ibig 0.1.0

Big integer library

Big integer library.

The library implements arbitrarily large integer arithmetic in pure Rust.

The two integer types are UBig (for unsigned integers) and IBig (for signed integers).

Create numbers using the ubig and ibig macros

use ibig::prelude::*;
let a = ubig!(12345678);
let b = ubig!(0x10ff);
let c = ibig!(-azz base 36);
assert_eq!(c.to_string(), "-14255");

Parsing and formatting in any base 2-36 is supported.

let a: UBig = "1503321".parse()?;
let b = IBig::from_str_radix("-10ff", 16)?;
assert_eq!(format!("{:^10X}", b), "  -10FF   ");
assert_eq!(format!("hello {}", b.in_radix(4)), "hello -1003333");

Standard arithmetic operations are supported on values and on references.

assert_eq!(ubig!(100) * ubig!(200), ubig!(20000));
let a = ubig!(0xff);
assert_eq!(&a / &a, ubig!(1));
assert_eq!(ibig!(1) << 1000 >> 999, ibig!(2));