnoreInner>);

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct IgnoreInner {
    /// A map of all existing directories that have already been
    /// compiled into matchers.
    /// Note that this is never used during matching, only when adding new
    /// parent directory matchers. This avoids needing to rebuild glob sets for
    /// parent directories if many paths are being searched.
    compiled: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<OsString, Ignore>>>,
    /// The path to the directory that this matcher was built from.
    dir: PathBuf,
    /// An override matcher (default is empty).
    overrides: Arc<Override>,
    /// A file type matcher.
    types: Arc<Types>,
    /// The parent directory to match next.
    /// If this is the root directory or there are otherwise no more
    /// directories to match, then `parent` is `None`.
    parent: Option<Ignore>,
    /// Whether this is an absolute parent matcher, as added by add_parent.
    is_absolute_parent: bool,
    /// The absolute base path of this matcher. Populated only if parent
    /// directories are added.
    absolute_base: Option<Arc<PathBuf>>,
    /// Explicit ignore matchers specified by the caller.
    explicit_ignores: Arc<Vec<Gitignore>>,
    /// The matcher for .ignore files.
    ignore_matcher: Gitignore,
    /// A global gitignore matcher, usually from $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/ignore.
    git_global_matcher: Arc<Gitignore>,
    /// The matcher for .gitignore files.
    git_ignore_matcher: Gitignore,
    /// Special matcher for `.git/info/exclude` files.
    git_exclude_matcher: Gitignore,
    /// Whether this directory contains a .git sub-directory.
    has_git: bool,
    /// Ignore config.
    opts: IgnoreOptions,

impl Ignore {
    /// Return the directory path of this matcher.
    pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {

    /// Return true if this matcher has no parent.
    pub fn is_root(&self) -> bool {

    /// Returns true if this matcher was added via the `add_parents` method.
    pub fn is_absolute_parent(&self) -> bool {

    /// Return this matcher's parent, if one exists.
    pub fn parent(&self) -> Option<Ignore> {

    /// Create a new `Ignore` matcher with the parent directories of `dir`.
    /// Note that this can only be called on an `Ignore` matcher with no
    /// parents (i.e., `is_root` returns `true`). This will panic otherwise.
    pub fn add_parents<P: AsRef<Path>>(
        path: P,
    ) -> (Ignore, Option<Error>) {
        if !self.is_root() {
            panic!("Ignore::add_parents called on non-root matcher");
        let absolute_base = match path.as_ref().canonicalize() {
            Ok(path) => Arc::new(path),
            Err(_) => {
                // There's not much we can do here, so just return our
                // existing matcher. We drop the error to be consistent
                // with our general pattern of ignoring I/O errors when
                // processing ignore files.
                return (self.clone(), None);
        // List of parents, from child to root.
        let mut parents = vec![];
        let mut path = &**absolute_base;
        while let Some(parent) = path.parent() {
            path = parent;
        let mut errs = PartialErrorBuilder::default();
        let mut ig = self.clone();
        for parent in parents.into_iter().rev() {
            let mut compiled = self.0.compiled.write().unwrap();
            if let Some(prebuilt) = compiled.get(parent.as_os_str()) {
                ig = prebuilt.clone();
            let (mut igtmp, err) = ig.add_child_path(parent);
            igtmp.is_absolute_parent = true;
            igtmp.absolute_base = Some(absolute_base.clone());
            ig = Ignore(Arc::new(igtmp));
            compiled.insert(parent.as_os_str().to_os_string(), ig.clone());
        (ig, errs.into_error_option())

    /// Create a new `Ignore` matcher for the given child directory.
    /// Since building the matcher may require reading from multiple
    /// files, it's possible that this method partially succeeds. Therefore,
    /// a matcher is always returned (which may match nothing) and an error is
    /// returned if it exists.
    /// Note that all I/O errors are completely ignored.
    pub fn add_child<P: AsRef<Path>>(
        dir: P,
    ) -> (Ignore, Option<Error>) {
        let (ig, err) = self.add_child_path(dir.as_ref());
        (Ignore(Arc::new(ig)), err)

