iap 0.3.1

async google/apple receipt validation using hyper
//! iap is a rust library for verifying receipt information for purchases made through the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
//! ## Current Features
//! - Validating receipt data received from [Unity's IAP plugin](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UnityIAP.html) to verify subscriptions and if they are valid and not expired
//! - Helper functions to receive response data from Google/Apple for more granular error handling or validation
//! ### Supported Transaction Types
//! - Subscriptions
//! ### Coming Features
//! - Non-subscription purchase types
//! - Manual input of data for verification not received through Unity IAP
//! ## Usage
//! ### For simple validation of Unity IAP receipts
//! You can receive a `PurchaseResponse` which will simply tell you if a purchase is valid (and not expired if a subscription) by creating a `UnityPurchaseValidator`.
//! ```ignore
//! use iap::*;
//! const APPLE_SECRET: &str = "<APPLE SECRET>";
//! const GOOGLE_KEY: &str = "<GOOGLE KEY JSON>";
//! #[tokio::main]
//! pub async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//!     let validator = UnityPurchaseValidator::default()
//!         .set_apple_secret(APPLE_SECRET.to_string())
//!         .set_google_service_account_key(GOOGLE_KEY.to_string())?;
//!     // RECEIPT_INPUT would be the Json string containing the store, transaction id, and payload
//!     // from Unity IAP. ie:
//!     // "{ \"Store\": \"GooglePlay\", \"TransactionID\": \"<Txn ID>\", \"Payload\": \"<Payload>\" }"
//!     let unity_receipt = UnityPurchaseReceipt::from(&std::env::var("RECEIPT_INPUT")?)?;
//!     let response = validator.validate(&unity_receipt).await?;
//!     println!("PurchaseResponse is valid: {}", response.valid);
//!     Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! If you wanted more granular control and access to the response from the store's endpoint, we provide helper functions to do so.
//! For the Play Store:
//! ```rust
//! # use iap::*;
//! pub async fn validate(receipt: &UnityPurchaseReceipt) -> error::Result<PurchaseResponse> {
//!     let response = fetch_google_receipt_data(receipt, "<GOOGLE_KEY>").await?;
//!     // debug or validate on your own with the data in the response
//!     println!("Expiry data: {:?}", response.expiry_time);
//!     // or just simply validate the response
//!     validate_google_subscription(&response, chrono::Utc::now())
//! }
//! ```
//! For the App Store:
//! ```rust
//! # use iap::*;
//! pub async fn validate(receipt: &UnityPurchaseReceipt) -> error::Result<PurchaseResponse> {
//!     let response = fetch_apple_receipt_data(receipt, "<APPLE_SECRET>").await?;
//!     // was this purchase made in the production or sandbox environment
//!     println!("Environment: {}", response.environment.clone().unwrap());
//!     Ok(validate_apple_subscription(&response, &receipt.transaction_id, chrono::Utc::now()))
//! }
//! ```

//TODO: remove once async_trait works with this again

mod apple;
mod google;

pub mod error;

use async_trait::async_trait;
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use error::Result;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use yup_oauth2::ServiceAccountKey;

pub use apple::{
    fetch_apple_receipt_data, fetch_apple_receipt_data_with_urls, validate_apple_package,
    validate_apple_subscription, AppleResponse, AppleUrls,
pub use google::{
    fetch_google_receipt_data, fetch_google_receipt_data_with_uri, validate_google_package,
    validate_google_subscription, GoogleResponse, SkuType,

/// This is the platform on which the purchase that created the unity receipt was made.
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Platform {
    /// iOS and macOS
    /// Android

impl Default for Platform {
    fn default() -> Self {

/// Represents the deserialized contents of the Json string delivered by Unity IAP.
#[derive(Default, Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct UnityPurchaseReceipt {
    /// The platform on which the purchase that created the unity receipt was made.
    #[serde(rename = "Store")]
    pub store: Platform,
    /// The contents of the receipt to be processed by the validator
    #[serde(rename = "Payload")]
    pub payload: String,
    /// Transaction ID metadata
    #[serde(rename = "TransactionID")]
    pub transaction_id: String,

impl UnityPurchaseReceipt {
    /// Create a `UnityPurchaseReceipt` from the Json string delivered by Unity IAP.
    /// eg: "`{ \"Store\": \"GooglePlay\", \"TransactionID\": \"<Txn ID>\", \"Payload\": \"<Payload>\" }`"
    /// # Errors
    /// Will return an error if the `json_str` cannot be deserialized into a `UnityPurchaseReceipt`
    pub fn from(json_str: &str) -> Result<Self> {

