ics06-solomachine 0.1.2

Implementation of the ICS06 solomachine client according by ibc-go.
use super::{
    client_type as sm_client_type, ExecutionContext as SmExecutionContext,
    ValidationContext as SmValidationContext,
use crate::consensus_state::ConsensusState as SmConsensusState;
use crate::cosmos::crypto::PublicKey;
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::header::Header as SmHeader;
use crate::misbehaviour::Misbehaviour as SmMisbehaviour;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::proof::types::sign_bytes::SignBytes;
use crate::proof::types::signature_and_data::SignatureAndData;
use crate::proof::types::timestamped_signature_data::TimestampedSignatureData;
use crate::proof::verify_signature;
use ibc::core::ics02_client::client_state::Status;
use ibc::core::ics02_client::client_state::{
    ClientStateCommon, ClientStateExecution, ClientStateValidation, UpdateKind,
use ibc::core::ics02_client::client_type::ClientType;
use ibc::core::ics02_client::consensus_state::ConsensusState;
use ibc::core::ics02_client::error::ClientError;
use ibc::core::ics02_client::ClientExecutionContext;
use ibc::core::ics23_commitment::commitment::{
    CommitmentPrefix, CommitmentProofBytes, CommitmentRoot,
use ibc::core::ics23_commitment::merkle::apply_prefix;
use ibc::core::ics24_host::identifier::ClientId;
use ibc::core::ics24_host::path::Path;
use ibc::core::ics24_host::path::{ClientConsensusStatePath, ClientStatePath};
use ibc::core::timestamp::Timestamp;
use ibc::Height;
use ibc_proto::google::protobuf::Any;
use ibc_proto::ibc::lightclients::solomachine::v3::ClientState as RawSmClientState;
use ibc_proto::protobuf::Protobuf;
use prost::Message;

pub mod misbehaviour;
pub mod update_client;

pub const SOLOMACHINE_CLIENT_STATE_TYPE_URL: &str = "/ibc.lightclients.solomachine.v3.ClientState";

/// ClientState defines a solo machine client that tracks the current consensus
/// state and if the client is frozen.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct ClientState {
    /// latest sequence of the client state
    pub sequence: Height,
    /// frozen sequence of the solo machine
    pub is_frozen: bool,
    pub consensus_state: SmConsensusState,

impl ClientStateCommon for ClientState {
    fn verify_consensus_state(&self, consensus_state: Any) -> Result<(), ClientError> {
        let tm_consensus_state = SmConsensusState::try_from(consensus_state)?;
        if tm_consensus_state.root().is_empty() {
            return Err(ClientError::Other {
                description: "empty commitment root".into(),


    fn client_type(&self) -> ClientType {

    fn latest_height(&self) -> Height {

    fn validate_proof_height(&self, proof_height: Height) -> Result<(), ClientError> {
        if self.latest_height() < proof_height {
            return Err(ClientError::InvalidProofHeight {
                latest_height: self.latest_height(),

    /// Perform client-specific verifications and check all data in the new
    /// client state to be the same across all valid Tendermint clients for the
    /// new chain.
    /// You can learn more about how to upgrade IBC-connected SDK chains in
    /// [this](https://ibc.cosmos.network/main/ibc/upgrades/quick-guide.html)
    /// guide
    fn verify_upgrade_client(
        _upgraded_client_state: Any,
        _upgraded_consensus_state: Any,
        _proof_upgrade_client: CommitmentProofBytes,
        _proof_upgrade_consensus_state: CommitmentProofBytes,
        _root: &CommitmentRoot,
    ) -> Result<(), ClientError> {
        // todo: no implement

    fn verify_membership(
        prefix: &CommitmentPrefix,
        proof: &CommitmentProofBytes,
        _root: &CommitmentRoot,
        path: Path,
        value: Vec<u8>,
    ) -> Result<(), ClientError> {
        let (public_key, sig_data, timestamp, sequence) = self.produce_verification_args(proof)?;
        let merkle_path = apply_prefix(prefix, vec![path.to_string()]);
        if merkle_path.key_path.is_empty() {
            return Err(ClientError::Other {
                description: "path is empty".to_string(),
        let sign_bytes = SignBytes {
            timestamp: timestamp.nanoseconds(),
            diversifier: self.consensus_state.diversifier.clone(),
            path: merkle_path,
            data: value,
        let sign_bz = sign_bytes.encode_vec();
        verify_signature(public_key, sign_bz, sig_data).map_err(|e| ClientError::Other {
            description: e.to_string(),

