identity_iota_core 0.7.0-alpha.4

An IOTA Ledger integration for the IOTA DID Method.
// Copyright 2020-2022 IOTA Stiftung
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

pub type Result<T, E = Error> = core::result::Result<T, E>;

#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, strum::IntoStaticStr)]
pub enum Error {
  #[error("serialization error")]
  SerializationError(&'static str, #[source] Option<identity_core::Error>),
  #[error("invalid did")]
  DIDSyntaxError(#[source] identity_did::did::DIDError),
  #[error("invalid document")]
  InvalidDoc(#[source] identity_did::error::Error),
  #[cfg(feature = "iota-client")]
  #[error("DID update: {0}")]
  DIDUpdateError(&'static str, #[source] Option<Box<iota_client::error::Error>>),
  #[cfg(feature = "iota-client")]
  #[error("DID resolution failed")]
  DIDResolutionError(#[source] iota_client::error::Error),
  #[cfg(feature = "iota-client")]
  BasicOutputBuildError(#[source] iota_client::block::Error),
  #[error("\"{0}\" is not a valid network name in the context of the `iota` did method")]
  #[cfg(feature = "iota-client")]
  #[error("unable to obtain the token supply from the client")]
  TokenSupplyError(#[source] iota_client::Error),
  #[error("unable to resolve a `{expected}` DID on network `{actual}`")]
  NetworkMismatch { expected: String, actual: String },
  #[cfg(feature = "iota-client")]
  #[error("could not fetch protocol parameters")]
  ProtocolParametersError(#[source] iota_client::Error),
  #[error("invalid state metadata {0}")]
  InvalidStateMetadata(&'static str),
  #[error("credential revocation error")]
  RevocationError(#[source] identity_did::Error),
  #[cfg(feature = "client")]
  #[error("alias output build error")]
  AliasOutputBuildError(#[source] crate::block::Error),
  #[cfg(feature = "iota-client")]
  #[error("output with id `{0}` is not an alias output")]
  #[cfg(feature = "iota-client")]
  #[error("converting a DTO to an output failed")]
  OutputConversionError(#[source] iota_client::block::DtoError),
  #[error("conversion to an OutputId failed: {0}")]
  #[cfg(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "wasi")))]
  #[error("JavaScript function threw an exception: {0}")]
  #[error("could not sign the data")]
  SigningError(#[source] Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>),