ibc-proto 0.24.1

ibc-proto provides Cosmos SDK & IBC Protocol Buffers definitions
/// WeightedVoteOption defines a unit of vote for vote split.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct WeightedVoteOption {
    #[prost(enumeration="VoteOption", tag="1")]
    pub option: i32,
    #[prost(string, tag="2")]
    pub weight: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
/// Deposit defines an amount deposited by an account address to an active
/// proposal.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct Deposit {
    #[prost(uint64, tag="1")]
    pub proposal_id: u64,
    #[prost(string, tag="2")]
    pub depositor: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
    #[prost(message, repeated, tag="3")]
    pub amount: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<super::super::base::v1beta1::Coin>,
/// Proposal defines the core field members of a governance proposal.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct Proposal {
    #[prost(uint64, tag="1")]
    pub id: u64,
    #[prost(message, repeated, tag="2")]
    pub messages: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<super::super::super::google::protobuf::Any>,
    #[prost(enumeration="ProposalStatus", tag="3")]
    pub status: i32,
    /// final_tally_result is the final tally result of the proposal. When
    /// querying a proposal via gRPC, this field is not populated until the
    /// proposal's voting period has ended.
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="4")]
    pub final_tally_result: ::core::option::Option<TallyResult>,
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="5")]
    pub submit_time: ::core::option::Option<super::super::super::google::protobuf::Timestamp>,
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="6")]
    pub deposit_end_time: ::core::option::Option<super::super::super::google::protobuf::Timestamp>,
    #[prost(message, repeated, tag="7")]
    pub total_deposit: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<super::super::base::v1beta1::Coin>,
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="8")]
    pub voting_start_time: ::core::option::Option<super::super::super::google::protobuf::Timestamp>,
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="9")]
    pub voting_end_time: ::core::option::Option<super::super::super::google::protobuf::Timestamp>,
    /// metadata is any arbitrary metadata attached to the proposal.
    #[prost(string, tag="10")]
    pub metadata: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
/// TallyResult defines a standard tally for a governance proposal.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct TallyResult {
    #[prost(string, tag="1")]
    pub yes_count: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
    #[prost(string, tag="2")]
    pub abstain_count: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
    #[prost(string, tag="3")]
    pub no_count: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
    #[prost(string, tag="4")]
    pub no_with_veto_count: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
/// Vote defines a vote on a governance proposal.
/// A Vote consists of a proposal ID, the voter, and the vote option.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct Vote {
    #[prost(uint64, tag="1")]
    pub proposal_id: u64,
    #[prost(string, tag="2")]
    pub voter: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
    #[prost(message, repeated, tag="4")]
    pub options: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<WeightedVoteOption>,
    /// metadata is any  arbitrary metadata to attached to the vote.
    #[prost(string, tag="5")]
    pub metadata: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
/// DepositParams defines the params for deposits on governance proposals.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct DepositParams {
    ///   Minimum deposit for a proposal to enter voting period.
    #[prost(message, repeated, tag="1")]
    pub min_deposit: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<super::super::base::v1beta1::Coin>,
    ///   Maximum period for Atom holders to deposit on a proposal. Initial value: 2
    ///   months.
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="2")]
    pub max_deposit_period: ::core::option::Option<super::super::super::google::protobuf::Duration>,
/// VotingParams defines the params for voting on governance proposals.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct VotingParams {
    ///   Length of the voting period.
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="1")]
    pub voting_period: ::core::option::Option<super::super::super::google::protobuf::Duration>,
/// TallyParams defines the params for tallying votes on governance proposals.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct TallyParams {
    ///   Minimum percentage of total stake needed to vote for a result to be
    ///   considered valid.
    #[prost(string, tag="1")]
    pub quorum: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
    ///   Minimum proportion of Yes votes for proposal to pass. Default value: 0.5.
    #[prost(string, tag="2")]
    pub threshold: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
    ///   Minimum value of Veto votes to Total votes ratio for proposal to be
    ///   vetoed. Default value: 1/3.
    #[prost(string, tag="3")]
    pub veto_threshold: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
/// VoteOption enumerates the valid vote options for a given governance proposal.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, ::prost::Enumeration)]
pub enum VoteOption {
    /// VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED defines a no-op vote option.
    Unspecified = 0,
    /// VOTE_OPTION_YES defines a yes vote option.
    Yes = 1,
    /// VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN defines an abstain vote option.
    Abstain = 2,
    /// VOTE_OPTION_NO defines a no vote option.
    No = 3,
    /// VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO defines a no with veto vote option.
    NoWithVeto = 4,
impl VoteOption {
    /// String value of the enum field names used in the ProtoBuf definition.
    /// The values are not transformed in any way and thus are considered stable
    /// (if the ProtoBuf definition does not change) and safe for programmatic use.
    pub fn as_str_name(&self) -> &'static str {
        match self {
            VoteOption::Unspecified => "VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED",
            VoteOption::Yes => "VOTE_OPTION_YES",
            VoteOption::Abstain => "VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN",
            VoteOption::No => "VOTE_OPTION_NO",
            VoteOption::NoWithVeto => "VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO",
/// ProposalStatus enumerates the valid statuses of a proposal.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, ::prost::Enumeration)]
pub enum ProposalStatus {
    /// PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED defines the default proposal status.
    Unspecified = 0,
    /// PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD defines a proposal status during the deposit
    /// period.
    DepositPeriod = 1,
    /// PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD defines a proposal status during the voting
    /// period.
