identity_core 0.7.0-alpha.4

The core traits and types for the identity-rs library.
// Copyright 2020-2022 IOTA Stiftung
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

//! Errors that may occur when Self-sovereign Identity goes wrong.

use crate::utils::Base;

/// Alias for a `Result` with the error type [`Error`].
pub type Result<T, E = Error> = ::core::result::Result<T, E>;

/// This type represents all possible errors that can occur in the library.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, strum::IntoStaticStr)]
pub enum Error {
  /// Caused when a cryptographic operation fails.
  #[error("Crypto Error: {0}")]
  /// Caused by a failure to encode Rust types as JSON.
  #[error("Failed to encode JSON: {0}")]
  /// Caused by a failure to decode Rust types from JSON.
  #[error("Failed to decode JSON: {0}")]
  /// Caused by a failure to decode base-encoded data.
  #[error("Failed to decode {0:?} data")]
  DecodeBase(Base, #[source] multibase::Error),
  /// Caused by a failure to decode multibase-encoded data.
  #[error("Failed to decode multibase data: {0}")]
  DecodeMultibase(#[from] multibase::Error),
  /// Caused by attempting to perform an invalid `Diff` operation.
  #[deprecated(since = "0.5.0", note = "diff chain features are slated for removal")]
  #[error("Invalid Document Diff: {0}")]
  InvalidDiff(#[from] identity_diff::Error),
  /// Caused by attempting to parse an invalid `Url`.
  #[error("Invalid Url: {0}")]
  InvalidUrl(#[from] url::ParseError),
  /// Caused by attempting to parse an invalid `Timestamp`.
  #[error("Invalid Timestamp: {0}")]
  InvalidTimestamp(#[from] time::error::Error),
  /// Caused by attempting to create an empty `OneOrSet` instance or remove all its elements.
  #[error("OneOrSet cannot be empty")]
  /// Caused by attempting to convert a collection with duplicate keys into an OrderedSet.
  #[error("duplicate key in OrderedSet")]
  /// Caused by attempting to parse an invalid `ProofPurpose`.
  #[error("Invalid ProofPurpose")]
  /// Raised by a validation attempt against an invalid DID proof.
  #[error("Invalid Proof Value: {0}")]
  InvalidProofValue(&'static str),
  /// Caused by attempting to parse an invalid cryptographic key.
  #[error("Invalid Key Format")]
  /// Caused byt attempting to parse as invalid cryptographic key.
  #[error("Invalid Key Length. Received {0}, Expected {1}")]
  InvalidKeyLength(usize, usize),
  /// Caused byt attempting to parse as invalid digital signature.
  #[error("Invalid Signature Length. Received {0}, Expected {1}")]
  InvalidSigLength(usize, usize),
  /// Caused by a failed attempt at retrieving a digital signature.
  #[error("Signature Not Found")]

impl From<crypto::Error> for Error {
  fn from(other: crypto::Error) -> Self {