iced_audio 0.2.0

An extension to the Iced GUI library with useful widgets for audio applications

Iced Audio

Documentation License project chat

An extension to the Iced GUI library with useful widgets for audio applications such as VST / LV2 plugins.

Run examples with

cargo run --example basic_inputs --release
cargo run --example simple --release
cargo run --package db_meter --release

Widgets implemented

  • HSlider
  • VSlider
  • Ramp
  • XYPad

Widgets partially implemented

  • Knob - No texture style yet. There is also a known bug where input will stop when the mouse leaves the window under some conditions.
  • DBMeter - No animation or DSP yet. The user must calculate levels and animate them manually.

Roadmap of planned widgets


  • HSlider - horizontal slider with optional tick marks
  • VSlider - vertical slider with optional tick marks
  • HRangeSlider - a horizontal slider with two or more handles for controlling the automation range of a parameter.
  • Knob - a rotating knob with optional tick marks. Texture style may have optional highlight and shadow layers.
  • KnobAutoRangeInput - a static dot that controls a KnobAutoRange visualizer by dragging up and down. This dot is usually positioned on or near the visualizer it is controlling.
  • Ramp - a line that curves up and down while being dragged. It is used to represent the easing of a parameter between two points in time.
  • ADSREnvelope - adjustable points connected by lines that represent an ADSR envelope. Can also have optional delay and hold points. The curve of each line may also optionally be controlled by dragging up and down on that line.
  • EnvelopeEditor - adjustable points connected by lines that represent automation / envelopes / lfo`s. Lines can be straight, curved, or stepped. Extra points can be added or removed.
  • StepEditor - a row of vertical sliders for step automation
  • ParEqEditor - a row of points connected by lines used to control parametric equalizers. These points can also be controlled with the scroll wheel to adjust the Q value.
  • Keys - piano keys that can be clicked with a mouse to play a synthesizer. Velocity is controlled by how low on the key the mouse was clicked at. It can be horizontal or vertical.
  • ModWheel - like VSlider, but the Texture style is that of a mod wheel with optional highlight and shadow layers. Will also have a PitchWheel mode where it will automatically snap to the middle position when the mouse button is released.
  • XYPad - a draggable point in a 2D square used to control 2 parameters at once


  • DBMeter - a meter that displays peak loudness of a signal. This can have optional colors for good headroom (green), low headroom (yellow), and peaking (red). It can be either vertical or horizontal. It can also have an optional line showing the peak loudness.
  • ReductionMeter - a meter that displays the reduction of loudness in a signal. It can be either vertical or horizontal. It can also have an optional line showing the average loudness.
  • KnobAutoRange - an arc line around a Knob that represents the range of automation active on that parameter. May also have multiple of these in a ring-like pattern like in the original Massive synthesizer.
  • Oscilloscope - displays oscillations of an audio signal in a given time window
  • Spectrometer - displays the amplitude of a range of frequencies from 20hz to 20000hz.
  • SpectrometerGrid - a grid behind a Spectrometer that shows frequency on x axis and amplitude on y axis
  • WaveformView - displays the peak amplitude of a signal over time. It can optionally be zoomed in and out of (like Audacity).
  • PhaseMeter - a line that shows the phase correlation of an audio signal. It can be horizontal or vertical.
  • Goniometer - displays a polar graph representing the stereo phase of an audio signal
  • WavetableView - same as oscilloscope but specifically for rendering single waveforms instead of an audio signal

Each parameter can be mapped to one of four ranges:

  • FloatRange - a linear range of f32 values
  • IntRange - a discrete range of i32 values. This will cause the widget to "step" when moved.
  • DBRange - a logarithmic range of decibel values. Values around 0 dB will increment slower than values farther away from 0 dB.
  • FreqRange - a logarithmic range of frequency values. Each octave in the 10 octave spectrum (from 20 Hz to 20480 Hz) is spaced evenly.


Add iced and iced_audio as dependencies in your Cargo.toml:

iced = { version = "0.1", features = ["image"] }
iced_audio = "0.2"

Both Iced Audio and Iced move fast and the master branch can contain breaking changes! If you want to learn about a specific release, check out the release list.

Simple Usage Example

This crate assumes you know the basics of how to use Iced. If you haven't alreay, please check it out here.