    VotingPeriod = 2,
    /// PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED defines a proposal status of a proposal that has
    /// passed.
    Passed = 3,
    /// PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED defines a proposal status of a proposal that has
    /// been rejected.
    Rejected = 4,
    /// PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED defines a proposal status of a proposal that has
    /// failed.
    Failed = 5,
impl ProposalStatus {
    /// String value of the enum field names used in the ProtoBuf definition.
    /// The values are not transformed in any way and thus are considered stable
    /// (if the ProtoBuf definition does not change) and safe for programmatic use.
    pub fn as_str_name(&self) -> &'static str {
        match self {
            ProposalStatus::Unspecified => "PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED",
            ProposalStatus::DepositPeriod => "PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD",
            ProposalStatus::VotingPeriod => "PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD",
            ProposalStatus::Passed => "PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED",
            ProposalStatus::Rejected => "PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED",
            ProposalStatus::Failed => "PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED",
/// MsgSubmitProposal defines an sdk.Msg type that supports submitting arbitrary
/// proposal Content.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct MsgSubmitProposal {
    #[prost(message, repeated, tag="1")]
    pub messages: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<super::super::super::google::protobuf::Any>,
    #[prost(message, repeated, tag="2")]
    pub initial_deposit: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<super::super::base::v1beta1::Coin>,
    #[prost(string, tag="3")]
    pub proposer: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
    /// metadata is any arbitrary metadata attached to the proposal.
    #[prost(string, tag="4")]
    pub metadata: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
/// MsgSubmitProposalResponse defines the Msg/SubmitProposal response type.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct MsgSubmitProposalResponse {
    #[prost(uint64, tag="1")]
    pub proposal_id: u64,
/// MsgExecLegacyContent is used to wrap the legacy content field into a message.
/// This ensures backwards compatibility with v1beta1.MsgSubmitProposal.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct MsgExecLegacyContent {
    /// content is the proposal's content.
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="1")]
    pub content: ::core::option::Option<super::super::super::google::protobuf::Any>,
    /// authority must be the gov module address.
    #[prost(string, tag="2")]
    pub authority: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
/// MsgExecLegacyContentResponse defines the Msg/ExecLegacyContent response type.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct MsgExecLegacyContentResponse {
/// MsgVote defines a message to cast a vote.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct MsgVote {
    #[prost(uint64, tag="1")]
    pub proposal_id: u64,
    #[prost(string, tag="2")]
    pub voter: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
    #[prost(enumeration="VoteOption", tag="3")]
    pub option: i32,
    #[prost(string, tag="4")]
    pub metadata: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
/// MsgVoteResponse defines the Msg/Vote response type.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct MsgVoteResponse {
/// MsgVoteWeighted defines a message to cast a vote.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct MsgVoteWeighted {
    #[prost(uint64, tag="1")]
    pub proposal_id: u64,
    #[prost(string, tag="2")]
    pub voter: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
    #[prost(message, repeated, tag="3")]
    pub options: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<WeightedVoteOption>,
    #[prost(string, tag="4")]
    pub metadata: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
/// MsgVoteWeightedResponse defines the Msg/VoteWeighted response type.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct MsgVoteWeightedResponse {
/// MsgDeposit defines a message to submit a deposit to an existing proposal.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct MsgDeposit {
    #[prost(uint64, tag="1")]
    pub proposal_id: u64,
    #[prost(string, tag="2")]
    pub depositor: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
    #[prost(message, repeated, tag="3")]
    pub amount: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<super::super::base::v1beta1::Coin>,
/// MsgDepositResponse defines the Msg/Deposit response type.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct MsgDepositResponse {
/// Generated client implementations.
#[cfg(feature = "client")]
pub mod msg_client {
    #![allow(unused_variables, dead_code, missing_docs, clippy::let_unit_value)]
    use tonic::codegen::*;
    use tonic::codegen::http::Uri;
    /// Msg defines the gov Msg service.
    #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
    pub struct MsgClient<T> {
        inner: tonic::client::Grpc<T>,
    impl MsgClient<tonic::transport::Channel> {
        /// Attempt to create a new client by connecting to a given endpoint.
        pub async fn connect<D>(dst: D) -> Result<Self, tonic::transport::Error>
            D: std::convert::TryInto<tonic::transport::Endpoint>,
            D::Error: Into<StdError>,
            let conn = tonic::transport::Endpoint::new(dst)?.connect().await?;
    impl<T> MsgClient<T>
        T: tonic::client::GrpcService<tonic::body::BoxBody>,
        T::Error: Into<StdError>,
        T::ResponseBody: Body<Data = Bytes> + Send + 'static,
        <T::ResponseBody as Body>::Error: Into<StdError> + Send,
        pub fn new(inner: T) -> Self {
            let inner = tonic::client::Grpc::new(inner);
            Self { inner }
        pub fn with_origin(inner: T, origin: Uri) -> Self {
            let inner = tonic::client::Grpc::with_origin(inner, origin);
            Self { inner }
        pub fn with_interceptor<F>(
            inner: T,
            interceptor: F,
        ) -> MsgClient<InterceptedService<T, F>>
            F: tonic::service::Interceptor,
            T::ResponseBody: Default,
            T: tonic::codegen::Service<
                Response = http::Response<
                    <T as tonic::client::GrpcService<tonic::body::BoxBody>>::ResponseBody,
            <T as tonic::codegen::Service<
            >>::Error: Into<StdError> + Send + Sync,
            MsgClient::new(InterceptedService::new(inner, interceptor))
        /// Compress requests with the given encoding.