    fn verify_non_membership(
        prefix: &CommitmentPrefix,
        proof: &CommitmentProofBytes,
        _root: &CommitmentRoot,
        path: Path,
    ) -> Result<(), ClientError> {
        let (public_key, sig_data, timestamp, sequence) = self.produce_verification_args(proof)?;
        let merkle_path = apply_prefix(prefix, vec![path.to_string()]);
        if merkle_path.key_path.is_empty() {
            return Err(ClientError::Other {
                description: "path is empty".to_string(),
        let sign_bytes = SignBytes {
            timestamp: timestamp.nanoseconds(),
            diversifier: self.consensus_state.diversifier.clone(),
            path: merkle_path,
            data: vec![],
        let sign_bz = sign_bytes.encode_vec();

        verify_signature(public_key, sign_bz, sig_data).map_err(|e| ClientError::Other {
            description: e.to_string(),

impl<ClientValidationContext> ClientStateValidation<ClientValidationContext> for ClientState
    ClientValidationContext: SmValidationContext,
    fn verify_client_message(
        ctx: &ClientValidationContext,
        client_id: &ClientId,
        client_message: Any,
        update_kind: &UpdateKind,
    ) -> Result<(), ClientError> {
        match update_kind {
            UpdateKind::UpdateClient => {
                let header = SmHeader::try_from(client_message)?;
                self.verify_header(ctx, client_id, header)
            UpdateKind::SubmitMisbehaviour => {
                let misbehaviour = SmMisbehaviour::try_from(client_message)?;
                self.verify_misbehaviour(ctx, client_id, misbehaviour)

    fn check_for_misbehaviour(
        ctx: &ClientValidationContext,
        client_id: &ClientId,
        client_message: Any,
        update_kind: &UpdateKind,
    ) -> Result<bool, ClientError> {
        match update_kind {
            UpdateKind::UpdateClient => {
                let header = SmHeader::try_from(client_message)?;
                self.check_for_misbehaviour_update_client(ctx, client_id, header)
            UpdateKind::SubmitMisbehaviour => {
                let misbehaviour = SmMisbehaviour::try_from(client_message)?;

    fn status(
        _ctx: &ClientValidationContext,
        _client_id: &ClientId,
    ) -> Result<Status, ClientError> {
        if self.is_frozen {
            return Ok(Status::Frozen);

        // let latest_consensus_state: SmConsensusState = {
        //     let any_latest_consensus_state = match ctx
        //         .consensus_state(&ClientConsensusStatePath::new(client_id, &self.sequence))
        //     {
        //         Ok(cs) => cs,
        //         // if the client state does not have an associated consensus state for its latest height
        //         // then it must be expired
        //         Err(_) => return Ok(Status::Expired),
        //     };

        //     any_latest_consensus_state.try_into()?
        // };

        // Note: if the `duration_since()` is `None`, indicating that the latest
        // consensus state is in the future, then we don't consider the client
        // to be expired.
        // let now = ctx.host_timestamp()?;
        // if let Some(elapsed_since_latest_consensus_state) =
        //     now.duration_since(&latest_consensus_state.timestamp())
        // {
        //     if elapsed_since_latest_consensus_state > self.consensus_state.timestamp.into() {
        //         return Ok(Status::Expired);
        //     }
        // }


impl<E> ClientStateExecution<E> for ClientState
    E: SmExecutionContext,
    <E as ClientExecutionContext>::AnyClientState: From<ClientState>,
    <E as ClientExecutionContext>::AnyConsensusState: From<SmConsensusState>,
    fn initialise(
        ctx: &mut E,
        client_id: &ClientId,
        consensus_state: Any,
    ) -> Result<(), ClientError> {
        let sm_consensus_state = SmConsensusState::try_from(consensus_state)?;

        ctx.store_client_state(ClientStatePath::new(client_id), self.clone().into())?;
            ClientConsensusStatePath::new(client_id, &self.latest_height()),


    fn update_state(
        ctx: &mut E,
        client_id: &ClientId,
        header: Any,
    ) -> Result<Vec<Height>, ClientError> {
        let sm_header = SmHeader::try_from(header).map_err(|e| ClientError::Other {
            description: format!("decode SmHeader Error({})", e),
        let consensus_state = SmConsensusState::new(
        let mut new_client_state = self.clone();
        let new_height = new_client_state.sequence;
        new_client_state.consensus_state = consensus_state;
        ctx.store_client_state(ClientStatePath::new(client_id), new_client_state.into())?;

    fn update_state_on_misbehaviour(
        ctx: &mut E,
        client_id: &ClientId,
        _client_message: Any,
        _update_kind: &UpdateKind,
    ) -> Result<(), ClientError> {
        let frozen_client_state = self.clone().with_frozen_height(Height::min(0));

        ctx.store_client_state(ClientStatePath::new(client_id), frozen_client_state.into())?;


