i3status-rs 0.22.0

A feature-rich and resource-friendly replacement for i3status, written in Rust.
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};

use crossbeam_channel::Sender;
use dbus::blocking::LocalConnection;
use dbus::strings::Signature;
use dbus_tree::Factory;
use serde_derive::Deserialize;

use crate::blocks::{Block, ConfigBlock, Update};
use crate::config::SharedConfig;
use crate::de::deserialize_opt_duration;
use crate::errors::*;
use crate::scheduler::Task;
use crate::widgets::text::TextWidget;
use crate::widgets::{I3BarWidget, State};

struct CustomDBusStatus {
    content: String,
    icon: String,
    state: State,

pub struct CustomDBus {
    text: TextWidget,
    status: Arc<Mutex<CustomDBusStatus>>,
    timeout: Option<Duration>,
    clear_pending: Option<Instant>,

#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct CustomDBusConfig {
    pub name: String,

    /// Text to display on startup until the first update is received on the bus.
    pub initial_text: String,

    /// Timeout for clearing the block output after an update (in seconds)
    #[serde(default, deserialize_with = "deserialize_opt_duration")]
    pub timeout: Option<Duration>,

impl Default for CustomDBusConfig {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            name: Default::default(),
            initial_text: "??".to_string(),
            timeout: None,

impl ConfigBlock for CustomDBus {
    type Config = CustomDBusConfig;

    fn new(
        id: usize,
        block_config: Self::Config,
        shared_config: SharedConfig,
        send: Sender<Task>,
    ) -> Result<Self> {
        let status_original = Arc::new(Mutex::new(CustomDBusStatus {
            content: block_config.initial_text,
            icon: String::from(""),
            state: State::Idle,
        let status = status_original.clone();
        let name = block_config.name;
            .spawn(move || {
                let c = LocalConnection::new_session()
                    .expect("Failed to establish DBus connection in thread");
                c.request_name("i3.status.rs", false, true, false)
                    .expect("Failed to request bus name");

                // TODO: better to rewrite this to use a property?
                let f = Factory::new_fn::<()>();
                let tree = f
                        f.object_path(format!("/{}", name), ())
                                f.interface("i3.status.rs", ()).add_m(
                                    f.method("SetStatus", (), move |m| {
                                        // This is the callback that will be called when another peer on the bus calls our method.
                                        // the callback receives "MethodInfo" struct and can return either an error, or a list of
                                        // messages to send back.

                                        let args = m.msg.get3::<&str, &str, &str>();
                                        let mut status = status_original.lock().unwrap();

                                        if let Some(new_content) = args.0 {
                                            status.content = String::from(new_content);

                                        if let Some(new_icon) = args.1 {
                                            status.icon = String::from(new_icon);

                                        if let Some(new_state) = args.2 {
                                            status.state =

                                        // Tell block to update now.
                                        send.send(Task {
                                            update_time: Instant::now(),

                                    // We also add the signal to the interface. This is mainly for introspection.
                                        ("name", Signature::make::<&str>()),
                                        ("icon", Signature::make::<&str>()),
                                        ("state", Signature::make::<&str>()),
                    .add(f.object_path("/", ()).introspectable());

                // We add the tree to the connection so that incoming method calls will be handled.

                // Serve clients forever.
                loop {

        let text = TextWidget::new(id, 0, shared_config).with_text("CustomDBus");
        Ok(CustomDBus {
            timeout: block_config.timeout,
            clear_pending: None,

impl Block for CustomDBus {
    fn name(&self) -> &'static str {

    // Updates the internal state of the block.
    fn update(&mut self) -> Result<Option<Update>> {
        let status = (*self.status.lock().unwrap()).clone();

        let now = Instant::now();
        if let Some(time) = self.clear_pending {
            if time < now {
                self.clear_pending = None;
                return Ok(None);

        if status.icon.is_empty() {
        } else {

        if let Some(delay) = self.timeout {
            self.clear_pending = Some(now + delay);
        } else {

    // Returns the view of the block, comprised of widgets.
    fn view(&self) -> Vec<&dyn I3BarWidget> {