        /// This requires the server to support it otherwise it might respond with an
        /// error.
        pub fn send_compressed(mut self, encoding: CompressionEncoding) -> Self {
            self.inner = self.inner.send_compressed(encoding);
        /// Enable decompressing responses.
        pub fn accept_compressed(mut self, encoding: CompressionEncoding) -> Self {
            self.inner = self.inner.accept_compressed(encoding);
        /// SubmitProposal defines a method to create new proposal given a content.
        pub async fn submit_proposal(
            &mut self,
            request: impl tonic::IntoRequest<super::MsgSubmitProposal>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::MsgSubmitProposalResponse>, tonic::Status> {
                .map_err(|e| {
                        format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()),
            let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
            let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static(
            self.inner.unary(request.into_request(), path, codec).await
        /// ExecLegacyContent defines a Msg to be in included in a MsgSubmitProposal
        /// to execute a legacy content-based proposal.
        pub async fn exec_legacy_content(
            &mut self,
            request: impl tonic::IntoRequest<super::MsgExecLegacyContent>,
        ) -> Result<
        > {
                .map_err(|e| {
                        format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()),
            let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
            let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static(
            self.inner.unary(request.into_request(), path, codec).await
        /// Vote defines a method to add a vote on a specific proposal.
        pub async fn vote(
            &mut self,
            request: impl tonic::IntoRequest<super::MsgVote>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::MsgVoteResponse>, tonic::Status> {
                .map_err(|e| {
                        format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()),
            let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
            let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/cosmos.gov.v1.Msg/Vote");
            self.inner.unary(request.into_request(), path, codec).await
        /// VoteWeighted defines a method to add a weighted vote on a specific proposal.
        pub async fn vote_weighted(
            &mut self,
            request: impl tonic::IntoRequest<super::MsgVoteWeighted>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::MsgVoteWeightedResponse>, tonic::Status> {
                .map_err(|e| {
                        format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()),
            let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
            let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static(
            self.inner.unary(request.into_request(), path, codec).await
        /// Deposit defines a method to add deposit on a specific proposal.
        pub async fn deposit(
            &mut self,
            request: impl tonic::IntoRequest<super::MsgDeposit>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::MsgDepositResponse>, tonic::Status> {
                .map_err(|e| {
                        format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()),
            let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
            let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static(
            self.inner.unary(request.into_request(), path, codec).await
/// Generated server implementations.
#[cfg(feature = "server")]
pub mod msg_server {
    #![allow(unused_variables, dead_code, missing_docs, clippy::let_unit_value)]
    use tonic::codegen::*;
    ///Generated trait containing gRPC methods that should be implemented for use with MsgServer.
    pub trait Msg: Send + Sync + 'static {
        /// SubmitProposal defines a method to create new proposal given a content.
        async fn submit_proposal(
            request: tonic::Request<super::MsgSubmitProposal>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::MsgSubmitProposalResponse>, tonic::Status>;
        /// ExecLegacyContent defines a Msg to be in included in a MsgSubmitProposal
        /// to execute a legacy content-based proposal.
        async fn exec_legacy_content(
            request: tonic::Request<super::MsgExecLegacyContent>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::MsgExecLegacyContentResponse>, tonic::Status>;
        /// Vote defines a method to add a vote on a specific proposal.
        async fn vote(
            request: tonic::Request<super::MsgVote>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::MsgVoteResponse>, tonic::Status>;
        /// VoteWeighted defines a method to add a weighted vote on a specific proposal.
        async fn vote_weighted(
            request: tonic::Request<super::MsgVoteWeighted>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::MsgVoteWeightedResponse>, tonic::Status>;
        /// Deposit defines a method to add deposit on a specific proposal.
        async fn deposit(
            request: tonic::Request<super::MsgDeposit>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::MsgDepositResponse>, tonic::Status>;
    /// Msg defines the gov Msg service.
    pub struct MsgServer<T: Msg> {
        inner: _Inner<T>,
        accept_compression_encodings: EnabledCompressionEncodings,
        send_compression_encodings: EnabledCompressionEncodings,
    struct _Inner<T>(Arc<T>);
    impl<T: Msg> MsgServer<T> {
        pub fn new(inner: T) -> Self {
        pub fn from_arc(inner: Arc<T>) -> Self {
            let inner = _Inner(inner);
            Self {
                accept_compression_encodings: Default::default(),
                send_compression_encodings: Default::default(),
        pub fn with_interceptor<F>(
            inner: T,
            interceptor: F,
        ) -> InterceptedService<Self, F>
            F: tonic::service::Interceptor,
            InterceptedService::new(Self::new(inner), interceptor)
        /// Enable decompressing requests with the given encoding.
        pub fn accept_compressed(mut self, encoding: CompressionEncoding) -> Self {
        /// Compress responses with the given encoding, if the client supports it.