/// A simple validation response returned by any of the validate methods which tells us if the receipt represents a valid purchase and/or active subscription.
#[derive(Default, Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PurchaseResponse {
    /// Valid if true
    pub valid: bool,
    /// Product identifier
    pub product_id: Option<String>,

/// The base trait for implementing a validator. Mock Validators can be made for running local tests by implementing this trait.
pub trait Validator: Send + Sync {
    /// Called to perform the validation on whichever platform is described in the provided UnityPurchaseReceipt.
    async fn validate(
        now: DateTime<Utc>,
        receipt: &UnityPurchaseReceipt,
    ) -> Result<PurchaseResponse>;

/// Trait which allows us to retrieve receipt data from an object's own secrets.
pub trait ReceiptDataFetcher {
    /// Similar to the helper function `crate::fetch_apple_receipt_data`, an associated function for pulling the response from owned secrets. x
    async fn fetch_apple_receipt_data(
        receipt: &UnityPurchaseReceipt,
    ) -> Result<AppleResponse>;
    /// Similar to the helper function `crate::fetch_google_receipt_data`, an associated function for pulling the response from owned secrets.
    async fn fetch_google_receipt_data(
        receipt: &UnityPurchaseReceipt,
    ) -> Result<(GoogleResponse, SkuType)>;

/// Convenience trait which combines `ReceiptDataFetcher` and `Validator` traits.
pub trait ReceiptValidator: ReceiptDataFetcher + Validator {}

/// Validator which stores our needed secrets for being able to authenticate against the stores' endpoints,
/// and performs our validation.
/// ```
/// use iap::UnityPurchaseValidator;
/// let validator = UnityPurchaseValidator::default()
///     .set_apple_secret("<APPLE_SECRET>".to_string())
///     .set_google_service_account_key("<GOOGLE_KEY>".to_string());
/// ```
pub struct UnityPurchaseValidator<'a> {
    /// Apple's shared secret required by their requestBody. See: <https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstorereceipts/requestbody>
    pub secret: Option<String>,
    /// Should always be default unless we are using mock urls for offline unit tests.
    pub apple_urls: AppleUrls<'a>,
    /// The service account key required for Google's authentication.
    pub service_account_key: Option<ServiceAccountKey>,

impl ReceiptValidator for UnityPurchaseValidator<'_> {}

impl UnityPurchaseValidator<'_> {
    /// Stores Apple's shared secret required by their requestBody. See: <https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstorereceipts/requestbody>
    pub fn set_apple_secret(self, secret: String) -> Self {
        tracing::info!("Setting apple secret");
        let mut new = self;
        new.secret = Some(secret);

    /// Stores Google's service account key. Takes the Json provided by Google's API with the following
    /// required fields:
    /// ```json
    /// {
    ///     "private_key": "",
    ///     "client_email": "",
    ///     "token_uri": ""
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// # Errors
    /// Will return an error if `S` cannot be deserialized into a `ServiceAccountKey`
    pub fn set_google_service_account_key<S: AsRef<[u8]>>(self, secret: S) -> Result<Self> {
        let mut new = self;
        new.service_account_key = Some(google::get_service_account_key(secret)?);

impl Validator for UnityPurchaseValidator<'_> {
    async fn validate(
        now: DateTime<Utc>,
        receipt: &UnityPurchaseReceipt,
    ) -> Result<PurchaseResponse> {
            "store: {:?}, transaction_id: {}, payload: {}",

        match receipt.store {
            Platform::AppleAppStore => {
                let response = apple::fetch_apple_receipt_data_with_urls(

                if response.status == 0 {
                    if response.is_subscription(&receipt.transaction_id) {
                    } else {
                        Ok(validate_apple_package(&response, &receipt.transaction_id))
                } else {
                    Ok(PurchaseResponse {
                        valid: false,
                        product_id: response.get_product_id(&receipt.transaction_id),
            Platform::GooglePlay => {
                //TODO: clean all of this up if async move evey makes its way to rust stable
                if let Ok((Ok(response_future), sku_type)) =
                    google::GooglePlayData::from(&receipt.payload).and_then(|data| {
                        data.get_sku_details().map(|sku_details| {
                            let sku_type = sku_details.sku_type;
                                data.get_uri(&sku_type).map(|uri| {
                    if let Ok(response) = response_future.await {
                        match sku_type {
                            google::SkuType::Subs => validate_google_subscription(&response, now),
                            google::SkuType::Inapp => Ok(validate_google_package(&response)),
                    } else {
                        Ok(PurchaseResponse {
                            valid: false,
                            product_id: None,
                } else {
                    Ok(PurchaseResponse {
                        valid: false,
                        product_id: None,

