iced_native 0.9.1

A renderer-agnostic library for native GUIs
//! A renderer-agnostic native GUI runtime.
//! ![The native path of the Iced ecosystem](
//! `iced_native` takes [`iced_core`] and builds a native runtime on top of it,
//! featuring:
//! - A custom layout engine, greatly inspired by [`druid`]
//! - Event handling for all the built-in widgets
//! - A renderer-agnostic API
//! To achieve this, it introduces a couple of reusable interfaces:
//! - A [`Widget`] trait, which is used to implement new widgets: from layout
//!   requirements to event and drawing logic.
//! - A bunch of `Renderer` traits, meant to keep the crate renderer-agnostic.
//! # Usage
//! The strategy to use this crate depends on your particular use case. If you
//! want to:
//! - Implement a custom shell or integrate it in your own system, check out the
//! [`UserInterface`] type.
//! - Build a new renderer, see the [renderer] module.
//! - Build a custom widget, start at the [`Widget`] trait.
//! [`iced_core`]:
//! [`iced_winit`]:
//! [`druid`]:
//! [`raw-window-handle`]:
//! [renderer]: crate::renderer
    html_logo_url = ""
#![forbid(unsafe_code, rust_2018_idioms)]
#![allow(clippy::inherent_to_string, clippy::type_complexity)]
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]
pub mod clipboard;
pub mod command;
pub mod event;
pub mod image;
pub mod keyboard;
pub mod layout;
pub mod mouse;
pub mod overlay;
pub mod program;
pub mod renderer;
pub mod subscription;
pub mod svg;
pub mod system;
pub mod text;
pub mod touch;
pub mod user_interface;
pub mod widget;
pub mod window;

mod element;
mod hasher;
mod runtime;
mod shell;

// We disable debug capabilities on release builds unless the `debug` feature
// is explicitly enabled.
#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
#[path = "debug/"]
mod debug;
#[cfg(not(feature = "debug"))]
#[path = "debug/"]
mod debug;

pub use iced_core::alignment;
pub use iced_core::time;
pub use iced_core::{
    color, Alignment, Background, Color, ContentFit, Font, Length, Padding,
    Pixels, Point, Rectangle, Size, Vector,
pub use iced_futures::{executor, futures};
pub use iced_style::application;
pub use iced_style::theme;

pub use executor::Executor;

pub use clipboard::Clipboard;
pub use command::Command;
pub use debug::Debug;
pub use element::Element;
pub use event::Event;
pub use hasher::Hasher;
pub use layout::Layout;
pub use overlay::Overlay;
pub use program::Program;
pub use renderer::Renderer;
pub use runtime::Runtime;
pub use shell::Shell;
pub use subscription::Subscription;
pub use theme::Theme;
pub use user_interface::UserInterface;
pub use widget::Widget;