        pub fn send_compressed(mut self, encoding: CompressionEncoding) -> Self {
    impl<T, B> tonic::codegen::Service<http::Request<B>> for MsgServer<T>
        T: Msg,
        B: Body + Send + 'static,
        B::Error: Into<StdError> + Send + 'static,
        type Response = http::Response<tonic::body::BoxBody>;
        type Error = std::convert::Infallible;
        type Future = BoxFuture<Self::Response, Self::Error>;
        fn poll_ready(
            &mut self,
            _cx: &mut Context<'_>,
        ) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
        fn call(&mut self, req: http::Request<B>) -> Self::Future {
            let inner = self.inner.clone();
            match req.uri().path() {
                "/cosmos.gov.v1.Msg/SubmitProposal" => {
                    struct SubmitProposalSvc<T: Msg>(pub Arc<T>);
                    impl<T: Msg> tonic::server::UnaryService<super::MsgSubmitProposal>
                    for SubmitProposalSvc<T> {
                        type Response = super::MsgSubmitProposalResponse;
                        type Future = BoxFuture<
                        fn call(
                            &mut self,
                            request: tonic::Request<super::MsgSubmitProposal>,
                        ) -> Self::Future {
                            let inner = self.0.clone();
                            let fut = async move {
                    let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings;
                    let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings;
                    let inner = self.inner.clone();
                    let fut = async move {
                        let inner = inner.0;
                        let method = SubmitProposalSvc(inner);
                        let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
                        let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec)
                        let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await;
                "/cosmos.gov.v1.Msg/ExecLegacyContent" => {
                    struct ExecLegacyContentSvc<T: Msg>(pub Arc<T>);
                    impl<T: Msg> tonic::server::UnaryService<super::MsgExecLegacyContent>
                    for ExecLegacyContentSvc<T> {
                        type Response = super::MsgExecLegacyContentResponse;
                        type Future = BoxFuture<
                        fn call(
                            &mut self,
                            request: tonic::Request<super::MsgExecLegacyContent>,
                        ) -> Self::Future {
                            let inner = self.0.clone();
                            let fut = async move {
                    let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings;
                    let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings;
                    let inner = self.inner.clone();
                    let fut = async move {
                        let inner = inner.0;
                        let method = ExecLegacyContentSvc(inner);
                        let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
                        let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec)
                        let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await;
                "/cosmos.gov.v1.Msg/Vote" => {
                    struct VoteSvc<T: Msg>(pub Arc<T>);
                    impl<T: Msg> tonic::server::UnaryService<super::MsgVote>
                    for VoteSvc<T> {
                        type Response = super::MsgVoteResponse;
                        type Future = BoxFuture<
                        fn call(
                            &mut self,
                            request: tonic::Request<super::MsgVote>,
                        ) -> Self::Future {
                            let inner = self.0.clone();
                            let fut = async move { (*inner).vote(request).await };
                    let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings;
                    let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings;
                    let inner = self.inner.clone();
                    let fut = async move {
                        let inner = inner.0;
                        let method = VoteSvc(inner);
                        let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
                        let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec)
                        let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await;
                "/cosmos.gov.v1.Msg/VoteWeighted" => {
                    struct VoteWeightedSvc<T: Msg>(pub Arc<T>);
                    impl<T: Msg> tonic::server::UnaryService<super::MsgVoteWeighted>
                    for VoteWeightedSvc<T> {
                        type Response = super::MsgVoteWeightedResponse;
                        type Future = BoxFuture<
                        fn call(
                            &mut self,
                            request: tonic::Request<super::MsgVoteWeighted>,
                        ) -> Self::Future {
                            let inner = self.0.clone();
                            let fut = async move {
                    let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings;
                    let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings;
                    let inner = self.inner.clone();
                    let fut = async move {
                        let inner = inner.0;
                        let method = VoteWeightedSvc(inner);
                        let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
                        let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec)
                        let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await;
                "/cosmos.gov.v1.Msg/Deposit" => {
                    struct DepositSvc<T: Msg>(pub Arc<T>);
                    impl<T: Msg> tonic::server::UnaryService<super::MsgDeposit>
                    for DepositSvc<T> {
                        type Response = super::MsgDepositResponse;
                        type Future = BoxFuture<
                        fn call(
                            &mut self,
                            request: tonic::Request<super::MsgDeposit>,
                        ) -> Self::Future {
                            let inner = self.0.clone();
                            let fut = async move { (*inner).deposit(request).await };
                    let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings;
                    let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings;
                    let inner = self.inner.clone();
                    let fut = async move {
                        let inner = inner.0;
                        let method = DepositSvc(inner);
                        let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
                        let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec)
                        let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await;
                _ => {
                    Box::pin(async move {
                                .header("grpc-status", "12")
                                .header("content-type", "application/grpc")
    impl<T: Msg> Clone for MsgServer<T> {
        fn clone(&self) -> Self {
            let inner = self.inner.clone();
            Self {
                accept_compression_encodings: self.accept_compression_encodings,
                send_compression_encodings: self.send_compression_encodings,
    impl<T: Msg> Clone for _Inner<T> {
        fn clone(&self) -> Self {
    impl<T: std::fmt::Debug> std::fmt::Debug for _Inner<T> {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
            write!(f, "{:?}", self.0)
    impl<T: Msg> tonic::server::NamedService for MsgServer<T> {
        const NAME: &'static str = "cosmos.gov.v1.Msg";
/// QueryProposalRequest is the request type for the Query/Proposal RPC method.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct QueryProposalRequest {
    /// proposal_id defines the unique id of the proposal.
    #[prost(uint64, tag="1")]
    pub proposal_id: u64,
/// QueryProposalResponse is the response type for the Query/Proposal RPC method.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct QueryProposalResponse {
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="1")]
    pub proposal: ::core::option::Option<Proposal>,
/// QueryProposalsRequest is the request type for the Query/Proposals RPC method.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct QueryProposalsRequest {
    /// proposal_status defines the status of the proposals.