impl ReceiptDataFetcher for UnityPurchaseValidator<'_> {
    async fn fetch_apple_receipt_data(
        receipt: &UnityPurchaseReceipt,
    ) -> Result<AppleResponse> {
        fetch_apple_receipt_data_with_urls(receipt, &self.apple_urls, self.secret.as_ref()).await

    async fn fetch_google_receipt_data(
        receipt: &UnityPurchaseReceipt,
    ) -> Result<(GoogleResponse, SkuType)> {
        let data = google::GooglePlayData::from(&receipt.payload)?;
        let sku_type = data.get_sku_details()?.sku_type;
        .map(|response| (response, sku_type))

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::{
        apple::{AppleInAppReceipt, AppleReceipt, AppleResponse},
        google::{validate_google_subscription, GoogleResponse},
    use chrono::{Duration, Utc};
    use mockito::mock;
    use serial_test::serial;

    fn new_for_test<'a>(prod_url: &'a str, sandbox_url: &'a str) -> UnityPurchaseValidator<'a> {
        UnityPurchaseValidator {
            secret: Some(String::from("secret")),
            apple_urls: AppleUrls {
                production: prod_url,
                sandbox: sandbox_url,
            service_account_key: None,

    async fn test_sandbox_response() {
        let expiry = (Utc::now() + Duration::days(1))
        let apple_response = AppleResponse {
            receipt: Some(AppleReceipt {
                in_app: Some(vec![AppleInAppReceipt {
                    product_id: Some("prod".to_string()),
                    expires_date_ms: Some(expiry),
                    transaction_id: Some("txn".to_string()),

        let _m1 = mock("POST", "/sb/verifyReceipt")

        let _m2 = mock("POST", "/verifyReceipt")
            .with_body(r#"{"status": 21007}"#)

        let url = &mockito::server_url();

        let sandbox = format!("{}/sb", url);
        let validator = new_for_test(url, &sandbox);

        let response = validator
                &UnityPurchaseReceipt {
                    transaction_id: "txn".to_string(),

        assert_eq!(response.product_id, Some("prod".to_string()));

    async fn test_validate_empty_transaction() {
        let expiry = (Utc::now() + Duration::days(1))
        let apple_response = AppleResponse {
            receipt: Some(AppleReceipt {
                in_app: Some(vec![
                    AppleInAppReceipt {
                        product_id: Some("prod".to_string()),
                        expires_date_ms: Some(Utc::now().timestamp_millis().to_string()),
                        transaction_id: Some("txn3".to_string()),
                    AppleInAppReceipt {
                        product_id: Some("prod".to_string()),
                        expires_date_ms: Some(expiry),
                        transaction_id: Some("txn1".to_string()),
                    AppleInAppReceipt {
                        product_id: Some("prod".to_string()),
                        expires_date_ms: Some(
                            (Utc::now() - Duration::days(1))
                        transaction_id: Some("txn2".to_string()),

        let _m1 = mock("POST", "/sb/verifyReceipt")

        let _m2 = mock("POST", "/verifyReceipt")
            .with_body(r#"{"status": 21007}"#)

        let url = &mockito::server_url();

        let sandbox = format!("{}/sb", url);
        let validator = new_for_test(url, &sandbox);

        let response = validator
                &UnityPurchaseReceipt {
                    transaction_id: "".to_string(),

        assert_eq!(response.product_id, Some("prod".to_string()));

    async fn test_subscription_expired_fallback() {
        let expiry = (Utc::now() + Duration::days(1))
        let apple_response = AppleResponse {
            receipt: Some(AppleReceipt {
                in_app: Some(vec![
                    AppleInAppReceipt {
                        product_id: Some("prod".to_string()),
                        expires_date_ms: Some(expiry),
                        transaction_id: Some("txn1".to_string()),
                    AppleInAppReceipt {
                        product_id: Some("prod".to_string()),
                        expires_date_ms: Some(
                            (Utc::now() - Duration::days(1))
                        transaction_id: Some("txn2".to_string()),

        let _m1 = mock("POST", "/sb/verifyReceipt")

        let _m2 = mock("POST", "/verifyReceipt")
            .with_body(r#"{"status": 21007}"#)

        let url = &mockito::server_url();

        let sandbox = format!("{}/sb", url);
        let validator = new_for_test(url, &sandbox);

