ice-rs 0.1.4

ZeroC Ice for Rust
# ice-rs #

The goal of this project is to support Rust in [ZeroC Ice]( Currently just client features and a small subset of ZeroC Ice features are implemented. 

## Quick Start ##
This quick start guide will cover a client for the [ZeroC Ice Minimal Sample]( Create a binary application with `cargo new minimal-client` and add `ice-rs` to your `[build-dependencies]`and `[dependencies]`. Now add a `` file with the following content:

use ice_rs::slice::parser;
use std::path::Path;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
  let ice_files = vec![
  let root_module = parser::parse_ice_files(&input, ".")?;

Now add the following to you ``:
use ice_rs::communicator::Communicator;
use ice_rs::iceobject::IceObject;

mod gen;
use crate::gen::demo::{Hello, HelloPrx};

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let comm = Communicator{};
    let proxy = comm.string_to_proxy("hello:default -h localhost -p 10000")?;
    let mut hello_prx = HelloPrx::checked_cast(proxy)?;


## Status ##
The status can be seen in the number of supported [ZeroC Ice Demos]( 

- minimal
- optional

## Roadmap ##
The main goal is to support all [ZeroC Ice Demos](