iced_core 0.6.2

The essential concepts of Iced
/// The strategy used to fill space in a specific dimension.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Length {
    /// Fill all the remaining space

    /// Fill a portion of the remaining space relative to other elements.
    /// Let's say we have two elements: one with `FillPortion(2)` and one with
    /// `FillPortion(3)`. The first will get 2 portions of the available space,
    /// while the second one would get 3.
    /// `Length::Fill` is equivalent to `Length::FillPortion(1)`.

    /// Fill the least amount of space

    /// Fill a fixed amount of space

impl Length {
    /// Returns the _fill factor_ of the [`Length`].
    /// The _fill factor_ is a relative unit describing how much of the
    /// remaining space should be filled when compared to other elements. It
    /// is only meant to be used by layout engines.
    pub fn fill_factor(&self) -> u16 {
        match self {
            Length::Fill => 1,
            Length::FillPortion(factor) => *factor,
            Length::Shrink => 0,
            Length::Units(_) => 0,

impl From<u16> for Length {
    fn from(units: u16) -> Self {