    /// Like add_child, but takes a full path and returns an IgnoreInner.
    fn add_child_path(&self, dir: &Path) -> (IgnoreInner, Option<Error>) {
        static IG_NAMES: &'static [&'static str] = &[".rgignore", ".ignore"];

        let mut errs = PartialErrorBuilder::default();
        let ig_matcher =
            if !self.0.opts.ignore {
            } else {
                let (m, err) = create_gitignore(&dir, IG_NAMES);
        let gi_matcher =
            if !self.0.opts.git_ignore {
            } else {
                let (m, err) = create_gitignore(&dir, &[".gitignore"]);
        let gi_exclude_matcher =
            if !self.0.opts.git_exclude {
            } else {
                let (m, err) = create_gitignore(&dir, &[".git/info/exclude"]);
        let ig = IgnoreInner {
            compiled: self.0.compiled.clone(),
            dir: dir.to_path_buf(),
            overrides: self.0.overrides.clone(),
            types: self.0.types.clone(),
            parent: Some(self.clone()),
            is_absolute_parent: false,
            absolute_base: self.0.absolute_base.clone(),
            explicit_ignores: self.0.explicit_ignores.clone(),
            ignore_matcher: ig_matcher,
            git_global_matcher: self.0.git_global_matcher.clone(),
            git_ignore_matcher: gi_matcher,
            git_exclude_matcher: gi_exclude_matcher,
            has_git: dir.join(".git").is_dir(),
            opts: self.0.opts,
        (ig, errs.into_error_option())

    /// Returns a match indicating whether the given file path should be
    /// ignored or not.
    /// The match contains information about its origin.
    pub fn matched<'a, P: AsRef<Path>>(
        &'a self,
        path: P,
        is_dir: bool,
    ) -> Match<IgnoreMatch<'a>> {
        // We need to be careful with our path. If it has a leading ./, then
        // strip it because it causes nothing but trouble.
        let mut path = path.as_ref();
        if let Some(p) = strip_prefix("./", path) {
            path = p;
        // Match against the override patterns. If an override matches
        // regardless of whether it's whitelist/ignore, then we quit and
        // return that result immediately. Overrides have the highest
        // precedence.
        if !self.0.overrides.is_empty() {
            let mat =
                self.0.overrides.matched(path, is_dir)
            if !mat.is_none() {
                return mat;
        let mut whitelisted = Match::None;
        if self.0.opts.should_ignores() {
            let mat = self.matched_ignore(path, is_dir);
            if mat.is_ignore() {
                return mat;
            } else if mat.is_whitelist() {
                whitelisted = mat;
        if !self.0.types.is_empty() {
            let mat =
                self.0.types.matched(path, is_dir).map(IgnoreMatch::types);
            if mat.is_ignore() {
                return mat;
            } else if mat.is_whitelist() {
                whitelisted = mat;
        if whitelisted.is_none() && self.0.opts.hidden && is_hidden(path) {
            return Match::Ignore(IgnoreMatch::hidden());

    /// Performs matching only on the ignore files for this directory and
    /// all parent directories.
    fn matched_ignore<'a>(
        &'a self,
        path: &Path,
        is_dir: bool,
    ) -> Match<IgnoreMatch<'a>> {
        let (mut m_ignore, mut m_gi, mut m_gi_exclude, mut m_explicit) =
            (Match::None, Match::None, Match::None, Match::None);
        let mut saw_git = false;
        for ig in self.parents().take_while(|ig| !ig.0.is_absolute_parent) {
            if m_ignore.is_none() {
                m_ignore =
                    ig.0.ignore_matcher.matched(path, is_dir)
            if !saw_git && m_gi.is_none() {
                m_gi =
                    ig.0.git_ignore_matcher.matched(path, is_dir)
            if !saw_git && m_gi_exclude.is_none() {
                m_gi_exclude =
                    ig.0.git_exclude_matcher.matched(path, is_dir)
            saw_git = saw_git || ig.0.has_git;
        if let Some(abs_parent_path) = self.absolute_base() {
            let path = abs_parent_path.join(path);
            for ig in self.parents().skip_while(|ig|!ig.0.is_absolute_parent) {
                if m_ignore.is_none() {
                    m_ignore =
                        ig.0.ignore_matcher.matched(&path, is_dir)
                if !saw_git && m_gi.is_none() {
                    m_gi =
                        ig.0.git_ignore_matcher.matched(&path, is_dir)
                if !saw_git && m_gi_exclude.is_none() {
                    m_gi_exclude =
                        ig.0.git_exclude_matcher.matched(&path, is_dir)
                saw_git = saw_git || ig.0.has_git;
        for gi in self.0.explicit_ignores.iter().rev() {
            if !m_explicit.is_none() {
            m_explicit = gi.matched(&path, is_dir).map(IgnoreMatch::gitignore);
        let m_global = self.0.git_global_matcher.matched(&path, is_dir)
        if !m_ignore.is_none() {
        } else if !m_gi.is_none() {
        } else if !m_gi_exclude.is_none() {
        } else if !m_global.is_none() {
        } else if !m_explicit.is_none() {
        } else {

