iban_validate 0.4.0

A small crate to verify IBAN account numbers.

This crate provides an easy way to validate an IBAN (International Bank Account Number). To do so, you can use the function parse(). If you want to check whether the address has a valid BBAN (Basic Bank Account Number), you can use validate_bban(). It also contains some helper methods to make handling an IBAN easier.


The following example does a full validation of the IBAN and BBAN format.

# use iban::ParseIbanError;
# fn try_main() -> Result<(), ParseIbanError> {
use iban::Iban;
use iban::BbanResult;

let account = "DE44500105175407324931".parse::<Iban>()?;

assert_eq!(account.validate_bban(), BbanResult::Valid);
assert_eq!(account.get_country_code(), "DE");
assert_eq!(account.get_check_digits(), 44);
assert_eq!(account.get_bban(), "500105175407324931");
# Ok(())
# }
# fn main() {
#     try_main().unwrap();
# }