ic-stable-structures 0.6.0

A collection of data structures for fearless canister upgrades.
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# Stable Structures

A collection of scalable data structures for the [Internet Computer](https://internetcomputer.org) that persist across upgrades.

Stable structures are designed to use stable memory as the backing store, allowing them to grow to gigabytes in size without the need for `pre_upgrade`/`post_upgrade` hooks.

## Background

The conventional approach to canister state persistence is to serialize the entire state to stable memory in the `pre_upgrade` hook and decode it back in the `post_upgrade` hook.
This approach is easy to implement and works well for relatively small datasets.
Unfortunately, it does not scale well and can render a canister non-upgradable.

This library aims to simplify managing data structures directly in stable memory.
For more information about the philosophy behind the library, see [Roman's tutorial on stable structures](https://mmapped.blog/posts/14-stable-structures.html).

## Available Data Structures

- [BTreeMap]: A Key-Value store
- [Vec]: A growable array
- [Log]: An append-only list of variable-size entries
- [Cell]: A serializable value
- [MinHeap]: A priority queue.

## Tutorials

[Schema Upgrades](./docs/schema-upgrades.md)

## How it Works

Stable structures are able to work directly in stable memory because each data structure manages
its own memory.
When initializing a stable structure, a memory is provided that the data structure can use to store its data.

Here's a basic example:

use ic_stable_structures::{BTreeMap, DefaultMemoryImpl};
let mut map: BTreeMap<u64, u64, _> = BTreeMap::init(DefaultMemoryImpl::default());

map.insert(1, 2);
assert_eq!(map.get(&1), Some(2));

Memories are abstracted with the [Memory] trait, and stable structures can work with any storage
backend that implements this trait.
This includes stable memory, a vector ([VectorMemory]), or even a flat file ([FileMemory]).

The example above initializes a [BTreeMap] with a [DefaultMemoryImpl], which maps to stable memory when used in a canister and to a [VectorMemory] otherwise.

Note that **stable structures cannot share memories.**
Each memory must belong to only one stable structure.
For example, this fails when run in a canister:

use ic_stable_structures::{BTreeMap, DefaultMemoryImpl};
let mut map_1: BTreeMap<u64, u64, _> = BTreeMap::init(DefaultMemoryImpl::default());
let mut map_2: BTreeMap<u64, u64, _> = BTreeMap::init(DefaultMemoryImpl::default());

map_1.insert(1, 2);
map_2.insert(1, 3);
assert_eq!(map_1.get(&1), Some(2)); // This assertion fails.

It fails because both `map_1` and `map_2` are using the same stable memory under the hood, and so changes in `map_1` end up changing or corrupting `map_2`.

To address this issue, we make use of the [MemoryManager](memory_manager::MemoryManager), which takes a single memory and creates up to 255 virtual memories for our disposal.
Here's the above failing example, but fixed by using the [MemoryManager](memory_manager::MemoryManager):

use ic_stable_structures::{
   memory_manager::{MemoryId, MemoryManager},
   BTreeMap, DefaultMemoryImpl,
let mem_mgr = MemoryManager::init(DefaultMemoryImpl::default());
let mut map_1: BTreeMap<u64, u64, _> = BTreeMap::init(mem_mgr.get(MemoryId::new(0)));
let mut map_2: BTreeMap<u64, u64, _> = BTreeMap::init(mem_mgr.get(MemoryId::new(1)));

map_1.insert(1, 2);
map_2.insert(1, 3);
assert_eq!(map_1.get(&1), Some(2)); // Succeeds, as expected.

## Example Canister

Here's a fully working canister example that ties everything together.


ic-cdk = "0.6.8"
ic-cdk-macros = "0.6.8"
ic-stable-structures = "0.5.6"


use ic_stable_structures::memory_manager::{MemoryId, MemoryManager, VirtualMemory};
use ic_stable_structures::{DefaultMemoryImpl, StableBTreeMap};
use std::cell::RefCell;

type Memory = VirtualMemory<DefaultMemoryImpl>;

thread_local! {
    // The memory manager is used for simulating multiple memories. Given a `MemoryId` it can
    // return a memory that can be used by stable structures.
    static MEMORY_MANAGER: RefCell<MemoryManager<DefaultMemoryImpl>> =

    // Initialize a `StableBTreeMap` with `MemoryId(0)`.
    static MAP: RefCell<StableBTreeMap<u128, u128, Memory>> = RefCell::new(
            MEMORY_MANAGER.with(|m| m.borrow().get(MemoryId::new(0))),

// Retrieves the value associated with the given key if it exists.
fn get(key: u128) -> Option<u128> {
    MAP.with(|p| p.borrow().get(&key))

// Inserts an entry into the map and returns the previous value of the key if it exists.
fn insert(key: u128, value: u128) -> Option<u128> {
    MAP.with(|p| p.borrow_mut().insert(key, value))

### More Examples

- [Basic Example]https://github.com/dfinity/stable-structures/tree/main/examples/src/basic_example (the one above)
- [Quickstart Example]https://github.com/dfinity/stable-structures/tree/main/examples/src/quick_start: Ideal as a template when developing a new canister
- [Custom Types Example]https://github.com/dfinity/stable-structures/tree/main/examples/src/custom_types_example: Showcases storing your own custom types

## Combined Persistence

If your project exclusively relies on stable structures, the memory can expand in size without the requirement of `pre_upgrade`/`post_upgrade` hooks.

However, it's important to note that if you also intend to perform serialization/deserialization of the heap data, utilizing the memory manager becomes necessary. To effectively combine both approaches, refer to the [Quickstart Example](https://github.com/dfinity/stable-structures/tree/main/examples/src/quick_start) for guidance.