ibe 0.3.0

Identity Based Encryption schemes on the BLS12-381 pairing-friendly elliptic curve
authors = [
  "Wouter Geraedts <git@woutergeraedts.nl>",
  "Leon Botros <l.botros@cs.ru.nl>"
categories = ["cryptography", "no-std"]
description = "Identity Based Encryption schemes on the BLS12-381 pairing-friendly elliptic curve"
edition = "2021"
keywords = ["ibe", "encryption", "ecc", "no_std"]
license = "MIT"
name = "ibe"
repository = "https://github.com/encryption4all/ibe"
version = "0.3.0"

arrayref = "0.3.6"
group = "0.13"
rand = { version = "0.8.4", default-features = false }
pg-curve = { version = "0.2.0", features = [
] }
subtle = { version = "2.4.1", default-features = false }
tiny-keccak = { version = "2.0.2", features = ["sha3", "shake"] }
aes-gcm = { version = "0.10", optional = true }

getrandom = { version = "0.2", features = ["js"] }

rand = "0.8.4"
criterion = "0.3.5"
paste = "1.0.5"

boyen_waters = []
cgw = []
cgwfo = ["cgw"]
cgwkv = []
kv1 = []
waters = []
waters_naccache = []
mkem = ["aes-gcm"]

bench = false
doctest = false

harness = false
name = "main"
required-features = [

all-features = true
rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "docsrs"]