        // look up the expired receipt, should still be valid since txn1 is not expired
        let response = validator
                &UnityPurchaseReceipt {
                    transaction_id: "txn2".to_string(),

        assert_eq!(response.product_id, Some("prod".to_string()));

    async fn test_invalid_receipt() {
        let now = Utc::now().timestamp_millis().to_string();
        let apple_response = AppleResponse {
            latest_receipt: Some(String::default()),
            receipt: Some(AppleReceipt {
                in_app: Some(vec![AppleInAppReceipt {
                    product_id: Some("prod".to_string()),
                    expires_date_ms: Some(now),
                    transaction_id: Some("txn".to_string()),

        let _m = mock("POST", "/verifyReceipt")

        let url = &mockito::server_url();

        let sandbox = format!("{}/sb", url);
        let validator = new_for_test(url, &sandbox);

                    &UnityPurchaseReceipt {
                        transaction_id: "txn".to_string(),

    async fn test_apple_purchase() {
        let apple_response = AppleResponse {
            receipt: Some(AppleReceipt {
                in_app: Some(vec![
                    AppleInAppReceipt {
                        product_id: Some("prod".to_string()),
                        transaction_id: Some("not_txn".to_string()),
                    AppleInAppReceipt {
                        product_id: Some("prod".to_string()),
                        transaction_id: Some("txn".to_string()),

        let _m1 = mock("POST", "/sb/verifyReceipt")

        let _m2 = mock("POST", "/verifyReceipt")
            .with_body(r#"{"status": 21007}"#)

        let url = &mockito::server_url();

        let sandbox = format!("{}/sb", url);
        let validator = new_for_test(url, &sandbox);

        let response = validator
                &UnityPurchaseReceipt {
                    transaction_id: "txn".to_string(),

        assert_eq!(response.product_id, Some("prod".to_string()));

    async fn test_apple_purchase_failed_missing_txn() {
        let apple_response = AppleResponse {
            receipt: Some(AppleReceipt {
                in_app: Some(vec![AppleInAppReceipt {
                    product_id: Some("prod".to_string()),
                    transaction_id: Some("not_txn".to_string()),

        let _m1 = mock("POST", "/sb/verifyReceipt")

        let _m2 = mock("POST", "/verifyReceipt")
            .with_body(r#"{"status": 21007}"#)

        let url = &mockito::server_url();

        let sandbox = format!("{}/sb", url);
        let validator = new_for_test(url, &sandbox);

                    &UnityPurchaseReceipt {
                        transaction_id: "txn".to_string(),

    async fn test_apple_fail() {
        let _m = mock("POST", "/verifyReceipt")
            .with_body(r#"{"status": 333}"#)

        let url = &mockito::server_url();

        let sandbox = format!("{}/sb", url);
        let validator = new_for_test(url, &sandbox);

                .validate(Utc::now(), &UnityPurchaseReceipt::default())

    async fn test_google_fail() {
        let google_response = GoogleResponse {
            expiry_time: Some(Utc::now().timestamp_millis().to_string()),

        let _m = mock("GET", "/test")

        let url = &mockito::server_url();

                &google::fetch_google_receipt_data_with_uri(None, url.clone(), None,)

    fn test_deserialize_apple() {
        let file = std::fs::read("res/test_apple.json").unwrap();
        let apple_response: AppleResponse = serde_json::from_slice(&file).unwrap();


    fn test_deserialize_google() {
        let file = std::fs::read("res/test_google.json").unwrap();
        let _google_response: GoogleResponse = serde_json::from_slice(&file).unwrap();

    async fn test_google() {
        let google_response = GoogleResponse {
            product_id: Some("prod".to_string()),
            expiry_time: Some(
                (Utc::now() + Duration::days(1))
        let _m = mock("GET", "/test")

        let url = &mockito::server_url();

        let response = validate_google_subscription(
            &google::fetch_google_receipt_data_with_uri(None, url.clone(), None)

        assert_eq!(response.product_id, Some("prod".to_string()));

    async fn test_google_purchase() {
        let google_response = GoogleResponse {
            purchase_state: Some(0),
            product_id: Some("prod".to_string()),

        let _m = mock("GET", "/test")

        let url = &mockito::server_url();

        let response = validate_google_package(
            &google::fetch_google_receipt_data_with_uri(None, url.clone(), None)

        assert_eq!(response.product_id, Some("prod".to_string()));