    /// Returns an iterator over parent ignore matchers, including this one.
    pub fn parents(&self) -> Parents {

    /// Returns the first absolute path of the first absolute parent, if
    /// one exists.
    fn absolute_base(&self) -> Option<&Path> {
        self.0.absolute_base.as_ref().map(|p| &***p)

/// An iterator over all parents of an ignore matcher, including itself.
/// The lifetime `'a` refers to the lifetime of the initial `Ignore` matcher.
pub struct Parents<'a>(Option<&'a Ignore>);

impl<'a> Iterator for Parents<'a> {
    type Item = &'a Ignore;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a Ignore> {
        match self.0.take() {
            None => None,
            Some(ig) => {
                self.0 = ig.0.parent.as_ref();

/// A builder for creating an Ignore matcher.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct IgnoreBuilder {
    /// The root directory path for this ignore matcher.
    dir: PathBuf,
    /// An override matcher (default is empty).
    overrides: Arc<Override>,
    /// A type matcher (default is empty).
    types: Arc<Types>,
    /// Explicit ignore matchers.
    explicit_ignores: Vec<Gitignore>,
    /// Ignore config.
    opts: IgnoreOptions,

impl IgnoreBuilder {
    /// Create a new builder for an `Ignore` matcher.
    /// All relative file paths are resolved with respect to the current
    /// working directory.
    pub fn new() -> IgnoreBuilder {
        IgnoreBuilder {
            dir: Path::new("").to_path_buf(),
            overrides: Arc::new(Override::empty()),
            types: Arc::new(Types::empty()),
            explicit_ignores: vec![],
            opts: IgnoreOptions {
                hidden: true,
                ignore: true,
                git_global: true,
                git_ignore: true,
                git_exclude: true,

    /// Builds a new `Ignore` matcher.
    /// The matcher returned won't match anything until ignore rules from
    /// directories are added to it.
    pub fn build(&self) -> Ignore {
        let git_global_matcher =
            if !self.opts.git_global {
            } else {
                let (gi, err) = Gitignore::global();
                if let Some(err) = err {
                    debug!("{}", err);
        Ignore(Arc::new(IgnoreInner {
            compiled: Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new())),
            dir: self.dir.clone(),
            overrides: self.overrides.clone(),
            types: self.types.clone(),
            parent: None,
            is_absolute_parent: true,
            absolute_base: None,
            explicit_ignores: Arc::new(self.explicit_ignores.clone()),
            ignore_matcher: Gitignore::empty(),
            git_global_matcher: Arc::new(git_global_matcher),
            git_ignore_matcher: Gitignore::empty(),
            git_exclude_matcher: Gitignore::empty(),
            has_git: false,
            opts: self.opts,

    /// Add an override matcher.
    /// By default, no override matcher is used.
    /// This overrides any previous setting.
    pub fn overrides(&mut self, overrides: Override) -> &mut IgnoreBuilder {
        self.overrides = Arc::new(overrides);

    /// Add a file type matcher.
    /// By default, no file type matcher is used.
    /// This overrides any previous setting.
    pub fn types(&mut self, types: Types) -> &mut IgnoreBuilder {
        self.types = Arc::new(types);

    /// Adds a new global ignore matcher from the ignore file path given.
    pub fn add_ignore(&mut self, ig: Gitignore) -> &mut IgnoreBuilder {

    /// Enables ignoring hidden files.
    /// This is enabled by default.
    pub fn hidden(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut IgnoreBuilder {
        self.opts.hidden = yes;

