identity_iota 0.6.3

Framework for Self-Sovereign Identity with IOTA DID.



IOTA Identity is a Rust implementation of decentralized digital identity, also known as Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI). It implements standards such as the W3C Decentralized Identifiers (DID), Verifiable Credentials, and the DIF DIDComm Messaging specifications alongside supporting methods. This framework can be used to create and authenticate digital identities, creating a trusted connection and sharing verifiable information, establishing trust in the digital world.

The individual libraries are developed to be agnostic about the utilized Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), with the exception of the IOTA integration and higher level libraries. Written in stable Rust, it has strong guarantees of memory safety and process integrity while maintaining exceptional performance.


This library is currently in its beta stage and under development and might undergo large changes! Until a formal third-party security audit has taken place, the IOTA Foundation makes no guarantees to the fitness of this library. As such, it is to be seen as experimental and not ready for real-world applications. Nevertheless, we are very interested in feedback about user experience, design and implementation, and encourage you to reach out with any concerns or suggestions you may have.


Foreign Function Interface (FFI) Bindings of this Rust library to other programming languages are a work in progress (see Roadmap below). Currently available bindings are:

Documentation and Resources

  • API Reference: Package documentation (cargo docs).
  • Identity Documentation Pages: Supplementing documentation with context around identity and simple examples on library usage.
  • Examples: Practical code snippets to get you started with the library.
  • IOTA Identity Experience Team Website: Website for a collaborative effort to provide help, guidance and spotlight to the IOTA Identity Community through offering feedback and introducing consistent workflows around IOTA Identity.


Getting Started

If you want to include IOTA Identity in your project, simply add it as a dependency in your Cargo.toml:

identity_iota = { version = "0.6" }

To try out the examples, you can also do this:

  1. Clone the repository, e.g. through git clone
  2. Build the repository with cargo build
  3. Run your first example using cargo run --example getting_started

Example: Creating an Identity

The following code creates and publishes a new IOTA DID Document to the Tangle Mainnet.


name = "iota_identity_example"
version = "1.0.0"
edition = "2021"

identity_iota = { version = "0.6" }
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }

use identity_iota::account::Account;
use identity_iota::account::IdentitySetup;
use identity_iota::account::Result;
use identity_iota::account_storage::Stronghold;
use identity_iota::core::ToJson;
use identity_iota::client::ExplorerUrl;
use identity_iota::client::ResolvedIotaDocument;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
  // Stronghold settings.
  let stronghold_path: &str = "./example-strong.hodl";
  let password: String = "my-password".into();
  let stronghold: Stronghold = Stronghold::new(stronghold_path, password, None).await?;

  // Create a new identity with default settings and
  // Stronghold as the storage.
  let account: Account = Account::builder()

  println!("[Example] Local Document = {:#?}", account.document());

  // Fetch the DID Document from the Tangle
  // This is an optional step to ensure DID Document consistency.
  let resolved: ResolvedIotaDocument = account.resolve_identity().await?;

  println!("[Example] Tangle Document = {}", resolved.to_json_pretty()?);

  // Print the Identity Resolver Explorer URL.
  let explorer: &ExplorerUrl = ExplorerUrl::mainnet();
    "[Example] Explore the DID Document = {}",


Example output

  "doc": {
    "id": "did:iota:8nG4d85jnqTYGMWt5DL63FobHF5Ersuw4foQnEo66nbD",
    "capabilityInvocation": [
        "id": "did:iota:8nG4d85jnqTYGMWt5DL63FobHF5Ersuw4foQnEo66nbD#sign-0",
        "controller": "did:iota:8nG4d85jnqTYGMWt5DL63FobHF5Ersuw4foQnEo66nbD",
        "type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
        "publicKeyMultibase": "zHCoXy5XR9BmxMfXK8GrKziPGJLFBnrfeuH3XR4GuQoR2"
  "meta": {
    "created": "2022-06-14T13:16:04Z",
    "updated": "2022-06-14T13:16:04Z"
  "proof": {
    "type": "JcsEd25519Signature2020",
    "verificationMethod": "did:iota:8nG4d85jnqTYGMWt5DL63FobHF5Ersuw4foQnEo66nbD#sign-0",
    "signatureValue": "2zx5UCTbcbzSRtPmNj12fzPe1fdGAPPEyT3WGjkP8ADb6xx5jj6E6tcGCYPgWi9YvohkwHSjAVPS5sD2Zac5deyW"
  "integrationMessageId": "446c1416eda4b40ec793f902fe4ba18e88d8f164637426d9239fc7c1b921c8c3"
[Example] Explore the DID Document =

The output link points to the Identity Resolver on the IOTA Tangle Explorer.

Roadmap and Milestones

For detailed development progress, see the IOTA Identity development kanban board.

IOTA Identity is in heavy development, and will naturally change as it matures and people use it. The chart below isn't meant to be exhaustive, but rather helps to give an idea for some of the areas of development and their relative completion:

Basic Framework

Feature Not started In Research In Development Done Notes
IOTA DID Method ✔️ Finished implementation.
Verifiable Credentials ✔️ Finished implementation.
Account ✔️ Finished implementation.
Identity Actor 🔶
DIDComm 🔶 In-progress with Actor
Selective Disclosure 🔶
Zero Knowledge Proofs 🔶
Support Embedded Rust 🔶
WASM Bindings ✔️ Finished implementation.
Code Examples ✔️
Documentation Portal 🔶

Next Milestones

At the current state, the framework is in beta. As the framework matures we expect to support more and more types of applications. We recommend no use in real-world applications until the consumed libraries are audited, but experimentation and Proof-of-Concept projects are encouraged at the different stages.

The next milestone is the release of version 1.0, which will stabilize the APIs, support backwards compatibility and versioned identities. This makes updating to future versions much easier. In addition it will provide full documentation coverage and the release will be audited.

Afterwards, we are already planning a future update containing privacy enhancing features such as Selective Disclosure and Zero Knowledge Proofs.


We would love to have you help us with the development of IOTA Identity. Each and every contribution is greatly valued!

Please review the contribution and workflow sections in the IOTA Wiki.

To contribute directly to the repository, simply fork the project, push your changes to your fork and create a pull request to get them included!

The best place to get involved in discussions about this framework or to look for support at is the #identity channel on the IOTA Discord. You can also ask questions on our Stack Exchange.