    // Commit the new client state and consensus state to the store
    fn update_state_on_upgrade(
        _ctx: &mut E,
        _client_id: &ClientId,
        _upgraded_client_state: Any,
        _upgraded_consensus_state: Any,
    ) -> Result<Height, ClientError> {
        Err(ClientError::Other {
            description: "No implement".to_string(),

impl ClientState {
    /// Create a new ClientState Instance.
    pub fn new(sequence: Height, is_frozen: bool, consensus_state: SmConsensusState) -> Self {
        Self {

    pub fn with_frozen(self) -> Self {
        Self {
            is_frozen: true,

    pub fn with_frozen_height(self, h: Height) -> Self {
        Self {
            sequence: h,

    /// Return exported.Height to satisfy ClientState interface
    /// Revision number is always 0 for a solo-machine.
    pub fn latest_height(&self) -> Height {

    // GetTimestampAtHeight returns the timestamp in nanoseconds of the consensus state at the given height.
    pub fn time_stamp(&self) -> Timestamp {

    // Validate performs basic validation of the client state fields.
    pub fn valida_basic(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
        if self.sequence.revision_height() == 0 {
            return Err(Error::SequenceCannotZero);

    // produceVerificationArgs perfoms the basic checks on the arguments that are
    // shared between the verification functions and returns the public key of the
    // consensus state, the unmarshalled proof representing the signature and timestamp.
    pub fn produce_verification_args(
        proof: &CommitmentProofBytes,
    ) -> Result<(PublicKey, SignatureAndData, Timestamp, u64), Error> {
        let proof = Vec::<u8>::from(proof.clone());
        if proof.is_empty() {
            return Err(Error::Other("proof cannot be empty".into()));

        let timestamped_sig_data = TimestampedSignatureData::decode_vec(&proof).map_err(|e| {
                "failed to decode proof into type TimestampedSignatureData: {}",

        let timestamp = timestamped_sig_data.timestamp;
        let signature_and_data = timestamped_sig_data.signature_data;

        if self.consensus_state.timestamp > timestamp {
            return Err(Error::Other(format!(
                "the consensus state timestamp is greater than the signature timestamp ({} >= {})",
                self.consensus_state.timestamp, timestamp

        let latest_sequence = self.sequence.revision_height();
        let public_key = self.consensus_state.public_key();
        Ok((public_key, signature_and_data, timestamp, latest_sequence))

impl Protobuf<RawSmClientState> for ClientState {}

impl TryFrom<RawSmClientState> for ClientState {
    type Error = Error;

    fn try_from(raw: RawSmClientState) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        let sequence = Height::new(0, raw.sequence).map_err(Error::InvalidHeight)?;
        let consensus_state: SmConsensusState = raw

        Ok(Self {
            is_frozen: raw.is_frozen,

impl From<ClientState> for RawSmClientState {
    fn from(value: ClientState) -> Self {
        Self {
            sequence: value.sequence.revision_height(),
            is_frozen: value.is_frozen,
            consensus_state: Some(value.consensus_state.into()),

impl Protobuf<Any> for ClientState {}

impl TryFrom<Any> for ClientState {
    type Error = ClientError;

    fn try_from(raw: Any) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        use bytes::Buf;
        use core::ops::Deref;

        fn decode_client_state<B: Buf>(buf: B) -> Result<ClientState, Error> {

        match raw.type_url.as_str() {
            _ => Err(ClientError::UnknownClientStateType {
                client_state_type: raw.type_url,

impl From<ClientState> for Any {
    fn from(client_state: ClientState) -> Self {
        Any {
            type_url: SOLOMACHINE_CLIENT_STATE_TYPE_URL.to_string(),
            value: Protobuf::<RawSmClientState>::encode_vec(&client_state),