iced 0.4.2

A cross-platform GUI library inspired by Elm
name = "iced"
version = "0.4.2"
authors = ["Héctor Ramón Jiménez <>"]
edition = "2021"
description = "A cross-platform GUI library inspired by Elm"
license = "MIT"
repository = ""
documentation = ""
readme = ""
keywords = ["gui", "ui", "graphics", "interface", "widgets"]
categories = ["gui"]
resolver = "2"

default = ["wgpu"]
# Enables the `Image` widget
image = ["iced_wgpu/image"]
# Enables the `Svg` widget
svg = ["iced_wgpu/svg"]
# Enables the `Canvas` widget
canvas = ["iced_graphics/canvas"]
# Enables the `QRCode` widget
qr_code = ["iced_graphics/qr_code"]
# Enables the `iced_wgpu` renderer
wgpu = ["iced_wgpu"]
# Enables using system fonts
default_system_font = ["iced_wgpu/default_system_font"]
# Enables the `iced_glow` renderer. Overrides `iced_wgpu`
glow = ["iced_glow", "iced_glutin"]
# Enables using system fonts for `iced_glow`
glow_default_system_font = ["iced_glow/default_system_font"]
# Enables a debug view in native platforms (press F12)
debug = ["iced_winit/debug"]
# Enables `tokio` as the `executor::Default` on native platforms
tokio = ["iced_futures/tokio"]
# Enables `async-std` as the `executor::Default` on native platforms
async-std = ["iced_futures/async-std"]
# Enables `smol` as the `executor::Default` on native platforms
smol = ["iced_futures/smol"]
# Enables advanced color conversion via `palette`
palette = ["iced_core/palette"]
# Enables pure, virtual widgets in the `pure` module
pure = ["iced_pure", "iced_graphics/pure"]

maintenance = { status = "actively-developed" }

members = [

iced_core = { version = "0.5", path = "core" }
iced_futures = { version = "0.4", path = "futures" }
iced_native = { version = "0.5", path = "native" }
iced_graphics = { version = "0.3", path = "graphics" }
iced_winit = { version = "0.4", path = "winit" }
iced_glutin = { version = "0.3", path = "glutin", optional = true }
iced_glow = { version = "0.3", path = "glow", optional = true }
iced_pure = { version = "0.2", path = "pure", optional = true }
thiserror = "1.0"

[target.'cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))'.dependencies]
iced_wgpu = { version = "0.5", path = "wgpu", optional = true }

[target.'cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")'.dependencies]
iced_wgpu = { version = "0.5", path = "wgpu", features = ["webgl"], optional = true }

rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "docsrs"]
features = ["image", "svg", "canvas", "qr_code", "pure"]