    #[prost(enumeration="ProposalStatus", tag="1")]
    pub proposal_status: i32,
    /// voter defines the voter address for the proposals.
    #[prost(string, tag="2")]
    pub voter: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
    /// depositor defines the deposit addresses from the proposals.
    #[prost(string, tag="3")]
    pub depositor: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
    /// pagination defines an optional pagination for the request.
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="4")]
    pub pagination: ::core::option::Option<super::super::base::query::v1beta1::PageRequest>,
/// QueryProposalsResponse is the response type for the Query/Proposals RPC
/// method.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct QueryProposalsResponse {
    #[prost(message, repeated, tag="1")]
    pub proposals: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<Proposal>,
    /// pagination defines the pagination in the response.
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="2")]
    pub pagination: ::core::option::Option<super::super::base::query::v1beta1::PageResponse>,
/// QueryVoteRequest is the request type for the Query/Vote RPC method.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct QueryVoteRequest {
    /// proposal_id defines the unique id of the proposal.
    #[prost(uint64, tag="1")]
    pub proposal_id: u64,
    /// voter defines the voter address for the proposals.
    #[prost(string, tag="2")]
    pub voter: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
/// QueryVoteResponse is the response type for the Query/Vote RPC method.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct QueryVoteResponse {
    /// vote defined the queried vote.
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="1")]
    pub vote: ::core::option::Option<Vote>,
/// QueryVotesRequest is the request type for the Query/Votes RPC method.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct QueryVotesRequest {
    /// proposal_id defines the unique id of the proposal.
    #[prost(uint64, tag="1")]
    pub proposal_id: u64,
    /// pagination defines an optional pagination for the request.
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="2")]
    pub pagination: ::core::option::Option<super::super::base::query::v1beta1::PageRequest>,
/// QueryVotesResponse is the response type for the Query/Votes RPC method.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct QueryVotesResponse {
    /// votes defined the queried votes.
    #[prost(message, repeated, tag="1")]
    pub votes: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<Vote>,
    /// pagination defines the pagination in the response.
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="2")]
    pub pagination: ::core::option::Option<super::super::base::query::v1beta1::PageResponse>,
/// QueryParamsRequest is the request type for the Query/Params RPC method.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct QueryParamsRequest {
    /// params_type defines which parameters to query for, can be one of "voting",
    /// "tallying" or "deposit".
    #[prost(string, tag="1")]
    pub params_type: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
/// QueryParamsResponse is the response type for the Query/Params RPC method.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct QueryParamsResponse {
    /// voting_params defines the parameters related to voting.
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="1")]
    pub voting_params: ::core::option::Option<VotingParams>,
    /// deposit_params defines the parameters related to deposit.
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="2")]
    pub deposit_params: ::core::option::Option<DepositParams>,
    /// tally_params defines the parameters related to tally.
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="3")]
    pub tally_params: ::core::option::Option<TallyParams>,
/// QueryDepositRequest is the request type for the Query/Deposit RPC method.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct QueryDepositRequest {
    /// proposal_id defines the unique id of the proposal.
    #[prost(uint64, tag="1")]
    pub proposal_id: u64,
    /// depositor defines the deposit addresses from the proposals.
    #[prost(string, tag="2")]
    pub depositor: ::prost::alloc::string::String,
/// QueryDepositResponse is the response type for the Query/Deposit RPC method.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct QueryDepositResponse {
    /// deposit defines the requested deposit.
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="1")]
    pub deposit: ::core::option::Option<Deposit>,
/// QueryDepositsRequest is the request type for the Query/Deposits RPC method.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct QueryDepositsRequest {
    /// proposal_id defines the unique id of the proposal.
    #[prost(uint64, tag="1")]
    pub proposal_id: u64,
    /// pagination defines an optional pagination for the request.
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="2")]
    pub pagination: ::core::option::Option<super::super::base::query::v1beta1::PageRequest>,
/// QueryDepositsResponse is the response type for the Query/Deposits RPC method.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct QueryDepositsResponse {
    #[prost(message, repeated, tag="1")]
    pub deposits: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<Deposit>,
    /// pagination defines the pagination in the response.
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="2")]
    pub pagination: ::core::option::Option<super::super::base::query::v1beta1::PageResponse>,
/// QueryTallyResultRequest is the request type for the Query/Tally RPC method.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct QueryTallyResultRequest {
    /// proposal_id defines the unique id of the proposal.
    #[prost(uint64, tag="1")]
    pub proposal_id: u64,
/// QueryTallyResultResponse is the response type for the Query/Tally RPC method.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct QueryTallyResultResponse {
    /// tally defines the requested tally.
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="1")]
    pub tally: ::core::option::Option<TallyResult>,
/// Generated client implementations.