    /// Enables reading `.ignore` files.
    /// `.ignore` files have the same semantics as `gitignore` files and are
    /// supported by search tools such as ripgrep and The Silver Searcher.
    /// This is enabled by default.
    pub fn ignore(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut IgnoreBuilder {
        self.opts.ignore = yes;

    /// Add a global gitignore matcher.
    /// Its precedence is lower than both normal `.gitignore` files and
    /// `.git/info/exclude` files.
    /// This overwrites any previous global gitignore setting.
    /// This is enabled by default.
    pub fn git_global(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut IgnoreBuilder {
        self.opts.git_global = yes;

    /// Enables reading `.gitignore` files.
    /// `.gitignore` files have match semantics as described in the `gitignore`
    /// man page.
    /// This is enabled by default.
    pub fn git_ignore(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut IgnoreBuilder {
        self.opts.git_ignore = yes;

    /// Enables reading `.git/info/exclude` files.
    /// `.git/info/exclude` files have match semantics as described in the
    /// `gitignore` man page.
    /// This is enabled by default.
    pub fn git_exclude(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut IgnoreBuilder {
        self.opts.git_exclude = yes;

/// Creates a new gitignore matcher for the directory given.
/// Ignore globs are extracted from each of the file names in `dir` in the
/// order given (earlier names have lower precedence than later names).
/// I/O errors are ignored.
pub fn create_gitignore(
    dir: &Path,
    names: &[&str],
) -> (Gitignore, Option<Error>) {
    let mut builder = GitignoreBuilder::new(dir);
    let mut errs = PartialErrorBuilder::default();
    for name in names {
        let gipath = dir.join(name);
    let gi = match builder.build() {
        Ok(gi) => gi,
        Err(err) => {
    (gi, errs.into_error_option())

mod tests {
    use std::fs::{self, File};
    use std::io::Write;
    use std::path::Path;

    use tempdir::TempDir;

    use dir::IgnoreBuilder;
    use gitignore::Gitignore;
    use Error;

    fn wfile<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, contents: &str) {
        let mut file = File::create(path).unwrap();

    fn mkdirp<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) {

    fn partial(err: Error) -> Vec<Error> {
        match err {
            Error::Partial(errs) => errs,
            _ => panic!("expected partial error but got {:?}", err),

    fn explicit_ignore() {
        let td = TempDir::new("ignore-test-").unwrap();
        wfile(td.path().join("not-an-ignore"), "foo\n!bar");

        let (gi, err) = Gitignore::new(td.path().join("not-an-ignore"));
        let (ig, err) = IgnoreBuilder::new()
        assert!(ig.matched("foo", false).is_ignore());
        assert!(ig.matched("bar", false).is_whitelist());
        assert!(ig.matched("baz", false).is_none());

    fn git_exclude() {
        let td = TempDir::new("ignore-test-").unwrap();
        wfile(td.path().join(".git/info/exclude"), "foo\n!bar");

        let (ig, err) = IgnoreBuilder::new().build().add_child(td.path());
        assert!(ig.matched("foo", false).is_ignore());
        assert!(ig.matched("bar", false).is_whitelist());
        assert!(ig.matched("baz", false).is_none());

    fn gitignore() {
        let td = TempDir::new("ignore-test-").unwrap();
        wfile(td.path().join(".gitignore"), "foo\n!bar");

        let (ig, err) = IgnoreBuilder::new().build().add_child(td.path());
        assert!(ig.matched("foo", false).is_ignore());
        assert!(ig.matched("bar", false).is_whitelist());
        assert!(ig.matched("baz", false).is_none());

    fn ignore() {
        let td = TempDir::new("ignore-test-").unwrap();
        wfile(td.path().join(".ignore"), "foo\n!bar");

        let (ig, err) = IgnoreBuilder::new().build().add_child(td.path());
        assert!(ig.matched("foo", false).is_ignore());
        assert!(ig.matched("bar", false).is_whitelist());
        assert!(ig.matched("baz", false).is_none());

    // Tests that an .ignore will override a .gitignore.
    fn ignore_over_gitignore() {
        let td = TempDir::new("ignore-test-").unwrap();
        wfile(td.path().join(".gitignore"), "foo");
        wfile(td.path().join(".ignore"), "!foo");

        let (ig, err) = IgnoreBuilder::new().build().add_child(td.path());
        assert!(ig.matched("foo", false).is_whitelist());

