icrate 0.0.1

Bindings to Apple's frameworks
use alloc::string::ToString;
use core::fmt;
use core::hash;
use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
use core::ptr::NonNull;
use core::str;
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};

use objc2::encode::Encode;
use objc2::rc::{Id, Shared};
use objc2::ClassType;

use crate::Foundation::{NSCopying, NSPoint, NSRange, NSRect, NSSize, NSValue};

// We can't implement any auto traits for NSValue, since it can contain an
// arbitary object!

/// Creation methods.
impl NSValue {
    /// Create a new `NSValue` containing the given type.
    /// Be careful when using this since you may accidentally pass a reference
    /// when you wanted to pass a concrete type instead.
    /// # Examples
    /// Create an `NSValue` containing an [`NSPoint`].
    /// ```
    /// use icrate::Foundation::{NSPoint, NSValue};
    /// let val = NSValue::new::<NSPoint>(NSPoint::new(1.0, 1.0));
    /// ```
    /// [`NSPoint`]: crate::Foundation::NSPoint
    pub fn new<T: 'static + Copy + Encode>(value: T) -> Id<Self, Shared> {
        let bytes: NonNull<T> = NonNull::from(&value);
        let encoding = CString::new(T::ENCODING.to_string()).unwrap();
        unsafe {
                NonNull::new(encoding.as_ptr() as *mut _).unwrap(),

/// Getter methods.
impl NSValue {
    /// Retrieve the data contained in the `NSValue`.
    /// Note that this is broken on GNUStep for some types, see
    /// [gnustep/libs-base#216].
    /// [gnustep/libs-base#216]: https://github.com/gnustep/libs-base/pull/216
    /// # Safety
    /// The type of `T` must be what the NSValue actually stores, and any
    /// safety invariants that the value has must be upheld.
    /// Note that it may be, but is not always, enough to simply check whether
    /// [`contains_encoding`] returns `true`. For example, `NonNull<T>` have
    /// the same encoding as `*const T`, but `NonNull<T>` is clearly not
    /// safe to return from this function even if you've checked the encoding
    /// beforehand.
    /// [`contains_encoding`]: Self::contains_encoding
    /// # Examples
    /// Store a pointer in `NSValue`, and retrieve it again afterwards.
    /// ```
    /// use std::ffi::c_void;
    /// use std::ptr;
    /// use icrate::Foundation::NSValue;
    /// let val = NSValue::new::<*const c_void>(ptr::null());
    /// // SAFETY: The value was just created with a pointer
    /// let res = unsafe { val.get::<*const c_void>() };
    /// assert!(res.is_null());
    /// ```
    pub unsafe fn get<T: 'static + Copy + Encode>(&self) -> T {
        "wrong encoding. NSValue tried to return something with encoding {}, but the encoding of the given type was {}",
        let mut value = MaybeUninit::<T>::uninit();
        let ptr: NonNull<T> = NonNull::new(value.as_mut_ptr()).unwrap();
        unsafe { self.getValue(ptr.cast()) };
        // SAFETY: We know that `getValue:` initialized the value, and user
        // ensures that it is safe to access.
        unsafe { value.assume_init() }

    pub fn get_range(&self) -> Option<NSRange> {
        if self.contains_encoding::<NSRange>() {
            // SAFETY: We just checked that this contains an NSRange
            Some(unsafe { self.rangeValue() })
        } else {

    pub fn get_point(&self) -> Option<NSPoint> {
        if self.contains_encoding::<NSPoint>() {
            // SAFETY: We just checked that this contains an NSPoint
            // Note: The documentation says that `pointValue`, `sizeValue` and
            // `rectValue` is only available on macOS, but turns out that they
            // are actually available everywhere!
            Some(unsafe { self.pointValue() })
        } else {

    pub fn get_size(&self) -> Option<NSSize> {
        if self.contains_encoding::<NSSize>() {
            // SAFETY: We just checked that this contains an NSSize
            Some(unsafe { self.sizeValue() })
        } else {

    pub fn get_rect(&self) -> Option<NSRect> {
        if self.contains_encoding::<NSRect>() {
            // SAFETY: We just checked that this contains an NSRect
            Some(unsafe { self.rectValue() })
        } else {

    pub fn encoding(&self) -> Option<&str> {
        let ptr = self.objCType().as_ptr();
        Some(unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ptr) }.to_str().unwrap())

    pub fn contains_encoding<T: 'static + Copy + Encode>(&self) -> bool {

unsafe impl NSCopying for NSValue {
    type Ownership = Shared;
    type Output = NSValue;