#[cfg(feature = "client")]
pub mod query_client {
    #![allow(unused_variables, dead_code, missing_docs, clippy::let_unit_value)]
    use tonic::codegen::*;
    use tonic::codegen::http::Uri;
    /// Query defines the gRPC querier service for gov module
    #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
    pub struct QueryClient<T> {
        inner: tonic::client::Grpc<T>,
    impl QueryClient<tonic::transport::Channel> {
        /// Attempt to create a new client by connecting to a given endpoint.
        pub async fn connect<D>(dst: D) -> Result<Self, tonic::transport::Error>
            D: std::convert::TryInto<tonic::transport::Endpoint>,
            D::Error: Into<StdError>,
            let conn = tonic::transport::Endpoint::new(dst)?.connect().await?;
    impl<T> QueryClient<T>
        T: tonic::client::GrpcService<tonic::body::BoxBody>,
        T::Error: Into<StdError>,
        T::ResponseBody: Body<Data = Bytes> + Send + 'static,
        <T::ResponseBody as Body>::Error: Into<StdError> + Send,
        pub fn new(inner: T) -> Self {
            let inner = tonic::client::Grpc::new(inner);
            Self { inner }
        pub fn with_origin(inner: T, origin: Uri) -> Self {
            let inner = tonic::client::Grpc::with_origin(inner, origin);
            Self { inner }
        pub fn with_interceptor<F>(
            inner: T,
            interceptor: F,
        ) -> QueryClient<InterceptedService<T, F>>
            F: tonic::service::Interceptor,
            T::ResponseBody: Default,
            T: tonic::codegen::Service<
                Response = http::Response<
                    <T as tonic::client::GrpcService<tonic::body::BoxBody>>::ResponseBody,
            <T as tonic::codegen::Service<
            >>::Error: Into<StdError> + Send + Sync,
            QueryClient::new(InterceptedService::new(inner, interceptor))
        /// Compress requests with the given encoding.
        /// This requires the server to support it otherwise it might respond with an
        /// error.
        pub fn send_compressed(mut self, encoding: CompressionEncoding) -> Self {
            self.inner = self.inner.send_compressed(encoding);
        /// Enable decompressing responses.
        pub fn accept_compressed(mut self, encoding: CompressionEncoding) -> Self {
            self.inner = self.inner.accept_compressed(encoding);
        /// Proposal queries proposal details based on ProposalID.
        pub async fn proposal(
            &mut self,
            request: impl tonic::IntoRequest<super::QueryProposalRequest>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::QueryProposalResponse>, tonic::Status> {
                .map_err(|e| {
                        format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()),
            let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
            let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static(
            self.inner.unary(request.into_request(), path, codec).await
        /// Proposals queries all proposals based on given status.
        pub async fn proposals(
            &mut self,
            request: impl tonic::IntoRequest<super::QueryProposalsRequest>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::QueryProposalsResponse>, tonic::Status> {
                .map_err(|e| {
                        format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()),
            let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
            let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static(
            self.inner.unary(request.into_request(), path, codec).await
        /// Vote queries voted information based on proposalID, voterAddr.
        pub async fn vote(
            &mut self,
            request: impl tonic::IntoRequest<super::QueryVoteRequest>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::QueryVoteResponse>, tonic::Status> {
                .map_err(|e| {
                        format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()),
            let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
            let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static("/cosmos.gov.v1.Query/Vote");
            self.inner.unary(request.into_request(), path, codec).await
        /// Votes queries votes of a given proposal.
        pub async fn votes(
            &mut self,
            request: impl tonic::IntoRequest<super::QueryVotesRequest>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::QueryVotesResponse>, tonic::Status> {
                .map_err(|e| {
                        format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()),
            let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
            let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static(
            self.inner.unary(request.into_request(), path, codec).await
        /// Params queries all parameters of the gov module.
        pub async fn params(
            &mut self,
            request: impl tonic::IntoRequest<super::QueryParamsRequest>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::QueryParamsResponse>, tonic::Status> {
                .map_err(|e| {
                        format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()),
            let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
            let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static(
            self.inner.unary(request.into_request(), path, codec).await
        /// Deposit queries single deposit information based proposalID, depositAddr.
        pub async fn deposit(
            &mut self,
            request: impl tonic::IntoRequest<super::QueryDepositRequest>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::QueryDepositResponse>, tonic::Status> {
                .map_err(|e| {
                        format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()),
            let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
            let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static(
            self.inner.unary(request.into_request(), path, codec).await
        /// Deposits queries all deposits of a single proposal.
        pub async fn deposits(
            &mut self,
            request: impl tonic::IntoRequest<super::QueryDepositsRequest>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::QueryDepositsResponse>, tonic::Status> {
                .map_err(|e| {
                        format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()),
            let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
            let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static(
            self.inner.unary(request.into_request(), path, codec).await
        /// TallyResult queries the tally of a proposal vote.
        pub async fn tally_result(
            &mut self,
            request: impl tonic::IntoRequest<super::QueryTallyResultRequest>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::QueryTallyResultResponse>, tonic::Status> {
                .map_err(|e| {
                        format!("Service was not ready: {}", e.into()),
            let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
            let path = http::uri::PathAndQuery::from_static(
            self.inner.unary(request.into_request(), path, codec).await
/// Generated server implementations.
#[cfg(feature = "server")]
pub mod query_server {
    #![allow(unused_variables, dead_code, missing_docs, clippy::let_unit_value)]
    use tonic::codegen::*;
    ///Generated trait containing gRPC methods that should be implemented for use with QueryServer.
    pub trait Query: Send + Sync + 'static {
        /// Proposal queries proposal details based on ProposalID.
        async fn proposal(
            request: tonic::Request<super::QueryProposalRequest>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::QueryProposalResponse>, tonic::Status>;
        /// Proposals queries all proposals based on given status.
        async fn proposals(
            request: tonic::Request<super::QueryProposalsRequest>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::QueryProposalsResponse>, tonic::Status>;
        /// Vote queries voted information based on proposalID, voterAddr.
        async fn vote(
            request: tonic::Request<super::QueryVoteRequest>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::QueryVoteResponse>, tonic::Status>;
        /// Votes queries votes of a given proposal.