    // Tests that exclude has lower precedent than both .ignore and .gitignore.
    fn exclude_lowest() {
        let td = TempDir::new("ignore-test-").unwrap();
        wfile(td.path().join(".gitignore"), "!foo");
        wfile(td.path().join(".ignore"), "!bar");
        wfile(td.path().join(".git/info/exclude"), "foo\nbar\nbaz");

        let (ig, err) = IgnoreBuilder::new().build().add_child(td.path());
        assert!(ig.matched("baz", false).is_ignore());
        assert!(ig.matched("foo", false).is_whitelist());
        assert!(ig.matched("bar", false).is_whitelist());

    fn errored() {
        let td = TempDir::new("ignore-test-").unwrap();
        wfile(td.path().join(".gitignore"), "f**oo");

        let (_, err) = IgnoreBuilder::new().build().add_child(td.path());

    fn errored_both() {
        let td = TempDir::new("ignore-test-").unwrap();
        wfile(td.path().join(".gitignore"), "f**oo");
        wfile(td.path().join(".ignore"), "fo**o");

        let (_, err) = IgnoreBuilder::new().build().add_child(td.path());
        assert_eq!(2, partial(err.expect("an error")).len());

    fn errored_partial() {
        let td = TempDir::new("ignore-test-").unwrap();
        wfile(td.path().join(".gitignore"), "f**oo\nbar");

        let (ig, err) = IgnoreBuilder::new().build().add_child(td.path());
        assert!(ig.matched("bar", false).is_ignore());

    fn errored_partial_and_ignore() {
        let td = TempDir::new("ignore-test-").unwrap();
        wfile(td.path().join(".gitignore"), "f**oo\nbar");
        wfile(td.path().join(".ignore"), "!bar");

        let (ig, err) = IgnoreBuilder::new().build().add_child(td.path());
        assert!(ig.matched("bar", false).is_whitelist());

    fn not_present_empty() {
        let td = TempDir::new("ignore-test-").unwrap();

        let (_, err) = IgnoreBuilder::new().build().add_child(td.path());

    fn stops_at_git_dir() {
        // This tests that .gitignore files beyond a .git barrier aren't
        // matched, but .ignore files are.
        let td = TempDir::new("ignore-test-").unwrap();
        wfile(td.path().join(".gitignore"), "foo");
        wfile(td.path().join(".ignore"), "bar");

        let ig0 = IgnoreBuilder::new().build();
        let (ig1, err) = ig0.add_child(td.path());
        let (ig2, err) = ig1.add_child(ig1.path().join("foo"));

        assert!(ig1.matched("foo", false).is_ignore());
        assert!(ig2.matched("foo", false).is_none());

        assert!(ig1.matched("bar", false).is_ignore());
        assert!(ig2.matched("bar", false).is_ignore());

    fn absolute_parent() {
        let td = TempDir::new("ignore-test-").unwrap();
        wfile(td.path().join(".gitignore"), "bar");

        // First, check that the parent gitignore file isn't detected if the
        // parent isn't added. This establishes a baseline.
        let ig0 = IgnoreBuilder::new().build();
        let (ig1, err) = ig0.add_child(td.path().join("foo"));
        assert!(ig1.matched("bar", false).is_none());

        // Second, check that adding a parent directory actually works.
        let ig0 = IgnoreBuilder::new().build();
        let (ig1, err) = ig0.add_parents(td.path().join("foo"));
        let (ig2, err) = ig1.add_child(td.path().join("foo"));
        assert!(ig2.matched("bar", false).is_ignore());

    fn absolute_parent_anchored() {
        let td = TempDir::new("ignore-test-").unwrap();
        wfile(td.path().join(".gitignore"), "/llvm/\nfoo");

        let ig0 = IgnoreBuilder::new().build();
        let (ig1, err) = ig0.add_parents(td.path().join("src"));
        let (ig2, err) = ig1.add_child("src");

        assert!(ig1.matched("llvm", true).is_none());
        assert!(ig2.matched("llvm", true).is_none());
        assert!(ig2.matched("src/llvm", true).is_none());
        assert!(ig2.matched("foo", false).is_ignore());
        assert!(ig2.matched("src/foo", false).is_ignore());