identifier 0.1.3

Generate 128 bits id structs easily


doc minimum rustc 1.31.0 version GitHub MathieuTricoire/identifier

Generate 128 bits id structs easily


identifier = "0.1"

Version requirement: rustc 1.31+

Simple Example

Go to the generator section to see how to create one

use generators::uuid;
use identifier::{Display, FromStr, Identifier};

#[derive(Identifier, Eq, PartialEq, Display, FromStr)]
#[identifier(with = "uuid")]
pub struct UserId(u128);

fn main() {
    let id = UserId::generate();
    println!("generated user id: {}", id);

    let parsed_id = "5ed9a942-223e-4639-a97c-6b6c41ac48d3".parse::<UserId>();

Example with a generator requiring params

use generators::random_id;
use identifier::{Display, FromStr, Identifier};

const KIND: u32 = 0x1111_ffff;

#[derive(Identifier, Eq, PartialEq, FromStr, Display)]
#[identifier(with = "random_id", params = "KIND, 0xabcd")]
pub struct PostId(u128);

fn main() {
    let id = PostId::generate();
    println!("generated post id: {}", id);


No params (with the uuid crate)

mod uuid {
    use uuid::Uuid;

    pub fn generate() -> u128 {

    pub fn validate(value: u128) -> bool {
        if let Some(Version::Random) = Uuid::from_u128(value).get_version() {
        } else {

With params

mod random_id {
    pub fn generate(kind: u32, seed: u16) -> u128 {
        /* generate a random id with the given params ... */

    pub fn validate(value: u128, kind: u32, _: u16) -> bool {
        /* check it's a correct random id ... */


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