pub trait Component {
Show 34 methods fn component_kind(&self) -> String; fn properties(&self) -> &BTreeMap<String, Property>; fn multi_properties(&self) -> &Vec<Property>; fn append_property(&mut self, property: Property) -> &mut Self; fn append_multi_property(&mut self, property: Property) -> &mut Self; fn property_value(&self, key: &str) -> Option<&str> { ... } fn fmt_write<W: Write>(&self, out: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn to_string(&self) -> String { ... } fn try_into_string(&self) -> Result<String, Error> { ... } fn add_property(&mut self, key: &str, val: &str) -> &mut Self { ... } fn add_multi_property(&mut self, key: &str, val: &str) -> &mut Self { ... } fn timestamp(&mut self, dt: DateTime<Utc>) -> &mut Self { ... } fn get_timestamp(&self) -> Option<DateTime<Utc>> { ... } fn get_start(&self) -> Option<DatePerhapsTime> { ... } fn get_end(&self) -> Option<DatePerhapsTime> { ... } fn starts<T: Into<DatePerhapsTime>>(&mut self, dt: T) -> &mut Self { ... } fn ends<T: Into<DatePerhapsTime>>(&mut self, dt: T) -> &mut Self { ... } fn all_day(&mut self, date: NaiveDate) -> &mut Self { ... } fn priority(&mut self, priority: u32) -> &mut Self { ... } fn get_priority(&self) -> Option<u32> { ... } fn print(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { ... } fn summary(&mut self, desc: &str) -> &mut Self { ... } fn get_summary(&self) -> Option<&str> { ... } fn description(&mut self, desc: &str) -> &mut Self { ... } fn get_description(&self) -> Option<&str> { ... } fn location(&mut self, location: &str) -> &mut Self { ... } fn get_location(&self) -> Option<&str> { ... } fn venue(&mut self, location: &str, venue_uid: &str) -> &mut Self { ... } fn uid(&mut self, uid: &str) -> &mut Self { ... } fn get_uid(&self) -> Option<&str> { ... } fn class(&mut self, class: Class) -> &mut Self { ... } fn get_class(&self) -> Option<Class> { ... } fn url(&mut self, url: &str) -> &mut Self { ... } fn get_url(&self) -> Option<&str> { ... }
Expand description

Implemented by everything that goes into a Calendar

Required Methods

Returns kind of component.

Must be ALL CAPS These are used in the BEGIN and END line of the component.

Allows access to the inner properties map.

Read-only access to multi_properties

Append a given Property

Adds a Property of which there may be many

Provided Methods

Gets the value of a property.

Writes Component using std::fmt.

Serializes this component into rfc5545 again


this can panic if std::fmt::write returns an Error use Component::try_into_string() if you don’t like panicking

Serializes this component into rfc5545 again

Construct and append a Property

Construct and append a Property

Set the DTSTAMP Property

This must be a UTC date-time value.

Gets the DTSTAMP property.

Gets the DTSTART Property

Gets the DTEND Property

Set the DTSTART Property

See DatePerhapsTime for info how are different chrono types converted automatically.

Set the DTEND Property

See DatePerhapsTime for info how are different chrono types converted automatically.

Set the DTSTART Property and DTEND Property, date only

Defines the relative priority.

Ranges from 0 to 10, larger values will be truncated

Gets the relative priority.

Ranges from 0 to 10.

Prints to stdout

Set the summary

Gets the summary

Set the description

Gets the description

Set the LOCATION Location

Gets the location

Set the LOCATION with a VVENUE UID iCalender venue draft

Set the UID

Gets the UID

Set the visibility class

Gets the visibility class

Sets the URL.

Gets the URL.