        async fn votes(
            request: tonic::Request<super::QueryVotesRequest>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::QueryVotesResponse>, tonic::Status>;
        /// Params queries all parameters of the gov module.
        async fn params(
            request: tonic::Request<super::QueryParamsRequest>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::QueryParamsResponse>, tonic::Status>;
        /// Deposit queries single deposit information based proposalID, depositAddr.
        async fn deposit(
            request: tonic::Request<super::QueryDepositRequest>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::QueryDepositResponse>, tonic::Status>;
        /// Deposits queries all deposits of a single proposal.
        async fn deposits(
            request: tonic::Request<super::QueryDepositsRequest>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::QueryDepositsResponse>, tonic::Status>;
        /// TallyResult queries the tally of a proposal vote.
        async fn tally_result(
            request: tonic::Request<super::QueryTallyResultRequest>,
        ) -> Result<tonic::Response<super::QueryTallyResultResponse>, tonic::Status>;
    /// Query defines the gRPC querier service for gov module
    pub struct QueryServer<T: Query> {
        inner: _Inner<T>,
        accept_compression_encodings: EnabledCompressionEncodings,
        send_compression_encodings: EnabledCompressionEncodings,
    struct _Inner<T>(Arc<T>);
    impl<T: Query> QueryServer<T> {
        pub fn new(inner: T) -> Self {
        pub fn from_arc(inner: Arc<T>) -> Self {
            let inner = _Inner(inner);
            Self {
                accept_compression_encodings: Default::default(),
                send_compression_encodings: Default::default(),
        pub fn with_interceptor<F>(
            inner: T,
            interceptor: F,
        ) -> InterceptedService<Self, F>
            F: tonic::service::Interceptor,
            InterceptedService::new(Self::new(inner), interceptor)
        /// Enable decompressing requests with the given encoding.
        pub fn accept_compressed(mut self, encoding: CompressionEncoding) -> Self {
        /// Compress responses with the given encoding, if the client supports it.
        pub fn send_compressed(mut self, encoding: CompressionEncoding) -> Self {
    impl<T, B> tonic::codegen::Service<http::Request<B>> for QueryServer<T>
        T: Query,
        B: Body + Send + 'static,
        B::Error: Into<StdError> + Send + 'static,
        type Response = http::Response<tonic::body::BoxBody>;
        type Error = std::convert::Infallible;
        type Future = BoxFuture<Self::Response, Self::Error>;
        fn poll_ready(
            &mut self,
            _cx: &mut Context<'_>,
        ) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
        fn call(&mut self, req: http::Request<B>) -> Self::Future {
            let inner = self.inner.clone();
            match req.uri().path() {
                "/cosmos.gov.v1.Query/Proposal" => {
                    struct ProposalSvc<T: Query>(pub Arc<T>);
                        T: Query,
                    > tonic::server::UnaryService<super::QueryProposalRequest>
                    for ProposalSvc<T> {
                        type Response = super::QueryProposalResponse;
                        type Future = BoxFuture<
                        fn call(
                            &mut self,
                            request: tonic::Request<super::QueryProposalRequest>,
                        ) -> Self::Future {
                            let inner = self.0.clone();
                            let fut = async move { (*inner).proposal(request).await };
                    let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings;
                    let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings;
                    let inner = self.inner.clone();
                    let fut = async move {
                        let inner = inner.0;
                        let method = ProposalSvc(inner);
                        let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
                        let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec)
                        let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await;
                "/cosmos.gov.v1.Query/Proposals" => {
                    struct ProposalsSvc<T: Query>(pub Arc<T>);
                        T: Query,
                    > tonic::server::UnaryService<super::QueryProposalsRequest>
                    for ProposalsSvc<T> {
                        type Response = super::QueryProposalsResponse;
                        type Future = BoxFuture<
                        fn call(
                            &mut self,
                            request: tonic::Request<super::QueryProposalsRequest>,
                        ) -> Self::Future {
                            let inner = self.0.clone();
                            let fut = async move { (*inner).proposals(request).await };
                    let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings;
                    let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings;
                    let inner = self.inner.clone();
                    let fut = async move {
                        let inner = inner.0;
                        let method = ProposalsSvc(inner);
                        let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
                        let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec)
                        let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await;
                "/cosmos.gov.v1.Query/Vote" => {
                    struct VoteSvc<T: Query>(pub Arc<T>);
                    impl<T: Query> tonic::server::UnaryService<super::QueryVoteRequest>
                    for VoteSvc<T> {
                        type Response = super::QueryVoteResponse;
                        type Future = BoxFuture<
                        fn call(
                            &mut self,
                            request: tonic::Request<super::QueryVoteRequest>,
                        ) -> Self::Future {
                            let inner = self.0.clone();
                            let fut = async move { (*inner).vote(request).await };
                    let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings;
                    let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings;
                    let inner = self.inner.clone();
                    let fut = async move {
                        let inner = inner.0;
                        let method = VoteSvc(inner);
                        let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
                        let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec)
                        let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await;
                "/cosmos.gov.v1.Query/Votes" => {
                    struct VotesSvc<T: Query>(pub Arc<T>);
                    impl<T: Query> tonic::server::UnaryService<super::QueryVotesRequest>
                    for VotesSvc<T> {
                        type Response = super::QueryVotesResponse;
                        type Future = BoxFuture<
                        fn call(
                            &mut self,
                            request: tonic::Request<super::QueryVotesRequest>,
                        ) -> Self::Future {
                            let inner = self.0.clone();
                            let fut = async move { (*inner).votes(request).await };
                    let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings;
                    let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings;
                    let inner = self.inner.clone();
