ice_core 0.5.1

High performance Web engine
# Ice Core

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Build efficient and reliable backend applications in WebAssembly.

# What is it?

Ice is a container for backend applications in WebAssembly.

[WebAssembly](, which is mainly used to build client-side Web applications, can also be used to build server-side applications. With a managed execution environment and the underlying JIT ([wasm-core]( based on LLVM, Ice is able to achieve a higher level of security (and additional safety for C/C++ applications), provide platform-independent high-level abstractions, and bring a few special features like dynamic inter-machine application migration and more accurate service monitoring.

# Build

Latest nightly Rust and LLVM 6 are required.

cargo build --release

# Get started

First, create a root directory to place configurations & applications:

mkdir my_ice_root
cd my_ice_root

Then, create a config file `config.yaml` in the root directory, whose format is defined in ``/`Config`:

  - name: hello_world
    path: ./apps/hello_world

Here we've specified an application named `hello_world` located at `./apps/hello_world`, and the application will be automatically initialized when `ice_core` is launched.

Now let's initialize the `hello_world` application:

mkdir apps
cd apps
cargo new hello_world
cd hello_world

Add a `[lib]` section and the runtime library `ia` to the newly-created `Cargo.toml`:

name = "hello_world"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]

ia = "0.1"

And create another `config.yaml` in the `hello_world` directory, which is the application-level metadata definition (defined in ``/`AppMetadata`:

package_name: com.example.hello_world
bin: target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/hello_world.wasm

Write some code to print "Hello, world!" in `src/`:

extern crate ia;

    println!("Hello, world!");

Build it:

cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

cd back to my_ice_root and launch `ice_core`:

ice_core config.yaml

and you should see your first `hello_world` application running!

# Comparison with native binaries

The WebAssembly VM has to do some necessary checks and translations to ensure things work correctly. Therefore, it is always a little slower than precompiled native binaries. However, the difference is quite small and normally doesn't become the performance bottleneck for real-world applications.

In addition, Ice Core is able to provide a few features that a native environment doesn't provide:

- Accurate permission control
- Run-time inter-machine application migration (in progress)
- Service monitoring and management (in progress)