impl alloc::borrow::ToOwned for NSValue {
    type Owned = Id<NSValue, Shared>;
    fn to_owned(&self) -> Self::Owned {

impl hash::Hash for NSValue {
    fn hash<H: hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {

impl PartialEq for NSValue {
    #[doc(alias = "isEqualToValue:")]
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        // Use isEqualToValue: instaed of isEqual: since it is faster

impl fmt::Debug for NSValue {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        let enc = self.encoding().unwrap_or("(NULL)");
        let bytes = &**self; // Delegate to -[NSObject description]
            .field("encoding", &enc)
            .field("bytes", bytes)

mod tests {
    use alloc::format;
    use core::{ptr, slice};
    use std::ffi::c_char;

    use super::*;
    use objc2::rc::{__RcTestObject, __ThreadTestData};

    fn basic() {
        let val = NSValue::new(13u32);
        assert_eq!(unsafe { val.get::<u32>() }, 13);

    fn does_not_retain() {
        let obj = __RcTestObject::new();
        let expected = __ThreadTestData::current();

        let val = NSValue::new::<*const __RcTestObject>(&*obj);

            unsafe { val.get::<*const __RcTestObject>() },

        let _clone = val.clone();

        let _copy = val.copy();


    fn test_equality() {
        let val1 = NSValue::new(123u32);
        let val2 = NSValue::new(123u32);
        assert_eq!(val1, val1);
        assert_eq!(val1, val2);

        let val3 = NSValue::new(456u32);
        assert_ne!(val1, val3);

    fn test_equality_across_types() {
        let val1 = NSValue::new(123i32);
        let val2 = NSValue::new(123u32);

        // Test that `objCType` is checked when comparing equality
        assert_ne!(val1, val2);

    #[ignore = "the debug output changes depending on OS version"]
    fn test_debug() {
        let expected = if cfg!(feature = "gnustep-1-7") {
            r#"NSValue { encoding: "C", bytes: (C) <ab> }"#
        } else if cfg!(newer_apple) {
            r#"NSValue { encoding: "C", bytes: {length = 1, bytes = 0xab} }"#
        } else {
            r#"NSValue { encoding: "C", bytes: <ab> }"#
        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", NSValue::new(171u8)), expected);

    fn nsrange() {
        let range = NSRange::from(1..2);
        let val = NSValue::new(range);
        assert_eq!(val.get_range(), Some(range));
        assert_eq!(val.get_point(), None);
        assert_eq!(val.get_size(), None);
        assert_eq!(val.get_rect(), None);
        // NSValue -getValue is broken on GNUStep for some types
        #[cfg(not(feature = "gnustep-1-7"))]
        assert_eq!(unsafe { val.get::<NSRange>() }, range);

    fn nspoint() {
        let point = NSPoint::new(1.0, 2.0);
        let val = NSValue::new(point);
        assert_eq!(val.get_point(), Some(point));
        #[cfg(not(feature = "gnustep-1-7"))]
        assert_eq!(unsafe { val.get::<NSPoint>() }, point);

    fn nssize() {
        let point = NSSize::new(1.0, 2.0);
        let val = NSValue::new(point);
        assert_eq!(val.get_size(), Some(point));
        #[cfg(not(feature = "gnustep-1-7"))]
        assert_eq!(unsafe { val.get::<NSSize>() }, point);

    fn nsrect() {
        let rect = NSRect::new(NSPoint::new(1.0, 2.0), NSSize::new(3.0, 4.0));
        let val = NSValue::new(rect);
        assert_eq!(val.get_rect(), Some(rect));
        #[cfg(not(feature = "gnustep-1-7"))]
        assert_eq!(unsafe { val.get::<NSRect>() }, rect);

    fn store_str() {
        let s = "abc";
        let val = NSValue::new(s.as_ptr());
        assert!(val.contains_encoding::<*const u8>());
        let slice = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(val.get(), s.len()) };
        let s2 = str::from_utf8(slice).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(s2, s);

    fn store_cstr() {
        // The following Apple article says that NSValue can't easily store
        // C-strings, but apparently that doesn't apply to us!
        // <https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/NumbersandValues/Articles/Values.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20000174-BAJJHDEG>
        let s = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(b"test123\0").unwrap();
        let val = NSValue::new(s.as_ptr());
        assert!(val.contains_encoding::<*const c_char>());
        let s2 = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(val.get()) };
        assert_eq!(s2, s);