iced_winit 0.7.0

A winit runtime for Iced
//! Access the clipboard.
pub use iced_native::clipboard::Action;

use crate::command::{self, Command};

/// A buffer for short-term storage and transfer within and between
/// applications.
pub struct Clipboard {
    state: State,

enum State {

impl Clipboard {
    /// Creates a new [`Clipboard`] for the given window.
    pub fn connect(window: &winit::window::Window) -> Clipboard {
        let state = window_clipboard::Clipboard::connect(window)

        Clipboard { state }

    /// Creates a new [`Clipboard`] that isn't associated with a window.
    /// This clipboard will never contain a copied value.
    pub fn unconnected() -> Clipboard {
        Clipboard {
            state: State::Unavailable,

    /// Reads the current content of the [`Clipboard`] as text.
    pub fn read(&self) -> Option<String> {
        match &self.state {
            State::Connected(clipboard) =>,
            State::Unavailable => None,

    /// Writes the given text contents to the [`Clipboard`].
    pub fn write(&mut self, contents: String) {
        match &mut self.state {
            State::Connected(clipboard) => match clipboard.write(contents) {
                Ok(()) => {}
                Err(error) => {
                    log::warn!("error writing to clipboard: {}", error)
            State::Unavailable => {}

impl iced_native::Clipboard for Clipboard {
    fn read(&self) -> Option<String> {

    fn write(&mut self, contents: String) {

/// Read the current contents of the clipboard.
pub fn read<Message>(
    f: impl Fn(Option<String>) -> Message + 'static,
) -> Command<Message> {

/// Write the given contents to the clipboard.
pub fn write<Message>(contents: String) -> Command<Message> {