ibc-core-handler-types 0.53.0

Maintained by `ibc-rs`, encapsulates essential ICS-25 Handler Interface data structures and domain types, as specified in the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol. Designed for universal applicability to facilitate development and integration across diverse IBC-enabled projects.
name         = "ibc-core-handler-types"
version      = { workspace = true }
authors      = { workspace = true }
edition      = { workspace = true }
rust-version = { workspace = true }
license      = { workspace = true }
repository   = { workspace = true }
keywords     = [ "blockchain", "cosmos", "ibc", "handler", "types" ]
readme       = "./../../README.md"

description = """
    Maintained by `ibc-rs`, encapsulates essential ICS-25 Handler Interface data structures and domain types,
    as specified in the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol. Designed for universal applicability
    to facilitate development and integration across diverse IBC-enabled projects.

all-features = true

# external dependencies
borsh           = { workspace = true, optional = true }
derive_more     = { workspace = true }
displaydoc      = { workspace = true }
serde           = { workspace = true, optional = true }
schemars        = { workspace = true, optional = true }
subtle-encoding = { workspace = true }

# ibc dependencies
ibc-core-client-types     = { workspace = true }
ibc-core-connection-types = { workspace = true }
ibc-core-channel-types    = { workspace = true }
ibc-core-commitment-types = { workspace = true }
ibc-core-host-types       = { workspace = true }
ibc-core-router-types     = { workspace = true }
ibc-primitives            = { workspace = true }
ibc-proto                 = { workspace = true }

# cosmos dependencies
tendermint = { workspace = true }

# parity dependencies
parity-scale-codec = { workspace = true, optional = true }
scale-info         = { workspace = true, optional = true }

default = [ "std" ]
std = [
serde = [
schema = [
borsh = [
parity-scale-codec = [