icu_calendar_data 1.4.0

Data for the icu_calendar crate
// @generated
/// Marks a type as a data provider. You can then use macros like
/// `impl_core_helloworld_v1` to add implementations.
/// ```ignore
/// struct MyProvider;
/// const _: () = {
///     include!("path/to/generated/");
///     make_provider!(MyProvider);
///     impl_core_helloworld_v1!(MyProvider);
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! __make_provider {
    ($ name : ty) => {
        #[clippy::msrv = "1.67"]
        impl $name {
            pub const MUST_USE_MAKE_PROVIDER_MACRO: () = ();
pub use __make_provider as make_provider;
#[path = "macros/"]
mod calendar_japanese_v1;
pub use __impl_calendar_japanese_v1 as impl_calendar_japanese_v1;
#[path = "macros/"]
mod calendar_japanext_v1;
pub use __impl_calendar_japanext_v1 as impl_calendar_japanext_v1;
#[path = "macros/"]
mod datetime_week_data_v1;
pub use __impl_datetime_week_data_v1 as impl_datetime_week_data_v1;