// Import iced modules.
use iced::{
    Align, Column, Container, Element, Length, Sandbox, Settings, Text,
// Import iced_audio modules.
use iced_audio::{
    h_slider, knob, v_slider, xy_pad, DBRange, FloatRange, FreqRange, HSlider,
    IntRange, Knob, TickMark, TickMarkGroup, TickMarkTier, VSlider, XYPad,

// Create a unique identifier for each parameter. Note you may also use any
// type you want such as u32, i32, Strings, etc.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum ParamID {

// The message when a parameter widget is moved by the user
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Message {

pub fn main() {

pub struct App {
    // The ranges handle converting the input/output of a parameter to and from
    // a usable value.
    // There are 4 options available for a range:
    // * FloatRange - a linear range of f32 values
    // * IntRange - a discrete range of i32 values. This will cause the widget
    // to "step" when moved.
    // * DBRange - a logarithmic range of decibel values. Values around 0 dB
    // will increment slower than values farther away from 0 dB.
    // * FreqRange - a logarithmic range of frequency values. Each octave in
    // the 10 octave spectrum (from 20 Hz to 20480 Hz) is spaced evenly.
    float_range: FloatRange,
    int_range: IntRange,
    db_range: DBRange,
    freq_range: FreqRange,

    // The states of the widgets that will control the parameters.
    // The `ID` can be any user-defined type such as an enum, i32, u32, String, etc.
    h_slider_state: h_slider::State<ParamID>,
    v_slider_state: v_slider::State<ParamID>,
    knob_state: knob::State<ParamID>,
    xy_pad_state: xy_pad::State<ParamID>,

    // A group of tick marks with their size and position.
    center_tick_mark: TickMarkGroup,

    output_text: String,

impl Sandbox for App {
    type Message = Message;

    fn new() -> App {
        // Initalize each range:
        let float_range = FloatRange::default_bipolar();
        let int_range = IntRange::new(0, 10);
        let db_range = DBRange::new(-12.0, 12.0, 0.5.into());
        let freq_range = FreqRange::default();

        App {
            // Add the ranges.

            // Initialize the state of the widgets with a parameter than has an ID, value,
            // and default value.
            h_slider_state: h_slider::State::new(int_range.create_param(
            v_slider_state: v_slider::State::new(
            knob_state: knob::State::new(freq_range.create_param(
            xy_pad_state: xy_pad::State::new(

            // Add a tick mark at the center position with the tier 2 size
            center_tick_mark: vec![TickMark::center(TickMarkTier::Two)].into(),

            output_text: "Move a widget!".into(),

    fn title(&self) -> String {
        format!("Simple Example - Iced Audio")

    fn update(&mut self, event: Message) {
        match event {
            Message::ParamMoved(id) => {
                // Retrieve the value by mapping the normal of the parameter
                // to the corresponding range.
                // Now do something useful with that value!
                match id {
                    ParamID::HSliderInt => {
                        // Integer ranges must be snapped to make the widget "step"
                        // when moved.
                            .snap_normal(&mut self.h_slider_state.param.normal);

                        let value = self
                        self.output_text = format!("{:?}: {}", id, value);
                    ParamID::VSliderDB => {
                        let value = self
                        self.output_text = format!("{:?}: {:.3}", id, value);
                    ParamID::KnobFreq => {
                        let value = self
                        self.output_text = format!("{:?}: {:.3}", id, value);
                    ParamID::XYPadFloatX => {
                        let value = self
                        self.output_text = format!("{:?}: {:.3}", id, value);
                    ParamID::XYPadFloatY => {
                        let value = self
                        self.output_text = format!("{:?}: {:.3}", id, value);

    fn view(&mut self) -> Element<Message> {
        // Create each parameter widget, passing in the current state of the widget.
        let h_slider_widget =
            HSlider::new(&mut self.h_slider_state, Message::ParamMoved)
                // Add the tick mark group to this widget.

        let v_slider_widget =
            VSlider::new(&mut self.v_slider_state, Message::ParamMoved)

        let knob_widget = Knob::new(&mut self.knob_state, Message::ParamMoved);

        let xy_pad_widget =
            XYPad::new(&mut self.xy_pad_state, Message::ParamMoved);

        // Push the widgets into the iced DOM
        let content: Element<_> = Column::new()


Contributing / Feedback

Contributions are greatly appreciated! If you want to contribute, please read the official Iced contributing guidelines for more details.

Feedback is also welcome! You can open an issue or, if you want to talk, come chat to our Zulip server. Moreover, you can find me (and a bunch of awesome folks) over the #gui-and-ui channels in the Rust Community Discord. I go by BillyDM#3892 there.