ibc-proto 0.33.0

ibc-proto provides Cosmos SDK & IBC Protocol Buffers definitions

## v0.33.0

*Aug 14th, 2023*

This release bumps `tendermint-rs` to `0.33.0`.

## v0.32.1

*July 31st, 2023*

This release includes default `serde` value for token transfer memos and fixes
the issue with deserialization of `MsgTransfer` and `FungibleTokenPacketData`
types when no memo is present.


- Fix token transfer deserialization for cases with no memo by deriving
  `Default` serde for the memo field in `MsgTransfer` and
  `FungibleTokenPacketData` types.

## v0.32.0

*June 14th, 2023*

This release updates the `ibc-go` proto files from version `v5.1.0` to `v6.2.0` which includes the ICA Protobuf definitions.

The version of `borsh` has been downgraded from `v0.10.0` to `v0.9` in order to match `near-sdk-rs` and Solana smart contract frame `anchor`.


- Downgrade `borsh` version from `v0.10.0` to `v0.9`


- Update `ibc-go` commit from `v5.1.0` to `v6.2.0`

## v0.31.0

*May 31st, 2023*

This is the final release of `ibc-proto` v0.31.0.

There are no changes from v0.31.0-alpha.2.

For the differences since v0.30.0, please see the changelog entries for v0.31.0-alpha.1 and v0.31.0-alpha.1.

> **Warning**
> This release removes support for `Serialize` and `Deserailize` trait impls being available in `no_std` context.
> See the release notes below and associated issues for more details.

## v0.31.0-alpha.2
*May 3rd, 2023*
This is the second alpha release of `ibc-proto` v0.31.0.
It only updates the `tendermint-proto` version to v0.32.0.
- Update `tendermint-proto` to v0.32.0

## v0.31.0-alpha.1

*May 1st, 2023*
This is the first alpha release of `ibc-proto` v0.31.0.
The proto definitions for `cosmos.ics23.v1` messages are now re-exported from the [`ics23`](https://crates.io/crates/ics23) crate under both the `ibc_proto::cosmos::ics23::v1` >
The latter will removed in a subsequent release.
This is nonetheless a breaking change as it may break compilation or trigger warnings in code which relied on these definitions being different than the ones in `ics23`.
Moreover, because the code generated by `pbjson-build` is not `no_std` compatible, the serde annotations on the generated protos are only enabled when the `std` feature of `ibc-proto` is enabled.
- Re-export the `ics23.cosmos.v1` Protobuf definitions from the `ics23` crate instead of including them directly in this crate.
  The proto definitions are exported both under the `ibc_proto::cosmos::ics23::v1` module and under the `ibc_proto::ics23` module
  in an attempt to preserve backward source compatiblity.
  This is a breaking change as it may break compilation or trigger warnings
  in code which relied on these definitions being different than the ones in `ics23`.

- Derive `Serialize` and `Deserialize` impls compatible with ProtoJSON using `pbjson-build`.
  This is a breaking change because the code generated by `pbjson-build` is not
  `no_std` compatible. Therefore, the `serde` annotations on the generated protos
  are only enabled when the `std` feature of `ibc-proto` is enabled.

## v0.30.0

*April 20th, 2023*

This release updates `tendermint-proto` to v0.31.


- Update `tendermint-proto` to v0.31.x

## v0.29.0

*April 12th, 2023*

In this update, Protobuf definitions have been included for Interchain Security v1 CCV within
the `ibc_proto::interchain_security::ccv` module.

It should also be noted that the return type of `Protobuf::encode{,_length_delimited}_vec`
has been modified from `Result<Vec<u8>, Error>` to `Vec<u8>`.

Furthermore, the version of `tonic` has been raised from 0.8 to 0.9.


- Remove errors for `encode_vec` and `encode_length_delimited_vec` in
  `Protobuf` ([#73]https://github.com/cosmos/ibc-proto-rs/issues/73)
- Update `tonic` to 0.9 and re-generate the protos


- Add Interchain Security v1 CCV Protobuf definitions


- Automatically patch the generated Rust code for it to compile

## v0.28.0

*March 10th, 2023*

This release updates the `ibc-go` proto files from version `v5.0.0` to `v5.1.0`.

This includes the `memo` field in the following struct:

* `ibc.applications.transfer.v1 MsgTransfer`
* `ibc.applications.transfer.v2 FungibleTokenPacketData`

As well as the `sequence` field in:

* `ibc.applications.transfer.v1 MsgTransferResponse`


- Update `ibc-go` commit from `v5.0.0` to `v5.1.0`

## v0.27.0

*March 7th, 2023*

This release updates the `tendermint-proto` crate to v0.30.0.

At the moment, only the Tendermint Protobuf definitions for CometBFT 0.37 are exported
and supported. In the future, side-by-side support for 0.34 and 0.37 definitions may be provided.


- Update `tendermint-proto` to v0.30.0 ([#64]https://github.com/cosmos/ibc-proto-rs/issues/64)

## v0.26.0

*February 17, 2023*

This release updates tendermint protobuf defintions to `v0.29.0`.

## v0.25.0

*February 9th, 2023*

This release updates borsh to v0.10.0 and fixes a typo in borsh deserialization of `Any`

## v0.24.1

*January 10th, 2023*

This release adds `parity-scale-codec` and `borsh` serialize/deserialize for the `Any` type.


- Add parity-scale-codec and borsh for Any ([#47]https://github.com/cosmos/ibc-

## v0.24.0

*December 13th, 2022*

This release updates the Tendermint Protobuf definitons to v0.28.0.


- Update to tendermint-proto 0.28 ([#45]https://github.com/cosmos/ibc-proto-rs/issues/45)

## v0.23.0

*November 29th, 2022*

This release updates the Tendermint Protobuf definitons to v0.27.0.


- Update to tendermint-proto 0.27 ([#40]https://github.com/cosmos/ibc-proto-rs/pull/40)

## v0.22.0

*November 9, 2022*

This release updates the Cosmos SDK protobufs to v0.46.4.


- Update tendermint-rs libraries to v0.26
- Update protobufs for Cosmos SDK to v0.46.4
  - Adds the `module_account_by_name` method to the `Query` trait

## v0.21.0

*October 19, 2022*

This is the first release of ibc-proto with its own changelog. For past releases, please check the [Hermes](https://github.com/informalsystems/hermes/blob/c34b354e310da7f59631ae315ea22c5f2b420d44/CHANGELOG.md) changelog.


- Update protos to IBC-Go v5.0.0 and Cosmos SDK v0.46.1
- Update tendermint-proto requirement from =0.23.9 to =0.25.0