ic-certified-assets 0.2.5

Rust support for asset certification.

Certified Assets Library

Rust support for asset certification.

Certified assets can also be served from any Rust canister by including this library.

Adding to a canister

ic-certified-assets = "0.2.2"

The assets are preserved over upgrades by including the corresponding functions in the init/pre_upgrade/upgrade hooks which can be mixed with the other state from the canister:

#[derive(Clone, Debug, CandidType, Deserialize)]
struct StableState {
  my_state: MyState,
  assets: crate::assets::StableState,

fn init() {

fn pre_upgrade() {
  let stable_state = STATE.with(|s| StableState {
    my_state: s.my_state,
    assets: crate::assets::pre_upgrade(),
  ic_cdk::storage::stable_save((stable_state,)).expect("failed to save stable state");

fn post_upgrade() {
  let (StableState { assets, my_state },): (StableState,) =
                                         ic_cdk::storage::stable_restore().expect("failed to restore stable state");
  STATE.with(|s| {
      s.my_state = my_state;

Uploading assets

cd assets
icx-asset --pem ~/.config/dfx/identity/default/identity.pem --replica https://ic0.app sync <canister_id> .