i3owm 0.2.11

Weather and ISS spotting extension for i3status
i3owm-0.2.11 is not a library.

I3owm Rust

rust implementation of Open Weather Map and open-notify (ISS spotting) add-on for i3status



To install this from Rust community's crate registry, one must have installed Rust an Cargo. Then enter this in the terminal:

cargo install i3owm


Program Arguments

Required Arguments

Option Parameter Description
-k, --apikey <apikey> Set OpenWeatherMap API key (see at https://openweathermap.org/price)


Option Parameter Description
-b, --blink Let ISS icon blink when visible
-h, --help Prints help information
-n, --notify Show notifications about ISS getting visible
-r, --reverse Reverse position (from right)
-t, --test Do not process i3status from stdin, instead show formatted string
-V, --version Prints version information

Optional Arguments

Option Parameter Description Default
-f, --format <format> Format string including one ore more of the following keys {city} {icon} {temp}{temp_unit}
-c, --location <location> City's name maybe followed by comma-separated 2-letter (state code for the USA locations and) country code (ISO3166) or city ID (see https://openweathermap.org/find) or geographical coordinate as comma-separated latitude and longitude. Berlin,DE
-C, --cloudiness <cloudiness> Maximum cloudiness in percent at which ISS can be treated as visible 25
-l, --lang <lang> Two character language code of weather descriptions en
-L, --level <level> ISS minimum show level: watch: duration when visible; soon: latency until visible; rise: spotting time soon
-P, --poll <poll> Duration of polling period in minutes 10
-p, --position <position> Position of output in JSON when wrapping i3status 0
-s, --soon <soon> Duration in minutes when ISS rising is "soon" in minutes 15
-u, --units <units> Use imperial units (metric, imperial or standard) metric

Display Format

Available Properties

Choose your display format by inserting the following properties keys into your format string:

Key Description Example
{city} City name Berlin
{main} Group of weather parameters Clouds
{description} Weather condition within the group scattered clouds
{icon} Weather icon 🌞,🌛, 🌤, , 🌧,🌦,🌩,,🌫
{pressure} Atmospheric pressure (sea level or ground level), hPa 1010
{humidity} Humidity, % 45
{wind} Wind direction N, NO, O, SO, S, SW, W, NW
{wind_icon} Wind direction as arrow icon , , , , , , ,
{wind_speed} Wind speed m/s, mi/h
{wind_deg} Wind direction, degrees (meteorological) 56
{deg_unit} Direction unit °
{visibility} Visibility, meter 10000
{visibility_km} Visibility, kilometer 10
{rain.1h} Rain volume for the last 1 hour, mm 12
{rain.3h} Rain volume for the last 3 hours, mm 32
{snow.1h} Snow volume for the last 1 hour, mm 11
{snow.3h} Snow volume for the last 3 hours, mm 24
{temp_min} Minimum temperature at the moment -8
{temp_max} Maximum temperature at the moment 10
{feels_like} Temperature for the human perception of weather 8
{temp} Temperature 15
{temp_unit} Temperature °C, °F, K
{speed_unit} Wind speed unit m/s
{update} Local time of last update 12:45
{iss} ISS spotting time, latency or duration 12:10, -02:21, +01:15
{iss_icon} show icon if ISS is visible 🛰
{iss_space} inserts space (' ') if any ISS information is displayed

Testing your Display Format

To make testing easy i3owm has an option -t (or --test) which disables processing of input from i3status and just produces the i3owm related output string. We use that option to test some examples without i3status.


To get the weather we could use the following command line:

i3owm -t -k <key> -c Berlin,DE -f '{icon} {temp}{temp_unit} 💧{humidity}%'
⛅ 11°C 💧55%

ISS Spotting Events

To get ISS spotting events we could use the following parameters:

i3owm -t -k <key> -c Berlin,DE -f '{iss_icon}{iss}'

Complex Example

In this complex example we use the following parameters:

i3owm -tnb -Lrise -C100 -k <key> -cBerlin -f'{iss_icon}{iss}{iss_space}{icon} {temp}{temp_unit} 💧{humidity}% {wind_icon}{wind_speed}{speed_unit} ({update})'
⛅ 14°C 💧70% ↑2m/s (13:47)
🛰16:37 ⛅ 14°C 💧70% ↑2m/s (13:47)

Integration into i3status

To use your i3owm command line in your i3 configuration you need to remove option -t and append a pipe symbol | and your command line to your it (usually at .config/i3/config).

bar {
  status_command i3status | i3owm <your options>

Reference Documentation

Beside this introduction there is a reference documentation for the source code which can be found here.



This README tastes better at i3owm.thats-software.com.

github repository

For the source code see this repository at github.com.

on crates.io

Published at crates.io.


i3status_ext is licensed under the MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)