                    let fut = async move {
                        let inner = inner.0;
                        let method = VotesSvc(inner);
                        let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
                        let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec)
                        let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await;
                "/cosmos.gov.v1.Query/Params" => {
                    struct ParamsSvc<T: Query>(pub Arc<T>);
                    impl<T: Query> tonic::server::UnaryService<super::QueryParamsRequest>
                    for ParamsSvc<T> {
                        type Response = super::QueryParamsResponse;
                        type Future = BoxFuture<
                        fn call(
                            &mut self,
                            request: tonic::Request<super::QueryParamsRequest>,
                        ) -> Self::Future {
                            let inner = self.0.clone();
                            let fut = async move { (*inner).params(request).await };
                    let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings;
                    let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings;
                    let inner = self.inner.clone();
                    let fut = async move {
                        let inner = inner.0;
                        let method = ParamsSvc(inner);
                        let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
                        let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec)
                        let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await;
                "/cosmos.gov.v1.Query/Deposit" => {
                    struct DepositSvc<T: Query>(pub Arc<T>);
                        T: Query,
                    > tonic::server::UnaryService<super::QueryDepositRequest>
                    for DepositSvc<T> {
                        type Response = super::QueryDepositResponse;
                        type Future = BoxFuture<
                        fn call(
                            &mut self,
                            request: tonic::Request<super::QueryDepositRequest>,
                        ) -> Self::Future {
                            let inner = self.0.clone();
                            let fut = async move { (*inner).deposit(request).await };
                    let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings;
                    let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings;
                    let inner = self.inner.clone();
                    let fut = async move {
                        let inner = inner.0;
                        let method = DepositSvc(inner);
                        let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
                        let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec)
                        let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await;
                "/cosmos.gov.v1.Query/Deposits" => {
                    struct DepositsSvc<T: Query>(pub Arc<T>);
                        T: Query,
                    > tonic::server::UnaryService<super::QueryDepositsRequest>
                    for DepositsSvc<T> {
                        type Response = super::QueryDepositsResponse;
                        type Future = BoxFuture<
                        fn call(
                            &mut self,
                            request: tonic::Request<super::QueryDepositsRequest>,
                        ) -> Self::Future {
                            let inner = self.0.clone();
                            let fut = async move { (*inner).deposits(request).await };
                    let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings;
                    let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings;
                    let inner = self.inner.clone();
                    let fut = async move {
                        let inner = inner.0;
                        let method = DepositsSvc(inner);
                        let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
                        let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec)
                        let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await;
                "/cosmos.gov.v1.Query/TallyResult" => {
                    struct TallyResultSvc<T: Query>(pub Arc<T>);
                        T: Query,
                    > tonic::server::UnaryService<super::QueryTallyResultRequest>
                    for TallyResultSvc<T> {
                        type Response = super::QueryTallyResultResponse;
                        type Future = BoxFuture<
                        fn call(
                            &mut self,
                            request: tonic::Request<super::QueryTallyResultRequest>,
                        ) -> Self::Future {
                            let inner = self.0.clone();
                            let fut = async move {
                    let accept_compression_encodings = self.accept_compression_encodings;
                    let send_compression_encodings = self.send_compression_encodings;
                    let inner = self.inner.clone();
                    let fut = async move {
                        let inner = inner.0;
                        let method = TallyResultSvc(inner);
                        let codec = tonic::codec::ProstCodec::default();
                        let mut grpc = tonic::server::Grpc::new(codec)
                        let res = grpc.unary(method, req).await;
                _ => {
                    Box::pin(async move {
                                .header("grpc-status", "12")
                                .header("content-type", "application/grpc")
    impl<T: Query> Clone for QueryServer<T> {
        fn clone(&self) -> Self {
            let inner = self.inner.clone();
            Self {
                accept_compression_encodings: self.accept_compression_encodings,
                send_compression_encodings: self.send_compression_encodings,
    impl<T: Query> Clone for _Inner<T> {
        fn clone(&self) -> Self {
    impl<T: std::fmt::Debug> std::fmt::Debug for _Inner<T> {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
            write!(f, "{:?}", self.0)
    impl<T: Query> tonic::server::NamedService for QueryServer<T> {
        const NAME: &'static str = "cosmos.gov.v1.Query";
/// GenesisState defines the gov module's genesis state.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct GenesisState {
    /// starting_proposal_id is the ID of the starting proposal.
    #[prost(uint64, tag="1")]
    pub starting_proposal_id: u64,
    /// deposits defines all the deposits present at genesis.
    #[prost(message, repeated, tag="2")]
    pub deposits: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<Deposit>,
    /// votes defines all the votes present at genesis.
    #[prost(message, repeated, tag="3")]
    pub votes: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<Vote>,
    /// proposals defines all the proposals present at genesis.
    #[prost(message, repeated, tag="4")]
    pub proposals: ::prost::alloc::vec::Vec<Proposal>,
    /// params defines all the paramaters of related to deposit.
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="5")]
    pub deposit_params: ::core::option::Option<DepositParams>,
    /// params defines all the paramaters of related to voting.
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="6")]
    pub voting_params: ::core::option::Option<VotingParams>,
    /// params defines all the paramaters of related to tally.
    #[prost(message, optional, tag="7")]
    pub tally_params: ::core::option::Option<TallyParams>,