icu_provider_fs 0.2.0

ICU4X data provider that reads from structured data files


icu_fs_data_provider is one of the ICU4X components.

It reads ICU4X data files from the filesystem in a given directory. It can also export data to the filesystem via an iterable data provider (see the export module).


use icu_provider_fs::FsDataProvider;

let provider = FsDataProvider::try_new("/path/to/data/directory")
    .expect_err("Specify a real directory in the line above");

Directory Structure

The ICU4X data directory has a file named manifest.json at the root, and a nested structure with category (ResourceCategory), subcategory@version, optional variant, and language identifier as the leaf data files. For example, Arabic JSON data for cardinal plurals lives at plurals/cardinal@1/ar.json.

The exact form of the directory structure may change over time. ICU4X uses metadata from manifest.json to dynamically interpret different versions of the directory structure.

├── manifest.json
├── dates
│   └── gregory@1
│       ├── ar-EG.json
│       ├── ar.json
│       ├── be.json
│       ⋮
│       └── und.json
└── plurals
    ├── cardinal@1
    │   ├── ar.json
    │   ├── be.json
    │   ⋮
    │   └── und.json
    └── ordinal@1
        ├── ar.json
        ├── be.json
        └── und.json

Resource Formats

ICU4X data can be stored in different formats. At the moment there are:

  • JSON - Textual format, easy to read
  • Bincode - Binary, fast resource format

The directory passed to the [FsDataProvider] constructor may contain either of them.

Exporting data

To generate the data required for [FsDataProvider], use the following script:

cargo run
  --features export-bin
  --cldr-tag 37.0.0
  --out ./icu4x-data

To export bincode format, use

cargo run
  --features export-bin,bincode
  --cldr-tag 37.0.0
  --out ./icu4x-data
  -s bincode

Notice: In order to use bincode encoded data in production, icu_provider_fs has to be added with bincode feature.

More Information

For more information on development, authorship, contributing etc. please visit ICU4X home page.